In sentence use of “chemistry”

How to use in-sentence of “chemistry”:

+ One of my chemistry articles that I tried to make very good.

+ In chemistry it is placed in a group of metal elements named the transition metals.

+ In the past it was a part of ‘natural philosophy’ with other fields of science, such as chemistry and biology.

+ The Carroll rearrangement is a rearrangement reaction in organic chemistry and involves the transformation of a β-ketoneketo allyl ester into a α-allyl-β-ketocarboxylic acid.

+ He received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1904 “in recognition of his services in the discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air”.

+ Environmental chemistry starts by understanding how the uncontaminated environment works.

In sentence use of chemistry
In sentence use of chemistry

Example sentences of “chemistry”:

+ His pioneering work on isotopes earned him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1934.

+ Hydrophobe is a term from chemistry for a Chemical substancesubstance that does not mix with water.

+ All life processes on Earth use the chemistry of carbon compounds.

+ In chemistry it is placed in a group of metal elements called the transition metals.

+ They think if carbon-based life forms exist elsewhere in the universe, the chemistry might have different chirality.

+ In 1950, they were given the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for their work on this reaction.

+ It is thought that the chemistry of rutherfordium will be like the chemistry of hafnium.

+ Physical chemistry is not the same as chemical physics.

+ Analytical chemistry looks at which chemicals are in things.

+ His pioneering work on isotopes earned him the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1934.

+ Hydrophobe is a term from chemistry for a Chemical substancesubstance that does not mix with water.
+ All life processes on Earth use the chemistry of carbon compounds.

+ The chemistry of the actinides are that from what we do know about the transuranic elements, as the atomic number goes up, the more radioactive it gets.

+ He was a Professor of Chemistry who worked in Computational Chemistry.

+ The people who teach chemistry define chemistry education by their actions.

+ He won the 2000 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Alan MacDiarmid and Alan Heeger.

+ I would say, informally, one would need to be a pretty experienced chemistry professor to simplify concepts at this level.

+ He was interested in chemistry at an early age.

+ He was awarded, with John Pople, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1998.

More in-sentence examples of “chemistry”:

+ Advanced Organic Chemistry reactions, mechanisms and structure.

+ He started studying chemistry at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich to study pharmacy and ended it in 1890.

+ For example, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2009 was based on x-ray diffraction studies of ribosomes.

+ Professor Gerhard Ertl is a GermanyGerman physicist in the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Fritz Haber Institute of the MPG.

+ They are very important in the study of organic chemistry mechanisms because many more complicated mechanisms use them.

+ It succeeded to the municipal chairs of experimental physics, applied chemistry and mechanics that were established in 1817.

+ This included work in the NASA experimental programs seeking life on Mars and the chemistry expert system Dendral.

+ After the war, Urey became professor of chemistry at the Institute for Nuclear Studies, then Ryerson professor of chemistry at the University of Chicago before moving to the University of California, San Diego.

+ In 2016, he won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for supramolecular chemistry, together with Jean-Pierre Sauvage and Fraser Stoddart.

+ They are named after this French chemist who was awarded the 1912 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this work.

+ It is used in organic chemistry as a reducing agent.

+ He studied chemistry at the University of Berlin from 1922, and later at the University of Kiel where his earned a PhD in 1926 for work supervised by Diels.

+ So, many wet chemistry methods have been automated and computerized for faster analysis.

+ In 1968, he founded the Department of Chemistry at Le Mans.

+ Carbon-12 is important in chemistry as it is the benchmark from which all other relative atomic masses are worked out.

+ Physical chemistry uses physics to study chemical systems.

+ He received the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry together with Donald CramDonald James Cram and Jean-Marie Lehn.

+ Further studies on ozone issues led to the 1995 Nobel Prize in Chemistry award shared between Paul Crutzen, Mario Molina and Frank Sherwood Rowland.

+ Klug won the 1982 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for developing crystallographycrystallographic electron microscopy and working out the structure of nucleic acid-protein complexes.

+ The school laboratories include physics lab, chemistry lab, biology lab, maths lab and audio–visual hall.

+ Because of changes in the chemistry of the lake and its temperature, the color of the lake also changes.

+ Urey was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1934 for this work.

+ In 1960, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for this work.

+ He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1968.

+ From here, starts the sweet fun chemistry of Rishi and Mohor, who being the boss troubles Rishi at work and Rishi, being the landlord irritates Mohor at home.

+ Environmental chemistry is the chemistry of the natural environment and of pollutant chemicals in nature.

+ Advanced Organic Chemistry reactions, mechanisms and structure.

+ He started studying chemistry at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich to study pharmacy and ended it in 1890.
+ For example, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2009 was based on x-ray diffraction studies of ribosomes.

+ An important part of theoretical chemistry is quantum chemistry.

+ He is one of the directors of the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, Germany.

+ This looks at the chemistry of living things.

+ CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, p13/14.

+ He was the John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Chemical biologyChemical and Department of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge, and Master of St John’s College, Cambridge.

+ Fischer was the founder of the chemistry of primary natural products: carbohydrates, purines and nucleosides, peptides and proteins.

+ He was also an adjunct professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of California, San Diego, and he was one of five principal investigators in the NASA-sponsored NSCORT program in exobiology.

+ Physical chemistry also improved with discoveries in nuclear chemistry, especially in isotope separation.

+ Molina was a MexicoMexican chemist who won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1995.

+ The oldest well-known institute for biophysical chemistry is Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen.

+ One of George Olah’s greatest contributions to chemistry was resolving this controversy.

+ Haworth won the 1937 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for this work.

+ Cheminformatics combines the scientific working fields of chemistry and computer science.Gasteiger J.: “Chemoinformatics : A Textbook”.

+ He was awarded the Lorentz Medal in 1958, Willard Gibbs Award in 1962, and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1968.

+ When he was young, his family moved to Munich, where his father taught pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of Munich.

+ Castoreum of beaver : function, chemistry and biological activity of its components.

+ It is often used in organic chemistry as a strong non-nucleophilic base.

+ He won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his theory of organic synthesis.

+ A commonly quoted value of 15.7 used mainly in organic chemistry for the pK of water is incorrect.

+ He was given the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1980, with Walter Gilbert and Frederick Sanger.

+ Organic chemistry has rules for naming compounds with substituent groups.

+ Liebig was one of the greatest chemistry teachers of all time.

+ Qualitative chemistry is in contrast with Quantitative chemistry.

+ The chemistry of phosphors varies greatly depending on what the phosphor is to be used for.

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