In sentence use of “drinks”

How to use in-sentence of “drinks”:

+ The county is a dry county which means alcoholic drinks cannot be sold.

+ After the change, Conker was not a cutesy character anymore, drinks too much beer, and becomes a greedy squirrel.

+ They give the dogs food and drinks if a dog is good one might get to feed them a dog biscuit or a jerky treat.

+ Having a healthy diet, healthy weight, limiting alcoholic drinks and quitting or not starting smoking cuts down the risks of getting cancer.

+ Drinking this mixture, after the water cools, will re-hydrate the child, if he drinks enough.

+ Since the fact that they contain alcohol is usually not obvious from the taste, these drinks are considered to be dangerous for young people by many countries.

+ About one in four people who drink more than three alcoholic drinks a day will have some form of hepatitis caused by alcohol.

+ The client is served soft drinks and a young girl performs fellatio on him in a small room or booth.

In sentence use of drinks
In sentence use of drinks

Example sentences of “drinks”:

+ In April and June 2009, batches of "Red Bull Cola" drinks imported from Austria were found to contain between 0.1 - 0.3 micrograms of cocaine per litre, according to Hong Kong officials.

+ The brand’s first-ever overseas store opened in New York in February, 2012, introducing drinks based on Korean traditional beverages such as the "misugaru" latte, a drink made of mixed grain powder.
+ At the Immunity Challenge, the players had to choose between a feast of cheeseburgers, fries, and soft drinks or the immunity challenge.

+ In April and June 2009, batches of “Red Bull Cola” drinks imported from Austria were found to contain between 0.1 – 0.3 micrograms of cocaine per litre, according to Hong Kong officials.

+ The brand’s first-ever overseas store opened in New York in February, 2012, introducing drinks based on Korean traditional beverages such as the “misugaru” latte, a drink made of mixed grain powder.

+ At the Immunity Challenge, the players had to choose between a feast of cheeseburgers, fries, and soft drinks or the immunity challenge.

+ Blenders are also used to make cold alcoholic drinks that include crushed ice or ice cream, such as margaritas and Mississippi Mudslide drinks.

+ Instead, it drinks by taking a mouthful of water, lifting its head, and letting the water run down its throat.

+ Because the stem tastes sweet, people like to eat it and make drinks from it.

+ Advocates say drinks employing these sweeteners have a more natural sugar-like taste than those made just with aspartame, and do not have a strong aftertaste.

+ In the episode “Interesting”, he drinks a pint of blue liquid which makes his hair fall out and the number 666 is visible on the side of his head.

+ According to legend, Chinese alchemists were looking for a formula to create the elixir of life, or the mythical potion that causes whoever drinks it to become immortal, when they accidentally created gunpowder.

+ All drinks are mainly water.

+ A round of drinks is a set of alcoholic beverages bought by one person in a group for the whole group.

+ In the first 1,800 years of church history, Christians often enjoyed alcoholic drinks as a part of their everyday life.

+ He drinks from a poisoned glass of wine, which Paolo had put on the table, and falls asleep.

+ Social drinking is the name for the consumption of alcoholic drinks in a social setting; people who are social drinkers do this with friends.

More in-sentence examples of “drinks”:

+ In her diary she writes about her live with her husband, Arthur Huntingdon, who drinks a lot of alcohol and behaves himself badly.

+ Guaraná is mainly used as an ingredient in soft drinks and energy drinks.

+ As the bee drinks the nectar, the stamens brush pollen onto its body.

+ Mixed drinks and cocktails are alcoholic drinks that consist of one or more types of alcohol mixed with flavorings such as orange juice, cream, chocolate syrup, or soda.

+ The recipe remains a secret today, with competing drinks trying to make their own copy of Irn-Bru, with little success.

+ A shot glass is a small cup that people use to drink alcoholic drinks with.

+ He drinks beer, watches football and plays cards with Cousin Mel.

+ The drinks manufacturer Red Bull already owned one Formula One team, Red Bull Racing.

+ The unknown gas that Pym study from the micro particles makes his body shrink when he inhales or drinks a potion of the Pym Particles.

