In sentence use of “digging”

How to use in-sentence of “digging”:

– However, saffron can live through temperatures as cold as rabbits, rats, and birds, digging in the ground near the plant; parasites such as the roundworm; fungus and corm rot.

– The handles of the unknown warrior’s tomb were lost, then found by a man in East London whilst digging up weeds.

– The archaeologists started digging in January 2004 and finished in May 2006.

– Known for his service reception and digging skills, teams often attempted to avoid Sergio when serving.

– After digging around google, I found very few sources and they only have passing mentions of the person.

In sentence use of digging
In sentence use of digging

Example sentences of “digging”:

- With his professor's help, he kept digging until lots of bones from an arm and wing were found.

- Early in the agricultural revolution, simple hand-held digging sticks or hoes would have been used in areas with good soil, such as the area near the Nile River in Africa.

– With his professor’s help, he kept digging until lots of bones from an arm and wing were found.

– Early in the agricultural revolution, simple hand-held digging sticks or hoes would have been used in areas with good soil, such as the area near the Nile River in Africa.

– A skull, said to be Kelly’s, was found during the digging at the gaol in 1929.

– Just to save some digging time, so it probably should be deleted and IMHO, he’s quite close to a full site ban on en.

– They love digging for insects and earthworms.

– The player will use the shovel for fighting enemies, jumping on platforms, and digging up treasure and secrets.

– Clams are often got by digging and cooked and served as clam chowder.

– When archaeologists do fieldwork, they look for remains, often by digging in the ground.

– This helps in digging through the soil.

– In Italy, the use of the pig to hunt truffles is prohibited since 1985 due to damage caused by animals to truffle’s mycelia during the digging that dropped the production rate of the area for some years.

More in-sentence examples of “digging”:

– The island was made by digging a canal through a small peninsula.

– Mining is the process of digging things out of the ground.

– But digging in further, there are so many differences.

– Since we’re smaller there, it’s a little more obvious, but some digging here has unearthed the same user making the same types of vandalism.

– There are two additional ways of digging : quarry and ‘cut and cover’.

– It’s not enough to swing my vote, but I do just want to record that I will be paying more attention for the duration of the RfA and, if I get time, digging a little deeper.

– Nose-picking is the act of sticking a finger into the nose and digging inside.

– By the time Ken worked hard day and night digging a tunnel, the seven young men were approaching Chino’s house at the last moment.

– The tenant discovered it while he was digging in an abandoned building.

– The remains of one tower of the fort were found during digging for the Paris Métro in 1899.

– Almost entirely nocturnal, field mice burrow extensively, digging a series of chambers and runs.

– He set up a depot camp at Cullyamurra Waterhole before digging up the bodies of Burke and Wills and taking them to Melbourne for a State Funeral.

– He worked building fences, digging wells, and as a shepherd and sheep shearer.

– Guru Ram helped build Ramdaspur by digging a second sacred pool after being instructed to do so by Guru Amar Das.

– Xu obliged them by digging out a thighbone.

– Full scale digging was begun by an expedition from the University of Pennsylvania.

– In his twenties, Barton moved to Adelaide where he worked digging trenches for the South Australian Gas Company.

– By June 1852 there were 300 people digging for gold at Oakenville Creek.

– Exhumation is the act of digging up, especially a corpse.

– This construction equipment is used for levelling the soil layer, digging trenches, as well as for transporting bulk cargo.

– Then World War II started and he and his father had to work digging roads and laying gas pipes.

– In 2014, a dinosaur building was opened outside, in which people can experience digging fossil as they look at the remains.

– While I’d classify myself as “neutral” at the moment I’m not going to commit myself for a day or two as I want to be able to look over everything and I’m still digging through comments, past discussions and edits to see for myself.

– Possibly all these sabretooths operated by jumping onto the prey’s neck, hanging on with their strong front limbs, and digging into the prey’s neck with their teeth.

– They search for their food by digging their snouts into the sand on the sea beds.

– The humans find out that the machines are digging to invade that area and they want to stop it.

- The island was made by digging a canal through a small peninsula.

- Mining is the process of digging things out of the ground.

– They start digging in the area where they think it is.

– If bored, they may choose to do to amuse themselves with digging or chewing on things.

– While the animals keep digging the soil up as they eat, and the wind and rain will blow away the soil, which causes soil erosion.

– Dig: Digging is the ability to prevent the ball from touching one’s court after a spike or attack, particularly a ball that is nearly touching the ground.

– It is used for digging in sandy soils.

– The Manchester Ship Canal was created by the digging of canals in the rivers Irwell and River MerseyMersey for from Salford to the Mersey estuary.

– Most food is found by digging or scratching in the soil, and by using their very long tongues.

– They are a digging frog.

– There are stories of unknown Americans digging on the site of Frank Gardiner’s old house in 1910.

– One of Black Douglas’s tricks was to rob the tents of miners during the day while they were busy digging for gold.

– It then does digging and other nest work, and later, defends the nest and forages.

– This use of offensive mining involved digging tunnels into and under the hill in order to place 5 mines beneath the hill.

– The “CCC” gave young men jobs such as fighting forest fires, digging ditches, and planting trees.

– Up to 20,000 miners were digging for gold including about 2,000 Chinese miners.

– This digging was finished by Benito Mussolini in the 1930s.

– Small animals such as lizards and small rodents often escape the hot rays by digging underground burrows where they live.

– The first digging for the foundations began on January 28, 1887 and all construction was concluded on March 31, 1889.

– Both became less wealthy trying to keep the other’s men from digging for fossils.

– They are continuous digging machines in large-scale open cast mining operations.

– The circles could be campfires, trees, hills, digging holes, water holes or a spring.

– People bring groundwater to the surface by digging or drilling wells below the surface.

– Some specific techniques are more common in digging than in passing.

– A trait of skinks is a love of digging and burrowing.

– A digging cycle involves the muscular foot and the opening and closing of the valve and one end.

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