In sentence use of “intracellular”

How to use in-sentence of “intracellular”:

– They have evolved mechanisms which pump protons out of the intracellular space in order to keep the cytoplasm at or near neutral pH.

– Chlamydiae is a bacterial phylum and class whose members are obligate intracellular pathogens.

– This reaction can produce severe inflammation or can be innocuous, as when directed to intracellular autoantigens, which are not expressed to circulating antibodies or to the lymphocytes.

– A common evolutionary adaptation to this seen in both intracellular microbes and tumours is a long-term down-regulation of these MHC I molecules.

– Wolpert was known for his work on the intracellular positional information that guides cellular development.

– The envelope is got by the capsid from an intracellular membrane in the virus’ host; such as the inner nuclear membrane, the golgi membrane, or the cell’s outer membrane.

– These include obligately intracellular pathogens and endosymbionts, insect symbionts, and populations from oceans or sludge.

In sentence use of intracellular
In sentence use of intracellular

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