In sentence use of “condition”

How to use in-sentence of “condition”:

– For evaluating the condition the template uses parser function #if, producing 1 if the condition is true, and 2 otherwise.

– He had smoke inhalation and was in the hospital in critical condition for four days.

– The condition was later named Hutchinson–Gilford progeria syndrome.

– It recognises such cells by a condition known as “missing self”.

– By October 4, his condition had deteriorated from “serious but stable” to “critical”.

– Despite this, the museum was already in bad condition when it burned in September 2018.

– It was long thought that the hemorrhage was from a fight with locals after a concert in 1961, but it is now believed he may have been born with a medical condition which caused it.

In sentence use of condition
In sentence use of condition

Example sentences of “condition”:

– His condition continued to deteriorate, and the genetic condition was diagnosed in November.

– Also, garments stored in soiled condition for a long time are difficult to bring back to their original color and texture.

– Synesthesia, or synaesthesia, is a condition where the brain mixes up the senses.

– People with this condition are insulin dependent – they require insulin injections without which they may die.

– So literally, psychosis means “unnatural condition of the soul”.

– This is a health condition called hypoglycemia.

– From the condition of the water, it follows that almost all of the fossilised animals were not living in the lagoon.

– The states themselves were in a near disastrous condition economically.

– Hard water appears to worsen the condition in dry climates, but not as much in humid areas.

- His condition continued to deteriorate, and the genetic condition was diagnosed in November.

- Also, garments stored in soiled condition for a long time are difficult to bring back to their original color and texture.

– The condition was originally named “aphylaxis” by Charles Richet in 1902.

– Superclusters suggest something about the initial condition of the universe when these superclusters were formed.

– Jackson also had an Immune systemimmune condition called discoid lupus.

– By 2002, he had a heart condition that could not be fixed.

– Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition in which a person sweats too much.

– However, the condition is most easily seen in the iris of the eye.

More in-sentence examples of “condition”:

– Males who have this condition are almost always infertile.

– Unseen qualities such as states of mind any condition which is significantly different from a normal waking state.

– Overwhelmed by the discovery, Mia initially refuses until Helen convinces her to attend her grandmother’s “princess lessons” on the condition that she needs not make her final decision until the Genovian Independence Day Ball in three weeks’ time.

– TPP can also be thought of as answering the questions of when, who, and what respectively; in other words it investigates when a health issue or disease first emerged in a population, who in the population are getting sick, and where the disease/health condition seems to have first originated and spread from.

– Medically, this condition is classified by the American Psychiatric Association as a mental disorder.World Health Organization, ” Section F65.4: Paedophilia Some pedophiles have sex with children or use children in a sexual way.

– His works often create a nightmarish imagery to paint a picture of restrictive mental states about daily life in the Soviet Union, and with the human condition in general.

– Retinal migraine is a medical condition that affects the eyes by causing vision loss in one eye for less than 1 hour, usually for about 10–20 minutes.

– Hiding his condition became too much of a burden for Katz and he eventually disclosed it.

– In the end, they agreed to ride but with the condition that they would allow a British rider to win the stage.

– Because women do not have a prostate gland, it is a condition only found in men, although women do have microscopic paraurethral Skene’s glands connected to the distal third of the urethra in the prevaginal space that are homologous to the prostate, and may cause symptoms.

– If the body is unable to maintain a normal temperature and it increases significantly above normal, a condition known as hyperthermia occurs.

– The dosage is based on your medical condition and response to treatment.

– It promotes strength and good condition and is useful to people who want to control their weight.

– This condition is most common in superficial veins which involve the legs.

– If you are treating a chronic condition such as arthritis, ask your doctor about non-drug treatments and/or using other medications to treat your pain.

– Before the bombs, Japan offered to surrender, on condition that their leaders had to stay in charge.

– She gained interest about this medical condition because her brother suffers from epilepsy.

– A “trigger factor” or “trigger” for short, is something that causes the signs and symptoms of a medical condition to begin in a person who already has that medical condition.

– UNESCO also brings up the importance of their links to Edward I and James of St George, their scale and advanced military architecture, and their unusually good condition and historical documentation.

– On 17 December 2020, Cappagli was hospitalized under critical condition after being hit by a bus in Buenos Aires.

– As of 2018, its First Baptist Church, African Methodist Episcopal Church, and other historic buildings are in bad condition that they cannot be opened to the public.

– If this condition is true, it returns the taxon name, otherwise it returns blank.

– The condition makes the toe permanently bent, and resembles a hammer.

– In logic, a necessary condition for a logical statement is a logical consequence of the statement, in the sense that if statement is true, then the condition must have held.

– Kwashiorkor is a health condition of malnutritionpoor nutrition from not having enough protein in the diet.

– On 5 February 2015, Lee was hospitalised with “severe pneumonia” and was put on a ventilator at the intensive care unit of Singapore General Hospital, although his condition was reported as “stable”.

- Males who have this condition are almost always infertile.

- Unseen qualities such as states of mind any condition which is significantly different from a normal waking state.

– Female sexual arousal disorder is condition where a woman has a hard time getting aroused sexually.

– The same disease, such as some forms of cancer, may be caused by an inherited genetic condition in some people, by new mutations in other people, and by nongenetic causes in still other people.

– Coprolalia is a mental condition that makes people use profanity constantly.

– He knew that the French people were concerned about the condition of the French economy.

– The condition was named in 1875 by Romanian physician Victor Babeş.

– The most common cause of this disorder is “Graves’ disease.” Graves’ disease is a condition in which the thyroid gland becomes overactive.

– Abolition of slavery also became a condition of the return of local rule in those states that had declared their secession.

– This because of both the poor condition of some parts, and because of its great age.

– Panic disorder is a serious condition that can happen at any age.

– This brought their bad living condition to the attention of the Congressmen.

– The second condition is often left out on other systems but is important in the telecommunication context.

– Many people with the condition may also have other issues, such as diabetes.

– Pillman was found dead by police in his Bloomington, MinnesotaBloomington, Minnesota hotel room on October 5, 1997 from a previously undetected heart condition called arteriosclerotic heart disease.

– Due to all this, the French king agreed to the marriage of Margaret to his rival on the condition that he would not have to provide the customary dowry and instead would receive the lands of Maine Maine and Anjou from the English.

– Some men regard their overweight condition as a form of self-acceptance.

– The condition where an organ is bigger, because there are more cells is called hyperplasia.

– Some are non-helpful as they give a wrong impression of what a disease or condition really is.

– This condition is an medical emergency.

– Pakistan has said it is willing to do so on the condition that it is not a final endorsement of India’s claim over the glacier, a source of melt water for Pakistan’s rivers.

– Hypertension or high blood pressure is a chronic medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is higher than it should be.

– This condition is a neurological disorder which involves the brain’s grey matter.

– The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the federal and state governments from denying a male citizen the right to vote based on that citizen’s “race, color, or previous condition of servitude”.

– Prader–Willi syndrome is a rare but major genetic condition that involves being overweight, substandard sexual development and low intelligence.

– An evolutionary loss of uricase in humans and higher primates has made this condition so common.

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