In sentence use of “imaging”

How to use in-sentence of “imaging”:

+ Magnetic resonance imaging was used to find the volume of the frontal cortex in humans, all living ape species and several monkey species.

+ In the 1970s, Gehrels was in charge of the Imaging Photopolarimeter experiment on the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 satellites which explored the planets, Jupiter and Saturn.

+ Ionescu, the inventor of a multiple-cavity magnetron, a hydrogen maser in 1947, Stereoscopy3D imaging for cinema/television in 1924 and hot deuterium plasma studies for controlled Solomon equations and photovoltaic devices, Petrache Poenaru, Nicolae Teclu and Victor Toma, with the latter known for the invention and construction of the first Romanian computer, the CIFA-1 in 1955.

+ It is an imaging technologyimaging technique which uses light, usually X-rays.

+ Positron Emission Tomography is a medical imaging technique.

+ O’ Doherty and his colleagues had found that humans process losses and gains in qualitatively different ways by using brain imaging technology and suggests the correlation between the magnitude of brain activation and the extent of reward and losses received.

+ Notably, an imaging sequence covering an entire orbital period at 4km resolution taken on 15 November, 2004 failed to find the object.

In sentence use of imaging
In sentence use of imaging

Example sentences of “imaging”:

+ Satellite imaging has revealed that Angkor was the largest pre-industrial urban center in the world during the Khmer Empire's peak in the 11th to 13th centuries,.

+ The "Aphelion Imaging Software Suite" is a software suiteset of computer programs for image processing and image analysis.
+ The image on the right was taken in 1999 with the Chandra X-ray Observatory's 0.3-10.0 kElectron volteV Advanced Imaging arc minutes.

+ Satellite imaging has revealed that Angkor was the largest pre-industrial urban center in the world during the Khmer Empire’s peak in the 11th to 13th centuries,.

+ The “Aphelion Imaging Software Suite” is a software suiteset of computer programs for image processing and image analysis.

+ The image on the right was taken in 1999 with the Chandra X-ray Observatory’s 0.3-10.0 kElectron volteV Advanced Imaging arc minutes.

+ It will also provide detailed imaging of local star and planet formation.

+ With brain imaging and other methods the brain can now be visualized.

+ He was awarded a one-quarter share in the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physics for “the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit—the CCD sensor, which has become an electronic eye in almost all areas of photography”.

+ In addition, the Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument saw that this gentle gradient was punctuated by three sharp drops in plasma flow on each side of the moon, a pattern that was also nearly symmetric.

+ In October 2019 Soar announced a partnership with China’s state-owned satellite imaging company, China Siwei Surveying and Mapping Technology Co.

+ Voyager 2 in the Uranian system: imaging science results.

+ NMR is also used for advanced medical imaging techniques, for example, magnetic resonance imaging.

+ Remote sensing and geophysical imaging technology has been used to reveal evidence of nearly 100 stones without the need for excavation.

+ Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging is a special type of MRI that makes it possible to watch different areas of a person’s brain while they do different tasks.

+ This kind of machine works differently than an X-ray machine or a magnetic resonance imaging machine, and can help doctors see things that those other machines cannot see.

+ Since 2007, tooth age can be directly calculated using the noninvasive imaging of growth patterns in tooth enamel by means of x-ray synchrotron microtomography.

+ Cyto-Mine technology is the integrated device that is able to automatically perform single cell analysis, sorting, imaging and dispensing into individual wells of microtitre plates in a single compact system.

+ Thermal imaging is mostly done with thermal radiation waves between 8 and 15 µm.

+ As a disk imaging solution, True Image can restore the previously captured image to another disk, effectively replicating the structure and contents to the new disk, also allowing partition resizing if the new disk is of different capacity.

+ It was specially built for this project “4 to 8 times as powerful as conventional systems, enabling imaging of human neuroanatomy with much greater sensitivity than is currently possible”.

+ Radiology is a field of medicine that uses medical imaging methods to detect and treat diseases.

+ Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies have identified activation patterns in Broca’s area associated with various language tasks.

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