In sentence use of “badly”

How to use in-sentence of “badly”:

– Scotland invaded England in 1514 but lost badly at the Battle of the Flodden.

– In the summer of 1608, Smith left Jamestown to explore the Chesapeake Bay region and search for badly needed food.

– He changed his name from Israel because he did not want to be treated badly for seeming Jewish.

– Even with these rules and safety equipment, roller derby players can get knocked down and get badly hurt, so usually only adults play “full contact” roller derby.

– His spear was taken from him and he was badly wounded before being rescued.

In sentence use of badly
In sentence use of badly

Example sentences of “badly”:

– For example, if some people wanted a child badly but are having difficulty conceiving, it could be considered a blessing from God if they end up having a child.

– Amsterdam was badly hit by the plague in 1663–1664; the disease killed about 50,000 people.

– As the war went on, things began to go badly wrong for the “Luftwaffe”.

– In January 2011, he was badly injured in a car accident.

– At Coleraine were burnt; one man was badly burned.

– He was badly injured by a bomb in an attack planned by people who did not like him running his company.

– Their faces and bodies were badly damaged so they could not be recognized.

– Kurashiki was not badly damaged during World War II.

– Discrimination is when a person is treated unfairly or badly because the person is one of a particular group.

– Today, these frescoes at San Miniato have been badly damaged by water.

- For example, if some people wanted a child badly but are having difficulty conceiving, it could be considered a blessing from God if they end up having a child.

- Amsterdam was badly hit by the plague in 1663–1664; the disease killed about 50,000 people.

More in-sentence examples of “badly”:

- On the day he died, he beat her badly then burned her textbooks for Educationclasses she was taking.

- Canberra:Australian National University The skeleton was badly Preservationpreserved: large pieces of the skull were missing, and most of the bones in the limbs were damaged.

– On the day he died, he beat her badly then burned her textbooks for Educationclasses she was taking.

– Canberra:Australian National University The skeleton was badly Preservationpreserved: large pieces of the skull were missing, and most of the bones in the limbs were damaged.

– After he came back from the Africa Cup 2013 he was injured badly and missed the 2013/14 season.

– The district was badly affected by the 2005 Kashmir earthquake.

– Lissie has also toured with Band of Horses and Badly Drawn Boy.

– In battle, one of the farrier’s jobs was to kill horses that were badly injured.

– The General Post Office was badly hit and soon the Irish surrendered.

– But Galtieri had badly misread what Prime Minister of the United KingdomBritish Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher would do.

– Enslaved people were treated so badly on the slave ships that about 15% of them died during the Middle Passage.

– Burns falls ill and badly needs a blood transfusion.

– He falls down and badly hurts himself.

– Tipton said that he had been in a serious car accident which had badly damaged his genitals and broken some ribs.

– By walking 54 miles to the state capital, activists hoped to show how badly African-Americans wanted to vote.

– Two months after Ramirez died, her badly decomposed body was released for an independent autopsy and burial.

– The game started badly for the Bears when Walter Payton fumbled the ball and New England got the ball.

– Masur himself was badly injured in that accident.

– James Michael Cronin, Order of the British EmpireMBE was the co-founder of Monkey World, a place of refuge for primates that have been treated badly and not taken care of properly, in Dorset, England, in 1987, from the United States.

– His army was badly damaged and never fully recovered.

– At Méteren, on 13 October 1914, during an Allied counter-offensive, he was shot through the right lung by a sniper and was so badly injured that a grave was dug because he was expected to die.

– Rough seas near Tasmania smashed her figurehead and badly damaged the front of the ship.

– It was hit quite badly by the 2005 Pakistan Earthquake.

– Lesbians were not usually treated as badly as gay men.

– The stone is badly damaged, and only 47 names have survived.

– The person seeking revenge is often hurt as badly as his victim.

– He was for the idea of having doctors closer to the areas of battle in war, which worked very well and due to that, more badly hurt soldiers survived.

– Focus is something that I think we badly need.

– In that battle, they are badly hurt and they have to fight other fighters who made it into the sudden death battle as well.

– In Louisiana, buildings were damaged very badly by the storm.

– The “Holliswood” was badly damaged.

– The final match was followed by short performances by musical acts Badly Drawn Boy and Doves.

– The page badly needs reformatting.

– The Hekei were badly outnumbered and out manoeuvered.

– Large areas of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia were badly damaged, forcing the people in charge to have to evacuate and resettle more than 336,000 people.

– The major earthquake that hit Cusco in 1950 badly destroyed the Dominican Priory and Church of Santo Domingo, which were built on top of the impressive Koricancha.

– At first, the city planned to tear down the building, but did not because it was not as badly damaged.

– However, Uday lost this place to Qusay for several reasons: because Uday was badly Injuryinjured in an assassination attempt; because his behavior was often out of control; and because his relations with his family became more and more troubled.

– There were many other people who were hurt badly enough that they could have exsanguinated.

– The rule of Sudan by the Mahdists turned out badly for its people.

– Because of what their mother said, her children were treated badly at school.

– John Milton wrote “Paradise Lost” in blank verse, including a note at the beginning of the poem saying that rhyming poetry was used to disguise badly written poems, Alfred, Lord TennysonLord Tennyson used it for “Idylles of the King”, and Wordsworth used it for “The Prelude” and “The Excursion”.

– A fire starts and Rohan gets badly burned, though Radhika is saved.

– He also burnt himself badly because he was smoking in bed, and he tried to put out the flames with a glass of whisky which made the fire worse.

– Many towns north-east of the state capital Melbourne were badly damaged or almost completely destroyed, including the Victorian towns of Kinglake, Marysville, Narbethong, Strathewen, and Flowerdale.

– Muhammad was badly burned and injured in a helicopter 2015 Pakistan Army Mil Mi-17 crashcrash in Naltar, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan on 8 May 2015.

– Areas that were badly affected by Laura, mostly southeastern Texas and southwestern Louisiana, were badly affected by more flooding and strong winds during Hurricane Delta around six weeks later.

– He tells Dorothy that someone had spread rumours about her behaving badly but nobody believed them anymore and it was safe for Dorothy to return home.

– It was badly bombed in World War II.

– Aussaresses was badly criticized in 2000, when in an interview with the French newspaper “Le Monde”, he defended the use of torture during the Algerian war.

– The terminal building was badly damaged, and was closed for five years.

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