In sentence use of “conservation”

How to use in-sentence of “conservation”:

+ Activities are folk performances, Thai typical music performance, academic exhibition concerning conservation of rivers and canals, water sports such as riding long-boat, speed-boat and jet-skiing.

+ Tran Ngoc Lam, a member of the UNESCO Center for Research and Conservation of Vietnam Antiques, built the museum in 2002.

+ There are a lot of things for visitors to see including the Conservation Park, on the main highway at Taranna, the Port Arthur Historic Site and a number of beaches.

+ For instance, all animals have a scientific classification, as well as a conservation status.

+ Peter Garrett was the lead singer of the Australian band Midnight Oil, and a former President of the Australian Conservation Foundation.

+ Further to the north lies the area of Summersdale and the conservation area around Graylingwell Hospital.

+ Translocation strategies as a conservation tool for West Indian iguanas.

In sentence use of conservation
In sentence use of conservation

Example sentences of “conservation”:

+ To the southeast of the park is Ngorongoro Conservation Area, to the southwest is Maswa Game Reserve, and to the western borders are Ikorongo Game ReserveIkorongo and Grumeti Game Reserves, to the northeast is Loliondo Game Control Area.

+ Parks, conservation programs and research teams in many countries have used iNaturalist, for example the United States, Canada and New Zealand.

+ A near-threatened species is a conservation status given to species or lower taxonomytaxa that may be threatened with extinction in the near future.

+ As Bournville is a conservation area, another job of the Bournville Village Trust is to accept or reject plans for building extension and modification.

+ Cula-sila deals with the Ten Precepts to be practised by devout buddhists, while Majjhima-sila gives a detailed description of the practice of the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth precepts, together with the practise of plant conservation and speech etiquette.

+ The Serengeti region contains the Serengeti National Park, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and Maswa Game Reserve in Tanzania and the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.

+ A nature reserve is land that is kept for conservation and to provide special opportunities for study or research.

+ The 1987 National Appliance Energy Conservation Act authorized the Department of Energy to set minimum efficiency standards for space conditioning equipment and other appliances each year, based on what is “technologically feasible and economically justified”.

+ To the southeast of the park is Ngorongoro Conservation Area, to the southwest is Maswa Game Reserve, and to the western borders are Ikorongo Game ReserveIkorongo and Grumeti Game Reserves, to the northeast is Loliondo Game Control Area.

+ Parks, conservation programs and research teams in many countries have used iNaturalist, for example the United States, Canada and New Zealand.
+ A near-threatened species is a conservation status given to species or lower taxonomytaxa that may be threatened with extinction in the near future.

+ He is most famous for his birdwatching and conservation work.

+ The area has seven national park areas and a conservation reserve.

+ The World Conservation Union has worked out that endangered species are 40% of all organisms.

+ Well-preserved historic town centre is one of the most valuable urban conservation areas in the country since 1990.

+ The new owners focused on conservation and improving their educational programs.

+ Intersite differences in population demography of Mountain Pygmy-possums “Burramys parvus Broom : implications for metapopulation conservation and ski resorts in Kosciuszko National Park, Australia.

More in-sentence examples of “conservation”:

+ Energy conservation is used to burn less fossil fuel.

+ Meredith explains that 85% of the top 100 endangered amphibians list are receiving little to no conservation attention.
+ More than half of the island has never been cleared of vegetation, and a quarter of it is conserved in National Parks, Conservation Parks, and five Wilderness Protection Areas.

+ Energy conservation is used to burn less fossil fuel.

+ Meredith explains that 85% of the top 100 endangered amphibians list are receiving little to no conservation attention.

+ More than half of the island has never been cleared of vegetation, and a quarter of it is conserved in National Parks, Conservation Parks, and five Wilderness Protection Areas.

+ It is also the first Disney theme park to be themed around animal conservation movementconservation, a philosophy once pioneered by Walt Disney himself.

+ The Smoky Hill Chalk is an Upper Cretaceous conservation Lagerstätte, or fossil-rich geological formation.

+ This gives the mass conservation equation.

+ There are now many great crested grebe in the United Kingdom, where their conservation status is “green”.

+ The mourning dove is of Least Concernleast concern to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

+ Higgs bosons obey the conservation of energy law, which states that no energy is created or destroyed, but instead can be transferred or change form.

