In sentence use of “exhibit”

How to use in-sentence of “exhibit”:

– With total donations totalling $21.5 million the Field Museum of Natural History renamed their Griffin funded dinosaur exhibit the “Griffin Dinosaur Experience”.

– It has been found that the ebola-infected cells do not undergo normal apoptosis, but exhibit vacuolization and signs of necrosis.

– In 1921 Permeke was able to exhibit his work in Antwerp and in Paris.

– Most hexactinellids exhibit radial symmetry and commonly appear pale with regard to color and cylindrical in form.

– These trains were however, preserved in London Transport Museum as the first static exhibit to the metro train.

– This rare exhibit is based on Isaiah 4.1 which tells of the struggle of the virtues for the human soul: Christ died so that the virtues could come into the world and the place where the virtues reign there the Kingdom of God has come.

– Longaretti stated that painting is an “elixir for long life”, and continued to paint and exhibit as a centenarian.

– Piene died in Berlin after presenting an art exhibit there.

In sentence use of exhibit
In sentence use of exhibit

Example sentences of “exhibit”:

- PRESERVING LOST ARMENIA PHOTO EXHIBIT AT THE STATE HOUSE DRAMATIZES NEED FOR RESTORATION, Carol Stocker - Boston Globe Armenia anciently had far more bigger land than it has now.

- Insulators with a larger band gap, usually greater than 3 eV, are not put into the semiconductor group and generally do not exhibit semiconductive behavior under practical conditions.

– PRESERVING LOST ARMENIA PHOTO EXHIBIT AT THE STATE HOUSE DRAMATIZES NEED FOR RESTORATION, Carol Stocker – Boston Globe Armenia anciently had far more bigger land than it has now.

– Insulators with a larger band gap, usually greater than 3 eV, are not put into the semiconductor group and generally do not exhibit semiconductive behavior under practical conditions.

– In 2015, the Chinese government let the Loulan Beauty and other mummies tour foreign museums as an exhibit about the Silk Road.

– Unlike most animal organisms which exhibit some type of body symmetry, such as radial, bilateral, or spherical symmetry, most sponges are asymmetric, exhibiting no type of symmetry.

– Prince Leonard is the subject of a permanent exhibit at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra.

– Many highly active wiki contributors exhibit WikiGnome-like behavior as part of their work, while others may limit themselves to WikiGnome activity.

– The main feature of the exhibit is a 1.5 acre female habitat showcasing the zoo’s stars, Schottzie, Mai-Thai, and Jati.

– Studios, limited in the annual number of movies they grant cinematic releases to, may choose to pull the completed movie from the theaters, or never exhibit it in theaters at all.

– Some carbocations such as the norbornyl cation exhibit more or less symmetrical three centre bonding.

– His 1975 exhibit at the San Martín Cultural Center was a particular success, and Pujía added his entire warehouse of works to the initial display.

– At Rochester’s annual auto show his dealership’s exhibit had a pool table.

– The exhibit ended April 22, 2012.

– The exhibit at the MoMA..

– The current version of the Studio Backlot Tour features the American Film Institute Showcase, a rotating exhibit of movie props and memorabilia, and a tram ride through the backlot areas and through “Catastrophe Canyon”, an effects-laden “movie set.” Kids can play on giant plants and toys at the Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Movie Set Adventure, based on the 1989 Disney movie.

– One of the most important applications of DCS is related to the thermal unfolding of the proteins, a process called.The DCS’s role in this process is used to determine the temperature range over which proteins exhibit structural changes.

– These include “Soundtrack for Blood a musical score to an exhibit of paintings by the surrealist artist Mark Ryden, and “Barbecue Babylon”, the latest album by Drywall, their “experimental noise combo trio” with electric guitarist Rick King.

– Ants exhibit a range of polymorphisms.

– He revealed our fragmented civilization through imagination and fantasy.″Mythologies″, Exhibit Catalogue, “The Scottish Gallery”, May 1990.

– Most parrots exhibit little or no sexual dimorphism.

More in-sentence examples of “exhibit”:

– Barnum persuaded his parents to exhibit him at $3 a week.

– Before the World Exhibition was held in Canada in 1967 the Soviet architects hoped that the World Exhibition would be held in Moscow and in the early 1960s offered to adapt the exhibit to the Soviet Union’s to document the the history of the country for the the “50th anniversary of the October Revolution in with an emphasis on “progress and peace.” Moscow’s chief architect Mikhail Pusuchin proposed to create a spherical pavilion the size of: “Moscow State University Main Building” on an artificial lake.

– Recent exhibits have included a display focusing on the search for the remains of Richard III, a “Wallace and Gromit” display, and “Spirits of War to Hands of Peace”, an exhibit of paintings and sculpture on the horrors of war and the power of peace.

– In the 1960s, Nauman began to exhibit his work at Nick Wilder’s gallery in Los Angeles and in New York at Leo Castelli in 1968 along with early solo shows at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Whitney Museum in 1972.

– The exhibit Elephant Reserve, opened in 2008 after the renovation of Vanishing Giants, in an area that has been exhibiting elephants and other pachyderms since the zoo’s opening in 1875.

