In sentence use of “christ”

How to use in-sentence of “christ”:

+ He played the role of Judas Iscariot in the Australian production of the stage musical “Jesus Christ Superstar” in 1972.

+ Copycat events such as plans to storm a secret vault of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, have also been created.

+ They believe that whoever believed in Jesus Christ was given a “second chance” to get back into Heaven, shown in John the Apostle’s Gospel: “…God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not be lost but have eternal life.” Different types of Christianity have slightly different ways of viewing the fall and salvation through Jesus.

+ Only by believing in Jesus, who is the Christ and who died for humanity for their sins, can people be saved.

+ There are three most common subjects, “The Virgin Mary and Christ Child”, “Jesus crucified” and “Christ in Glory”.

+ Its influence over the region started in the first century before Christ and lasted until around 250 AD.

+ He was born in Ogden, Utah to Stanely and Adeline Stevens and educated in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsLDS-affiliated schools in Salt Lake City, Utah.

+ This was the model for Eton College and King’s College, Cambridge 50 years later and for Westminster School, Christ Church, Oxford and Trinity College, Cambridge in Tudor times.

In sentence use of christ
In sentence use of christ

Example sentences of “christ”:

+ He states that most, if not all religions, can be traced back to early human sacrifice - including Christianity, in which Christ on the cross is a symbolic representation of killing the father and eating the father figure.

+ Others think they affirm the victory of Christ over all enemies, but do not refer to specific events.
+ The only works of art that are known to be definitely by Cimabue are the mosaic of Christ in Majesty in Pisa Cathedral and two very large ruined frescos in the Church of St Francis in Assisi.

+ He states that most, if not all religions, can be traced back to early human sacrifice – including Christianity, in which Christ on the cross is a symbolic representation of killing the father and eating the father figure.

+ Others think they affirm the victory of Christ over all enemies, but do not refer to specific events.

+ The only works of art that are known to be definitely by Cimabue are the mosaic of Christ in Majesty in Pisa Cathedral and two very large ruined frescos in the Church of St Francis in Assisi.

+ Other Anglicans think that Holy Communion is about remembering the life of Jesus Christ and his death on the Cross.

+ He is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

+ On him they found a devotional book, The Imitation of Christ The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis and a booklet on Our Lady of Fatima.

+ It is only possible to get into heaven because Jesus Christ sacrificed himself.

+ Shahi claimed to have met with Jesus Christ in 1997.

+ The symbolic pictures on the side of Christ to the left of the altar are: Christ on the Mount of Olives, Elijah at Mount Carmel 2.

+ She grew up in the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

+ The portrayal of Christ as the life-giving and triumphant tree, conquering Satan, is one of the most important symbols of medieval Christianity.

+ In Christianity, Jesus Christ taught this idea to his disciples and others when he gave his Sermon on the Mount.

More in-sentence examples of “christ”:

+ She prays to Christ to calm the seas.

+ The resurrection of Jesus Christ is written about by the evangelists in the New Testament.

+ According to the Bible, the only way to avoid the Great White Throne Judgment is to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.

+ Jennings is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormon.

+ Oxford Cathedral is the chapel for Christ Church College of the University of Oxford.

+ This seems to hold for the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and the biggest Mormon group.

+ The Church rejected the new definitions about what Christ is like, introduced at the Council.

+ Bushnell was raised in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but is no longer an active member.

+ Its full title is the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Christ at Canterbury.

+ Duccio painted the Madonna sitting on a throne with the Christ Child in her lap, raising his hand in blessing.

+ Their religious movement is called “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints”.

+ Many members of the Christian right want to allow prayer in public schools and display of things related to Christ in public or government places.

+ ChristianityChristians believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected.

+ Her father was a general authority of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and worked as secretary to the First Presidency of the church for many years.

+ UCG states: “The mission of the Church of God is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God in all the world, make disciples in all nations and care for those disciples.” Their goal is to preach about “The Kingdom of God” to everyone, through the UCG website, through Twitter and YouTube, and through radio, magazines, booklets, and television.

+ From 1935 to 2015, Smith was the organist and choirmaster at Christ Church, Walmersley.

