In sentence use of “distillation”

How to use in-sentence of “distillation”:

– Heat is added in the process of distillation which extracts a pure liquid.

– In alcohol distillation or petroleum distillation, the things to be separated from their solution are two or more distillation liquids.

– It is usually Manufacturingproduced by a process known as fractional distillation of air.

– These substances are made by fractional distillation in an oil refinery.

– In a distillation process, petroleum is heated to a very high temperature, then it separates into its components, one of them is gasoline.

– The solvent is then removed and sent to a distillation unit that has both a boiler and condenser.

– Raw plant material, the flowers, leafleaves, wood, bark, roots, seeds, or peel, is put into a distillation apparatus over water.

In sentence use of distillation
In sentence use of distillation

Example sentences of “distillation”:

– An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial Factoryplant where crude oil is made into useful petroleum products by fractional distillation and other processes.

– It is separated into simpler, more useful mixtures by fractional distillation in Oil refineryoil refineries to give separate chemicals such as bitumen for roads.

– The reason we don’t use Distillation#Simple distillationsimple distillation is because for liquids that boil at less than 25°evaporate and so part of the separated liquid may have part of the other liquid.

– The traditional process used in these operations is vacuum distillation — essentially the boiling of water at less than atmospheric pressure, and thus a much lower temperature than normal.

– In the 19th century the Distillation of nitrogenous vegetable and animal waste was the main source of ammonia.

– This method is used for delicate plants such as rose and jasmine, which can be too fragile to go through the distillation process.

– If the difference in boiling points is greater than 25°kelvin, a simple distillation is used.

– Here are examples of separation techniques: distillation, evaporation, chromatography, filtration, fractional distillation and magnetism.

– It is from a distillation of fermented fruit juices or fruit mash.

– The idea of distillation is that a mixture of liquids is heated, the one with the lowest boiling point will evaporate first, and then the one with the next lowest boiling point, and so on.

– The most common method is fractional distillation of liquefied air.

– Fractional distillation is done by heating the mixture so that it evaporates and then each fraction condenses in its own separate compartment.

– Kerosene is made by fractional distillation of petroleum.

– An oil refinery uses fractional distillation to purify crude oil, separating several different liquids for different uses.

– Tar kilns are dry distillation ovens, used in Scandinavia for producing tar from wood.

– Fractional distillation is the method used to separate the different hydrocarbons in crude oil, used to get a purer or more distilled, sample of a single alkane.

– To get higher amounts of alcohol in drinks, distillation is used.

– In these cases, distillation is not used.

– Fractional distillation is the main activity of oil refineries, and is done in a large fractionating column known as a “fractionation tower”.

– Obvious hydro-energy potential Usora is permanently unused, and fish stocks almost negligible, especially if one takes into account the centuries-old discharging untreated waste industrial water Chemical Distillation of wood in Teslić.

- An oil refinery or petroleum refinery is an industrial Factoryplant where crude oil is made into useful petroleum products by fractional distillation and other processes.

- It is separated into simpler, more useful mixtures by fractional distillation in Oil refineryoil refineries to give separate chemicals such as bitumen for roads.
- The reason we don't use Distillation#Simple distillationsimple distillation is because for liquids that boil at less than 25°evaporate and so part of the separated liquid may have part of the other liquid.

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