In sentence use of “dimmer”

How to use in-sentence of “dimmer”:

– The large and bright primary Algol A is regularly eclipsed by the dimmer Algol B every 2.87 days.

– Instead, the collapsing material seems to become dimmer and increasingly red-shifted, eventually fading away.

– A consequence of observing the universe from other stars is that stars that may appear bright in our own sky may appear dimmer in other skies and vice versa.

– So we know for sure that the bands will be brightest at the center and get dimmer and dimmer farther away.

– At the end of their lives, they become dimmer and dimmer.

– They have apparent magnitudes between 4.6 and 5.6 when Jupiter is in opposition with the Sun, and about one unit of magnitude dimmer when Jupiter is in conjunction.

– The low light levels at such a great distance from the sun ensure that the moons appear very dim; the brightest, Ariel, would shine more than 100 times dimmer than the moon as seen from Earth.

In sentence use of dimmer
In sentence use of dimmer

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