In sentence use of “hostile”

How to use in-sentence of “hostile”:

– He was accused of insincerity, a hostile attitude towards the Chinese, “sabotage” of compulsory political study, escape, and of being reactionary.

– Adobe Walls was an abandoned trading post blown up by its inhabitants to prevent a take-over by hostile Native Americans.

– They find the city a hostile place for their work.

– Both of them have hostile feelings toward each other.

– I have seen time and time again not only a disregard for rules but a huge tendency to keep grudges and get overly uncivil and outright hostile towards other, well meaning, members of the community.

In sentence use of hostile
In sentence use of hostile

Example sentences of “hostile”:

- This unequal contest, known afterward as "The Battle of GettysburgGettysburg of the West", did not go his way, and he was forced to retreat into hostile Kansas.

- Later the Eels arrive and are initially hostile before they settle down for a friendly war.

– This unequal contest, known afterward as “The Battle of GettysburgGettysburg of the West”, did not go his way, and he was forced to retreat into hostile Kansas.

– Later the Eels arrive and are initially hostile before they settle down for a friendly war.

– He voluntarily led a group of troops against a group of hostile Tonto Apache peopleTonto Apaches at Sycamore Canyon on May 23, 1872.

– This was because of its hostile environment, few resources, and isolation.

– He was a good kid, a good boy.” Some people said that their love was not “unconditional” because of their hostile reaction to Leelah when she told them she was trans.

– In the late 1930s and early 1940s, the United States Navy perceived as a hostile attitude on the part of the Long Beach, CaliforniaCity of Long Beach regarding improvements and maintenance of Long Beach Airport.

– Also the general “cleaning-up” of the environment by councils is unintentionally hostile to wildlife.

– Often this job requires tolerance due to its lackluster reality of unsupportive and hostile environment and cross-departmental nature with Nursing and Public Relations which diminishes the visibility of the profession within an institution.

– As the hostile force continued to close in on his position, Private Nakae threw six grenades and forced them to withdraw.

– Fort Larned was built in 1859 as a base of military operations against hostile Native Americans of the Central Plains.

More in-sentence examples of “hostile”:

– Why would I contribute to content to a project that is unwilling to work to meet my needs and is outright hostile to them by threatening bots? I never got past the starting line.

– Somewhat surprisingly, the origin of this anomaly is uncertain, with stories ranging from surveyors who were drunk, attempting to avoid hostile Native Americans, or taking a shortcut up the Connecticut River; Massachusetts residents attempting to avoid Massachusetts’ high taxes for the low taxes of Connecticut; Massachusetts’ interest in the resources represented by the Congamond Lakes which lie on the border of the jog; and the need to compensate Massachusetts for an amount of land given to Connecticut due to inaccurate survey work.

– The two kept up hostile communications and a time and place was selected for a duel.

– That said, this is just the latest in a long line of fairly recent hostile and inappropriate posts.

– Cadwallon was known to have been very hostile towards the Northumbrians.

– Despite this injury, he remained on the field and assisted in the evacuation of other wounded men, at one point killing three more hostile soldiers.

– Quite different when a hostile person says “Oh, here comes Mr Clever-clogs!”.

– The story is about an African expedition that battles thick jungle, hostile natives, wild animals, and a deadly epidemic in its search for the fabled City of the Dead.

– Hazards include flooding, sieges, magma, and a variety of hostile creatures.

– It was much hardship that they had to endure for almost 20 years, both from the rural terrain as well as many hostile inhabitants they had to face.

– Fake stamps similar to real issues of German postage stamps were produced and spread in the hostile territory.

– On January 11, 1989, Warner Communications acquired Lorimar-Telepictures after shaking off the hostile takeover of the company.

– The Creeper, a hostile mob, will move close to the player and then explode.

– The stories are also about exploring, and often about fighting hostile ships.

– In an experiment to test the extent of the demand characteristics in the SPE, Banauzzi and Mohavedi asked 150 students to predict the results of the SPE, and 89.9% predicted that the ‘guards’ would act in an oppressive, hostile nature towards the ‘prisoners’.

– To balance an historical tradition generally hostile toward Crassus, see T.J.

– Making a trip into hostile area to assemble data required Emma to think of numerous masks.

– It eventually dissipated due to hostile conditions on the 24th, without ever impacting land.

– The Blackfoot nation was a hostile tribe, and posed an ever-present threat to Carson’s safety.

