In sentence use of “canonical”

How to use in-sentence of “canonical”:

– The non-canonical Gospel of Thomas contains up to fifteen parables, eleven of which have parallels in the four canonical Gospels.

– Under the guidance of Geoffrey of Ainai, a monk sent in from Clairvaux, the group learned how to celebrate the seven Canonical Hours.

– Since, according to Tomos, the borders of the canonical territory of the OCU are determined by the borders of the Ukrainian state.

– Such books contained prayers to be said by laymenlay faithful at each of the canonical hours of the day.

– Started in 2004, Ubuntu has been developed by Canonical Ltd., a company owned by a rich South African man named Mark Shuttleworth.

– The canonical story of Jesus ascending bodily into the clouds is different from the gnostic tradition, by which Jesus was said to transcend the bodily world and return to his home in the spirit world.

– A book of hours is a breviary containing prayers, Psalms, antitphons, and other materials to be recited at the canonical hours.

– Generally, alternative endings are considered to have no bearing on the canonical narrative.

In sentence use of canonical
In sentence use of canonical

Example sentences of “canonical”:

- Here "United Kingdom" is the canonical country name, "UK" is an alias.

- Origen listed Lamentations and the Letter of Jeremiah as one unit with the Book of Jeremiah proper, among "the canonical books as the Hebrews have handed them down".
- The canonical program for handling these packages is dpkg, most commonly via apt/aptitude.

– Here “United Kingdom” is the canonical country name, “UK” is an alias.

– Origen listed Lamentations and the Letter of Jeremiah as one unit with the Book of Jeremiah proper, among “the canonical books as the Hebrews have handed them down”.

– The canonical program for handling these packages is dpkg, most commonly via apt/aptitude.

– Of the thirty or so parables in the canonical Gospels, four were shown in medieval art almost to the exclusion of the others, but not mixed in with the narrative scenes of the “Life of Christ”.

– For example, row echelon form and Jordan normal form are canonical forms for matrices.

– Only a little of Jesus’ childhood is written in the canonical gospels, but infancy gospels were popular in antiquity.

– It is also common in Syria and Lebanon to add pickles; the two canonical ones are pickled turnip, colored pink with beetroot, and pickled cucumber.

– To model a real world, the relations should be in a canonical form called normalized form in the data base argot.

– The Association of Canonical Administrators of Penola Catholic College is governed and conducted by the Parish Priests of the Member Parishes.

– When asked about canonicity, IDW executive editor Chris Ryall dodged the issue by saying all the comics are “blessed” by Russell T Davies but it is up to the individual how canonical each story is.

– A central topic in thermal physics is the canonical probability distribution.

– A list of wrapper templates by their canonical names – spelling and capitalization is important.

– On May 17, 2007, the Act of Canonical Communion with the Moscow Patriarchate reestablished canonical ties between the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and the Russian Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, after more than eighty years of separation.

– For the sake of consistency, this table is automatically sub-selected from the main harmony table in the Gospel harmony article, based on the list of key episodes in the Canonical Gospels.

– Also, it has never been included within the Tanakh as canonical by ancient Judaism.

– The canonical writings of the New Testament, as well as other written sources from the early church, provide some insights into Saint James’ life and his role in the early church.

– In such a case, a canonical form consists in the choice of a specific object in each class.

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