In sentence use of “genotype”

How to use in-sentence of “genotype”:

– In studies of coevolution, a GxGxE interaction can be viewed either in the most formal way at the gene or genotype level, or it can be viewed more generally at the level of how natural selection acts on two or more interacting species across many contrasting environments.

– The fitness of a genotype may depend on the fitness of other genotypes in the population: this covers many natural situations where the best thing to do depends on what other members of the population are doing at the time.

– There is not much evidence about how well treatment works for people with genotype 6 disease is currently sparse.

– The extent to which the genotype influences the phenotype varies hugely.

– However, since the fitness of the genotype is an averaged quantity, it reflects the reproductive outcomes of “all” individuals with that genotype.

– These three sources of variation can be formally partitioned as genotype by genotype by environment interactions.

In sentence use of genotype
In sentence use of genotype

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