+ The main environmental and agricultural body is the Nassau County Soil and Water Conservation District, which works closely with other area agencies.

+ This would be an unstable situation and one in which the conservation of energy principle would be disobeyed.

+ They confirm the conservation of molecular orbital symmetry.

+ As with other definitions, the boundary between efficient energy use and energy conservation can be fuzzy, but both are important in environmental and economic terms.

+ Many conservation workers, volunteers and scientists spend time on the islands in the summer months..

+ Here is a selection of courses by GCI: Getty Conservation Institute.

+ However, the species is still classified as “Vulnerable speciesvulnerable” by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

+ United Nations Environment Programme-World Conservation Monitoring Centre.

+ More than a postcard of the city, or a place for leisure and recreation, is a research center for the flora of Paraná Paraná, contributing to environmental education, preservation and conservation of nature.

+ The eastern indigo snake was last seen in Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve in 1982, until 2017 when 12 snakes were released as part of a conservation program.

+ Unfortunately, we’d still need to use conservation of momentum to figure out whether is positive or negative.

+ Energy conservation is using less energy to achieve a lesser energy service, and usually involves a change in behavior.

+ The highest is Kanchenjunga high, is the third highest mountain of the world; it is on the border with Sikkim and in the Kanchanjungha Conservation Area.

+ For example, GCI collaborated with other organizations to create a course “to assist museum personnel in safeguarding their collections from the effects of natural and human-made emergencies.” Getty Conservation Institute.

+ The purchase of the amusement park portion of the Cypress Gardens property was part of a larger conservation agreement.

+ The dam was built by the New South Wales Water Conservation Irrigation Commission.

+ More happyhappily, whales are protected by conservation laws that stop people from killing too many of them.

+ The conservation status of a species shows how likely it is for that species to survive now or in the future.

+ Regeneration activities have been discussed for Kilmarnock town centre; in early 2006, an application to Historic Scotland’s Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme was successful, and as of July 2006 an application under the Heritage Lottery Fund’s Townscape Heritage Initiative Scheme was pending.

+ The following are selected books published by GCI: Getty Conservation Institute.

+ Wildlife management can include game keeping, wildlife conservation and pest control.

+ In the late 1950s, Carson became interested in conservation and the environmental problems caused by new pesticides.

+ Adventure Parks Group purchased the balance of the property, also subject to the conservation agreement.

+ Tuning in to the signals: non-coding sequence conservation in vertebrate genomes.

+ WWF supports 15,000 conservation and environmental projects around the world.

+ Protected areas or conservation areas are locations with special protection.

+ This spurred the development of conservation biology.

+ These are the “Peck Road Water Conservation Park” and the “Whittier Narrows Recreation Area”.

+ Any quantity of energy absorbed by the electron in excess of this amount is converted to kinetic energy according to the conservation of energy.

+ Jonathan Baillie, of the Zoological Society of London, said “The donor community and conservation movement are increasingly leaning towards a ‘what can nature do for us?’ approach, where species and wild habitats are valued and prioritised according to these services they provided for people.

+ This contradicted the principles of conservation of energy and showed a new model was needed for the behaviour of blackbodies.

+ In 2010 the New Zealand Government proposed removing some national park and conservation areas from Schedule 4 protection of the Crown Minerals Act which means that mining is not allowed in those areas.

+ Zinke “frequently votes against environmentalists on issues ranging from coal extraction to oil and gas drilling” and received a 3 percent rating from the League of Conservation Voters.

+ In addition, GCI “conducts scientific research on materials’ composition.” For example, a project on the conservation of photographs has as one of its objectives the creation of an “Atlas of Analytical Signatures of Photographic Processes” which will provide “a precise chemical fingerprint of all the 150 or so ways pictures have been developed.” Getty Conservation Institute.

+ Energy conservation is often the most economical solution to energy shortages.

+ The Getty’s conservation mission.

+ It stops at Appleby Line on top of the Niagara Escarpment due to the Crawford Lake Conservation Area being there, and then the road starts again just east of Guelph Line and goes until the Milborough Townline on the border of Milton and Hamilton.

+ Hello, I just delted “Energy conservation at home/Saving energy at home” per RFD; it can be found in Simple Wikibooks.

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