In sentence use of “greatly”

How to use in-sentence of “greatly”:

+ If we make a list of characteristic traits, we find that they vary greatly in how much they owe to heredity.

+ His work has greatly contributed in the areas of science and mathematics making him one of the most influential scientists in human history and one of the greatest mathematician of all times.

+ Recent and ongoing destruction of ozone in high altitudes caused by human influence—mostly by industrial chemicals and air travel—has greatly increased the amount of ultraviolet light reaching the Earth’s surface.

+ Between themselves, the original Doctor and the half-human Doctor have decided that the half-human Doctor will stay with Rose; this Doctor can give Rose a romantic relationship, as he will age and die as a human rather than greatly outliving her like his Time Lord counterpart would.

+ His government, though short, greatly increased Ecuador’s development and ensured the consolidation of democracy.

In sentence use of greatly
In sentence use of greatly

Example sentences of “greatly”:

+ Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

+ The illegal trade in fancy feathers, the pet trade and the destruction of habitat has greatly reduced its numbers.

+ In addition to its damage inland, the hurricane greatly disrupted offshore oil production, and at its time was the costliest tropical cyclone for Louisiana’s offshore oil production.

+ That’s why “Gou Bu Li “is so greatly respected and so many people called it that until now.

+ The definition and practice varies greatly between countries.

+ His conquest of Dacia enriched the empire greatly because the new province possessed many valuable gold mines.

+ Public schools greatly expanded in the United States in the 19th century.

+ In the United States, lieutenant governors are usually second-in-command to a state governor, and the actual power held by the lieutenant governor varies greatly from state to state.

+ Anita Tsoy records her fourth album “На восток” in 2007 and changed her image greatly since the 2003; she turns to manga-anime style.

+ The Thames has been greatly cleaned up, and life has returned to its dead waters.

+ Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

+ The illegal trade in fancy feathers, the pet trade and the destruction of habitat has greatly reduced its numbers.
+ In addition to its damage inland, the hurricane greatly disrupted offshore oil production, and at its time was the costliest tropical cyclone for Louisiana's offshore oil production.

+ It has changed dramatically on several occasions—for example, the Great Oxygenation Event 2.4 billion years ago, greatly increased oxygen in the atmosphere from practically no oxygen to levels closer to present day.

+ National ministries vary greatly between countries, but some common ones include Ministry of defense Defence, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, and Ministry of Health.

+ The works of Edgar Allan Poe, which Baudelaire admired greatly and translated into French, were a significant influence and the source of many stock tropes and images.

+ While plans for these lines, as well as those being built, were made long before, the Land Transport Authority’s proposal named “”A World Class Land Transport System”” in 1996 showed that the government wanted to greatly expand on the existing system.Land Transport Authority, Singapore 1996, pg.

+ Bié was greatly affected by the Civil War.

+ Antipsychotic medications greatly reduce the risk of the person experiencing psychosis again.

+ They greatly restricted private ownership of firearms in Great Britain.

More in-sentence examples of “greatly”:

+ Everything about the plane changes greatly when the airplane that is flying at those speeds reaches supersonic speeds.

+ Utility poles are usually wooden, but vary greatly from nation to nation.

+ Everything about the plane changes greatly when the airplane that is flying at those speeds reaches supersonic speeds.

+ Utility poles are usually wooden, but vary greatly from nation to nation.

+ In the following centuries it greatly increased in size through collections of books donated by benefactors and through books received through legal deposit.

+ So these arteries get much less twisting and stretching, and the potential for damage is greatly reduced.

+ The rate of steroid abuse grew greatly in the early 21st century, all over the world.

+ I have also greatly expanded some articles, that would have just stayed as a list, like this article.

+ It is secreted by the tips of the female’s two greatly expanded dorsal tentacles before egg laying.

+ Any comments are greatly appreciated on how the article could be improved.

+ Your help will be greatly appreciated.

