In sentence use of “cellulose”

How to use in-sentence of “cellulose”:

+ Heat, chemicals and machines separate the cellulose fibers from other parts and press the fibers into paper.

+ A “secondary” cell wall is an additional layer of cellulose which increases wall rigidity.

+ Water and cellulose make cellobiose: this process is called hydrolysis.

+ The cellulose comes from many sources: rayon comes from tree Wood fibrewood fiber, bamboo fiber comes from bamboo, seacell comes from seaweed, etc.

+ No animal can digest cellulose by itself.

+ The cellulase breaks down the cellulose found in plant material.

+ A key difference between the two is that odd-toed ungulates digest plant cellulose in their intestines rather than in one or more stomach chambers as the even-toed ungulates do.

+ After applying acetone, a piece of cellulose acetate is placed on the coal ball.

In sentence use of cellulose
In sentence use of cellulose

Example sentences of “cellulose”:

+ This enables it to host bacteria specific for cellulose breakdown.

+ Substitutes for fiberglass building insulation, such as cellulose and aerogel, have started to appear.

+ The traditional view is that no metazoan phylum can break down cellulose by producing the enzyme cellulase.

+ Humans and other animals cannot Digestiondigest cellulose but some animals such as termites use bacteria to digest it.

+ Almost all the glucose produced by breaking down the cellulose is used by microbes in the rumen, and so ruminants get little glucose from the small intestine.

+ They bacteria in their vast stomachs would break down the cellulose in the leaves, and the product would be absorbed further on in the alimentary canal.

+ The cellulose of wood is digested.

+ Most semi-synthetic fibers are cellulose regenerated fibers.

+ After drying, the cellulose acetate can be removed from the coal ball with a razor and the obtained peel can be stained with a low-acidity stain and observed under a microscope.

+ They also have a specialized crop of symbiotic bacteria that help their digestion, especially by breaking down the polysaccharide cellulose into simple sugars.

+ It later became also a paper and cellulose maker.

+ This enables it to host bacteria specific for cellulose breakdown.

+ Substitutes for fiberglass building insulation, such as cellulose and aerogel, have started to appear.

+ Second generation biofuels are now being produced from the cellulose in dedicated energy crops, forestry materials, the co-products from food production, and domestic vegetable waste.

+ Wood pulp is widely used to make paper, cardboard, cellulose sponges, cellophane and some important plastics and textiles, such as cellulose acetate and rayon.

+ Both companies were the largest paper and cellulose makers of both countries.

+ It is also used to make as cotton, linen, and rayon for clothes, nitrocellulose for explosives, and cellulose acetate for films.

+ Stahl thought that because some parts of plants, like raw cellulose and starch are hard to digest in uncooked form, they would likely not be a part of the hominidaehominid diet before fire could be controlled.

+ Xanthophyte cell walls are made of cellulose and hemicellulose.

+ The two main substances in wood are cellulose and lignin.

+ Another difference between the two is that odd-toed ungulates digest plant cellulose in their intestines rather than in one or more stomach chambers as the even-toed ungulates do.

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