– For example, the exhibit on wintertime in the Korean War is in a room cooled to a lower temperature.

– This may cause them to exhibit signs of nervousness, anxiety, and excitability.

– For example, a tree network connected to a tree network is still a tree network, but two star networks connected together exhibit a hybrid network topology.

– He had an exhibit dedicated to his work, “Colle, papier, ciseaux”, at the Musée des cultures du monde in Nicolet, Quebec.

– A permanent exhibit of the recreated studio of composer Charles Ives was opened in 2014.

– Some clay deposits found in the process of exploring caves exhibit thixotropism: an initially solid-seeming mudbank will turn soupy and yield up moisture when dug into or otherwise disturbed.

– The attraction received the AZA prestigious exhibit award in 1994, a year after it opened.

– The museum exhibit is known as “accession number DBYMU.1946/48”.

– Africa will be the largest animal exhibit in the Zoo’s history, planned to be nearly 8-acres big and at a cost of $32,000,000.

– In the museum is a permanent exhibit honoring Friedrich Kellner.

– Such models are a good tool for three-dimensional understanding of a design, used by architects, interior designers and exhibit designers.

– Most recently, this morning’s edits and exhibit a total lack of CLUE about sourcing.

– Also the free-swimming planula larvae of cnidarians exhibit bilateral symmetry.

– He exhibited internationally, including a group exhibit by Maltese artists at Hunter College in 1996.

– She had her work on exhibit in Perth.

– Vachel Lindsay thought the movie was “a heavy exhibit of armor that does not move.” He thought it a failure because the first half of the movie was basically spectacle.

– Some may exhibit mixotrophy, using mixed sources of energy.

– De Broglie showed that matter might exhibit such a ‘wave-particle duality’ as well.

– Husserl proposed that the world of objects and ways in which we direct ourselves toward and perceive those objects is normally conceived of in what he called the “natural standpoint”, which is characterized by a belief that objects materially exist and exhibit properties that we see as emanating from them.

– October 6, 2008 Dunham has conceded that he does exhibit particular sensitivity to the “conservative country crowd” or those characterized by “basic Christian values” as they are one of his largest constituencies, and part of his upbringing.

– A magellanic penguin exhibit opened in 1985.

– Not all celebrities exhibit bad behaviour and sometimes they do things that are good and help people.

– This makes it distinct from the simple definition of the biological female sex, as women, men, and transgender people can all exhibit feminine traits.

– It is possible to find many reactions which exhibit both S1 character in their mechanisms.

– They may exhibit sexually provocative behavior, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and can be easily influenced by others.

– Barum offered her $1,000 a week to exhibit herself at his Museum.

– The exhibit includes a 60,000 gallon pool that is next to one of the many viewing areas.

– Hybrid networks use a combination of any two or more topologies in such a way that the resulting network does not exhibit one of the standard topologies.

– The bighorn sheep exhibit was constructed in 1936.

– Josiah Wedgwood, now on exhibit in Peterhof.

– The low produced hurricane-force winds, but did not exhibit the characteristics of a tropical cyclone.

– In the film he is no longer the comic relief, nor does he exhibit any inventive abilities or usefulness in battle.

– The original 1983 building and the first design of the rebuilt 2005 structure site held a rock and roll exhibit in a building next to the restaurant and a small upstairs McDonald’s museum display.

– The art of authority: exhibits, exhibit makers and the contest for scientific status at the American Museum of Natural History, 1920–1940.

– The zoo also displays plants in the animal exhibit in which they are the correct biome for that species.

– The most famous exhibit is its Bronze Exhibition Hall and the most famous in its collection is the Dake Ding, a big bronze cooking pot with very old and very important Chinese writing inside.

– He was the only artist to exhibit in both Impressionism and Post-impressionism forms.

– There’s no getting around the fact that the production of Lycra involves carcinogenic chemicals, but scientific research has indicated that elastane factory workers in Sweden exhibit negligibly greater cancer risk, which seems to indicate that workplaces in which this material is made are not very hazardous.

– The echinoderms, however, are members of the Bilateria, because they exhibit bilateral symmetry in their developing stages.

– Honey from honey bees may also exhibit this property under certain conditions..

– The painting was shown in a punk art exhibit at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool, England, in 2004.

– Yankilevsky was also known for having participated in the Manezh Art Exhibit of 1962, during which Nikita Khrushchev famously chastised the Nonconformist Art Movement as degenerate.

- Barnum persuaded his parents to exhibit him at $3 a week.

- Before the World Exhibition was held in Canada in 1967 the Soviet architects hoped that the World Exhibition would be held in Moscow and in the early 1960s offered to adapt the exhibit to the Soviet Union's to document the the history of the country for the the "50th anniversary of the October Revolution in with an emphasis on "progress and peace." Moscow's chief architect Mikhail Pusuchin proposed to create a spherical pavilion the size of: "Moscow State University Main Building" on an artificial lake.
- Recent exhibits have included a display focusing on the search for the remains of Richard III, a "Wallace and Gromit" display, and "Spirits of War to Hands of Peace", an exhibit of paintings and sculpture on the horrors of war and the power of peace.

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