– Although the memory of a recent war divided the empire into two great hostile powers, their fears and the fading authority of Galerius produced an apparent tranquility in the imperial government.

– In 1993, she replaced her father Richard Leakey as field expedition leader for Lake TurkanaTurkana paleontological expeditions, in one of the most arid and hostile environments on Earth.

– It also believed that the Communist Party of Bangladesh was funded and supported in the erstwhile volatile region of the former “East Pakistan” since then it was part of a United Pakistan itself allied with the United States and the China which were hostile towards rival Soviet Union, the party itself was based on the idealogical principals of Marxism.

– Where disputes involve religions, or hostile countries, they may last for more than a lifetime.

– In 1508 the hostile “League of Cambrai” compelled Venice to withdraw its garrison for home service, and after the overthrow of Hungary in 1526 the Turks were able easily to conquer the greater part of Dalmatia by 1537.

– Security is the sense of protection from hostile action.

- Why would I contribute to content to a project that is unwilling to work to meet my needs and is outright hostile to them by threatening bots? I never got past the starting line.

- Somewhat surprisingly, the origin of this anomaly is uncertain, with stories ranging from surveyors who were drunk, attempting to avoid hostile Native Americans, or taking a shortcut up the Connecticut River; Massachusetts residents attempting to avoid Massachusetts' high taxes for the low taxes of Connecticut; Massachusetts' interest in the resources represented by the Congamond Lakes which lie on the border of the jog; and the need to compensate Massachusetts for an amount of land given to Connecticut due to inaccurate survey work.

– An entire article that presents as an attack piece or hostile journalism can be nominated for gives details on how biographical articles on living persons should be written.

– But these military campaigns also made other rulers hostile towards the Marathas and as a result they did not support Marathas in the third battle of Panipat.

– All great adventure heroes seem to find the ability to beat their enemies or win over hostile environments.

– The more prestigious legions were stationed on hostile borders or in restive provinces tending to have more auxiliaries.

– He was frequently taken out and beaten, including once, with pieces of planking until he was unconscious.On 16th October Fusilier Kinne was tried by a Chinese military court for escape and for being a reactionary and hostile to the Chinese, and was sentenced to twelve months’ solitary confinement.

– The Croats were no longer regarded by the city folk as a hostile people, in fact the power of certain Croatian magnates, notably the counts Šubić of Bribir, was from time to time supreme in the northern districts.

– In 1054 the king again entered Normandy with a large hostile force.

– Beginning in 1965, the Mariner and Viking space probes revealed that the canals were an illusion, and that the Martian environment is extremely hostile to life.

– Others became openly hostile to Wallace over the issue.

– For England’s part, a possible ally for European states that were hostile to England had been neutralized.

– Queens live from 13 to 18 years, and are extremely hostile to other females behaving like queens, or producing hormones for becoming queens.

– The public was excluded to avoid a possible hostile reaction from the Maltese Fascists; however, by this time, the fascists in Malta were either interned in Uganda or deported to Italy.

– John Henry Newman, before he converted to Roman Catholicism, tried to show that the Articles could be seen in a way less hostile to Catholic belief.

– In 1642, returning to his estates, he was nominated to present a Royalist petition to a hostile Parliament, for which he was ordered to prison by this elected body.

– When he retired as president in 1959, he was described as a model President by the normally hostile Irish Times newspaper.

– As he was pulling the man to safety, three hostile soldiers attacked.

– He finds out that the island is run by a pagan cult who are hostile of outsiders, including him.

– For a parasite, each host is an island surrounded by a hostile environment.

– Republicans hostile to the plan had also gained seats in the 1950 Congressional elections.

– Some of Keats’s friends and admirers, like the poet Percy Bysshe ShelleyShelley, believed that the stress of this hostile reaction had a bad effect on Keats’s mind, and partly caused his early death from tuberculosis at the age of 25.

– If a country is in the midst of hostile neighbours and war can break up at any time, or if the country is a “buffer state training all available young people as soldiers can be a good idea.

– Frost’s poems are analyzed in the “Anthology of Modern American Poetry” where it is mentioned that behind a sometimes charmingly familiar and rural front, Frost’s poetry frequently presents hopeless and hostile undertones which often are either unseen or unanalyzed.

– The People’s Public Security Forces has the function of advising the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on the protection of national security and preservation of social order and safety; To exercise unified management over the protection of national security and preserve social order and safety; To fight against the conspiracy, activities of hostile forces, assorted crimes and violations of the law on national security, social order and safety.

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