+ Banks was educated at Harrow School, Eton College and Christ Church, Oxford.

+ He was best known for his role as Jesus Christ in the original Broadway theatre adaptation of “Jesus Christ Superstar” and for his appearance on the cover of “Time” magazine.

+ The temptation of Christ is detailed in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.

+ Hatch is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

+ And Bulgakov was fascinated with the confrontation between Christ and Pontius Pilate.

+ The Stockholm Sweden Temple is a Temple temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Sweden.

+ In 1974, while serving as Church Commissioner for Health Services, Mason wrote a pamphlet for the church titled, “Attitudes of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Toward Certain Medical Problems”, which expresses the church’s views on abortion, birth control, and homosexuality.

+ The first single from “Badmotorfinger”, “Jesus Christ Pose”, got negative attention when MTV banned its music video in 1991.Gilbert, Jeff.

+ Altars of Madonna and ChildThe Virgin Mary and Christ Child were made to remind Christians that God came to Earth as Jesus, in the form of an ordinary helpless little baby, to grow up among people.

+ He decided to place the Christ figure on a couch, covered by a veil.

+ She prays to Christ to calm the seas.

+ The resurrection of Jesus Christ is written about by the evangelists in the New Testament.
+ According to the Bible, the only way to avoid the Great White Throne Judgment is to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.

+ He finally heard God’s voice telling him that Christ would make it clear to him what he should do.

+ Two pointed arches show Christ with angels and the four evangelists.

+ These were the prophets and sibyls who told people that God would send Jesus Christ to save them from sin.

+ An alumnus of the Christ Church Foundation School, Stuart is graduate of the University of the West Indies and holds degrees in Political science and Law.

+ It started when Jesus Christ told his followers to eat bread in memory of him, at the Last Supper.

+ This experiment, in fact, took place because he was tired of waiting for Christ Church, PhiladelphiaChrist Church in Philadelphia to be completed so he could place a lightning rod on top of it.

+ He is probably best known for playing the part of JesusJesus Christ in the 2004 movie “The Passion of the Christ“.

+ The purpose of the “BGEA” is to tell the gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as they can.

+ Christians think of Jesus Christ as a teacher, a role model, and someone who revealed who the Christian God was.

+ The Gnostics taught that Yahweh, and Jesus Christ were two different Gods.

+ In the summer of 2005, Littrell solo single “In Christ Alone” went to #1 on the Christian Charts on July 4th.

+ The city’s main landmark is Christ Church Cathedral, on Church Hill.

+ To the right, behind the tomb sculpture, the centre section of the altar of the crucifixion of Christ depicts seven women representing the seven virtues: obedience, persistence, compassion, love, humility, justice and peace.

+ In Christianity, the word “saint” refers to any person who is “in Christ“, and in whom Christ dwells, whether in Heaven or in earth.

+ Mormons believe the people of the Book of Mormon lived in the western hemisphere, that Christ appeared in the western hemisphere after his death and resurrection, that the true faith was restored in upstate New York by Joseph Smith, and that the Garden of Eden and location of Christ‘s second coming were and will be in the state of Missouri.

+ Grenville went to school at Eton College and at Christ Church College, Oxford.

+ They believe that God has control over everything and has chosen to make some people follow Jesus Christ but not others, and that only followers of Jesus may get into heaven.

+ He was only 16 years when he went to University of Oxford where he was at Christ Church, Oxford.

+ Depicted are John the Baptist, Virgin Mary with the Christ child in Bethlehem, John the Evangelist and beneath him Duchess Anastasia von Mecklenburg, who sponsored a window for the abbey church.

+ This follows what was said by Christ “Eat my Body and Drink my Blood”.

+ This is why he was not given the papal Order of Christ which was given to many Catholic heads of state.

+ Weekes died on 1 July 2020 in Christ Church, Barbados at the age of 95.

+ It shows Joris van der Paele, who was the donor portrait of the painting, with a number of saints.Brine, 186 The Mary, mother of JesusVirgin Mary is at the centre of the painting on a Jesus Christ as a baby in her arms.

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