+ His last great work of this period is the “Symphony-Concerto” for cello and orchestra which used a lot of music from the unsuccessful “Cello Sonata”, and greatly revised with the help of the cellocellist Mstislav Rostropovich.

+ Any review would greatly be appreciated.

+ The legal team at the Wikimedia Foundation would greatly appreciate your input on the best way to manage the “community logo” to best balance protection of the projects with community support.

+ However, I believe he has worked that out, and has matured greatly in the last 5+ months.

+ Until recently, the composition of the order and its division into families varied greatly from one author to another.

+ The climate of the Jura varies greatly by elevation.

+ News of the two strikes, with the reports each had sunk an American carrier, greatly improved morale in the “Kido Butai”.

+ He went to school in Moscow to study philosophy and began to attend radical groups where he was greatly influenced by Alexander Herzen.

+ Indie rock, as a genre, is very diverse; indie rock has several subgenres, and each vary greatly in style.

+ Gustave is a Nile crocodile and is about Though the actual number is difficult to verify, he is a near-mythical creature and is greatly feared by people in the region.

+ These commands can vary greatly and control almost every section of the phone.

+ As luminosity of stars increases greatly with mass, the luminosity of hypergiants often lies very close to the Eddington limit.

+ Martin was greatly respected, as a Finance Minister, around the world for his fiscal management, because of the growth in the economy and for taking the government out of deficit.

+ I can work with both kinds of categories, but it greatly complicates things, so I’d like your input to be sure it’s wanted.

+ In Dragon Ball GT she is seen with her husband Krillin and daughter Marron when one day her twin brother Android 17 arrives and attempt to control 18, 17 also kill Krillin which greatly infuriated Android 18 and she attacks her brother however Android 17 attacks her with an energy blast injuring 18.

+ The details differ greatly from species to species.

+ Head hair is maintained by natural selection after other body hair had been greatly reduced.

+ Through careful personal administration, Philippe greatly augmented his fortune and thus the fortune of the House of Orléans.

+ Starting in 1993, the award is to be shared with hairstylists if hair effects “contribute greatly to the appearance and effect of the characters”.

+ This greatly annoyed Kubica, as he felt they could have had a realistic chance of taking at least one title.

+ Subsequent Islamic rulers greatly expanded and decorated it.

+ Grassland vegetation can vary greatly in height.

+ Li Yin’s debut was greatly anticipated not only in Korea, but the whole of Asia because of the promotion of her being “The Next BoA” and “The Chinese BoA.” Before her official debut, it was already known that her song was a duet with popular TVXQ-member Xiah Junsu, which caused even more excitement and anticipation among the general public.

+ Anne Marie loved her husband greatly but he soon turned his attentions to his mistresses, one being the famous Jeanne Baptiste d’Albert de Luynes.

+ This growth in the 1920s greatly affected the USA throughout the 20th century and today as the world superpower.

+ She did great charitable works, but her extravagances at court greatly strained the royal treasury.

+ Long-term prospects for the key tourist sector have been greatly bolstered by the expansion of air travel in the Pacific, the rising prosperity of leading East Asian countries, and the willingness of foreigners to finance infrastructure development.

+ But it has been slow and the standard of education varies greatly in different parts of the country, education has improved the standard of urban compared to rural areas where quality can be very low.

+ Through the activities of its inhabitants, the abbey greatly contributed to the cultural and economic development of Mecklenburg and became the centre of Christianity in this region.

+ Gulag camps greatly expanded to take millions of prisoners.

+ Today most concede that Holwell greatly exaggerated the number of captives.

+ Today, the Panama Canal has greatly reduced the need for cargo ships to travel via the Horn.

+ Multiple layers with staggered joints, ship lapped or tongue groove joints greatly reduce these problems.

+ How greatly blest are we.

+ The details of their reproductive systems vary greatly between species.

+ Recent projects at the Pyramid of the Moon and the Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent have greatly expanded evidence of cultural practices.

+ Your assurance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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