+ The buyer buys the round of drinks as a single order at the bar.

+ Nightclubs often have a much wider selection of alcoholic drinks than pubs.

+ At the waterfall cave, “Jack” drinks the water of immortality and returns to the group.

+ If a person drinks a lot of alcohol, eventually their body will get used to the alcohol.

+ In most pubs, the customer orders the drinks at the bar and waits for them to be prepared, then carries the drinks back to the tables or area of seating.

+ Mixed drinks without alcohol are often called virgin.

+ Hercules gives him the water and he drinks it.

+ Other kinds of alcohol are usually harmful to drink, so the only kind of alcohol used in alcoholic drinks is grain alcohol.

+ The sauce is used to make many dishes, both cooked and uncooked, and often with beef; drinks such as the Bloody Mary also use it.

+ Lucuma is used in a variety of culinary drinks and desserts.

+ Caffeine is in many drinks and foods.

+ He wants to write a book but he drinks too much alcohol.

+ Punch refers to many drinks made from fruit or fruit juice and sometimes alcohol.

+ These have either raised the taxes on the drinks, or they have outlawed the sale of these drinks to people under a certain age.

+ After 420 to 450 days of pregnancy the mother gives birth to one baby okapi, which drinks milk for up to 6 months.

+ In her diary she writes about her live with her husband, Arthur Huntingdon, who drinks a lot of alcohol and behaves himself badly.

+ Guaraná is mainly used as an ingredient in soft drinks and energy drinks.

+ The server subsequently refills the gourd and passes it to the next drinker who likewise drinks it all, without thanking the server.

+ They help Linden get better from a sickness he has after he drinks from a poisoned chalice.

+ Small amounts of drinks made with addition of various spices, ginseng, and even canned snake.

+ Chocolate syrup is used to sweeten and flavor hot and cold drinks such as hot chocolate, chocolate milk, chocolate milk shakes, and poured on desserts.

+ The use of matcha in modern drinks has also spread to North American café culture.

+ In it, the king asks Daniel “Do you not think that Bel is a living god? Do you not see how much he eats and drinks every day?” Daniel proves through a ruse that the sacred meal of Bel is actually consumed at night by the seventy priests and their wives and children, who entered through a secret door when the temple’s doors were sealed.

+ Holly drinks heavily and pals around with Dan.

+ A review published in 2008 found no documented reports of negative or positive health effects associated with the amount of taurine used in energy drinks, including Red Bull, concluding that “The amounts of guarana, taurine, and ginseng found in popular energy drinks are far below the amounts expected to deliver either therapeutic benefits or adverse events.

+ Cadbury also named their brand of malted drinks Bournvita after Bournville.

+ In Germany, 11 out of 16 states had already banned the drinks by May 25, 2009.

+ Typically, the cebador fills the gourd and drinks the “mate” completely to ensure that it is free of particulate matter and of good quality.

+ Dumbledore drinks the entire potion, which makes him dizzy.

+ Amoebiasis, also known as amebiasis or entamoebiasis, The infection is normally got when someone drinks water with the parasite in it.

+ The young platypus drinks the milk from the mother’s skin while she lies on her back.

+ From the scratches around on an old watch, he decides the man drinks a lot; in another case seeing the man’s clothes are respectable but worn, he thinks the man was once successful, but has fallen on hard times and taken to drink.

+ Alcoholic drinks can be dangerous.

+ When he drinks too much wine, he starts speaking in Latin.

+ That’s because it was replaced not only by soju but also by Western drinks such as beer or whisky.

+ However, drinks such as milk were considered uncivilised and hence were only used for children, medical purposes and making cheese.

+ Harris says that working with her was “surreal, but fun” although revealed to Mixmag in 2007 to “needing a few drinks before meeting her.” It has been confirmed that Harris has co-written and produced two songs on the forthcoming “Kylie” album, “In My Arms” and “Heart Beat Rock”.

+ Passengers usually get a free meal, some drinks and a bag with gifts in like a toothbrush.

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