In sentence use of “angular”

How to use in-sentence of “angular”:

+ It is a rotating body’s resistance to angular acceleration or deceleration, equal to the product of the mass and the square of its perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation.

+ In physics, the angular velocity specifies the Angular frequencyangular speed at which an object is rotationrotating along with the direction in which it is rotating.

+ They are often used separately, but they can be used together to get a very high angular resolution.

+ Their maximum angular separations from Jupiter are between 2 and 8 minutes of arc, close to the limit of human visual acuity.

+ It mapped the differenceanisotropies of the cosmic microwave background at microwave and infra-red frequencies, with high sensitivity and small angular resolution.

In sentence use of angular
In sentence use of angular

Example sentences of “angular”:

+ This refers to modern angular katakana Together Katakana and Hiragana are called “Kana”.

+ The invariable plane, the plane that represents the angular momentum of the Solar System, is approximately the orbital plane of Jupiter.

+ This refers to modern angular katakana Together Katakana and Hiragana are called “Kana”.

+ The invariable plane, the plane that represents the angular momentum of the Solar System, is approximately the orbital plane of Jupiter.

+ Because the name “centigrade” was also the Spanish and French language name for a unit of angular measurement.

+ The planets have 99% of the angular momentum, and this fact could not be explained by the nebular model.

+ In “spin” column numbers represent the sign of the angular momentum relative to the upside of the disc.

+ The direction of the angular velocity vector is perpendicular to the plane of rotation, in a direction which is usually specified by the right hand rule.

+ This is the kind of angular momentum that Planetplanets orbiting around the Sun have, but that tops spinning about their axes do not.

+ The orbital angular momentum also measures how hard it would be to stop the object from continuing to orbit around the axis.

+ The use of interferenceinterferometry allows radio astronomy to achieve high angular resolution.

+ When this new unit is used to describe the orbits of electrons in atoms, the angular momentum of any electron in orbit is always a whole number.

+ Physicists began to realize that the accelerated angular motion of the disk caused a curvature in spacetime, therefore distorting the normal flat geometric plane, causing the circumference to be greater than 2πr.

+ The Earth is constantly losing angular velocity and rotational energy through a process called tidal acceleration, which leads to a slow lengthening of the day.

More in-sentence examples of “angular”:

+ Black holes can be described by just three visible properties: mass, electric charge, and angular momentum, or spin.

+ The 10.3 seconds of arc it travels annually amount to a quarter of a degree in a human lifetime, roughly half the angular diameter of the full Moon.

+ A “spinning” electron can only have certain values of angular momentum.

+ Thus, most calculations related to angular frequency use radians per second.

+ The spin angular momentum is a kind of angular momentum for objects turning around an axis that goes through the object, like a top spinning around its center.

+ The other kind of angular momentum is orbital angular momentum.

+ Bohr said that the angular momentum of the electrons going around the nucleus can only have certain values.

+ As the air rapidly rises, the hot air is stretched vertically and because of angular momentum, the spinning gets much more intense.

+ Therefore if a square wave is applied at angular frequency qB/m, the charge will spiral outward, increasing in speed.

+ The angular movements expressed the heart of Stravinsky’s radically modern score.

+ Spin, whatever it is, seems to follow some of the laws of angular momentum, but not all of them.

+ Due to the conservation of angular momentum, such changes of inertia result in small changes to the Earth’s rate of rotation.

+ Most have very angular bodies and are small to medium-sized.

+ These arches rise from sloping fins with angular leading edges pointed to the flow of the river.

+ Then, cats manage to twist themselves to face downward, without ever changing their angular momentum.

+ If the axis of rotation is within the body, the body is said to rotate upon itself, or “spin”– which implies relative speed and perhaps free-movement with angular momentum.

+ This is called its angular position.

+ This is because a cat mostly moves its hind legs and does not use much angular momentum to set itself up for landing.

+ When a mass moves in an orbit, when it rotates around some kind of a hub, it has what is called “angular momentum.” Angular momentum is the way that something like a merry-go-round will continue to rotate after people have stopped pushing it.

+ For example, the Sun and Moon both have angular diameters of about 30 arcminutes—when seen from Earth.

+ In November 2003, Bloc Party had their song “The Marshals Are Dead” featured on a compilation album called “The New Cross” released by Angular Recording Corporation.

+ The Hund’s cases, which are particular regimes in molecular angular momentum coupling, and the list of Hund’s rulesHund’s rules, which govern electron configurations, are important in spectroscopy and quantum chemistry.

+ The other main properties of light are intensity intensity, polarization, phase and orbital angular momentum.

+ When a square wave of angular frequency ω=qB/m is applied between the two sides of the magnetic poles, the charge will be boosted again at just the right time to accelerate it across the gap.

+ The math used for phase calculations and angular momentum is complicated.

+ This takes both the magnetic dipole moment due to the orbital angular momentum and the magnetic momentum arising from the electron spin into account.

+ The ascending node is usually quoted as the angular position at which a celestial body passes from the southern side of a reference plane to the northern side, hence ‘ascending’.

+ Court officials in the Han Dynasty believed that small seal script characters, which were standardized under Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi when he unified China, took too much time to write because Chinese characters at the time were written using curved lines instead of more angular lines.

+ We use orbital angular momentum when we talk about an object.

+ This is because a large angular momentum stabilises the disc in the same way that it keeps a gyroscope steady, with the angular force forcing the mass of the disc away from the centre of mass, perpendicular to the axis of rotation.

+ It was designed to observe differences in the cosmic microwave background at microwave and infra-red frequencies, with high sensitivity and small angular resolution.

+ Physical examples of pseudovectors include the magnetic field, torque, vorticity, and the angular momentum.

+ The Bohr model says that the angular momentum of an electron within a hydrogen atom can only be integer multiples of a certain number.

+ In SI units, angular frequency is measured in radians per second, with dimensions t since radians are dimensionless.

+ The Universe also seems to have no net momentum or angular momentum.

+ In physics and other sciences, the lowercase ω is often used to represent angular frequency.

+ A gyroscope is a Machinedevice used to measure or maintain an angular position.

+ The range of angular size values given are based on simple scaling of the following values given in the fact sheet reference: at an Earth-equator to Moon-centre distance of 378000km, the Angular diameterangular size is 1896 arcseconds.

+ When all the telescopes are combined, the facility can achieve an angular resolution of about 0.001 arc-second.

+ Then, about 4.68 billion years ago, the solar nebula began to contract, rotate and gain angular momentum.

+ The light from stars can be considered collimated for almost any purpose, because they are so far away they have almost no angular size.

+ As the collapse continues, conservation of angular momentum means that the rotation accelerated.

+ When all these three things go wrong, angular cheilitis, photophobia, and sore, itchy skin on the private parts, doctors call it the oral-ocular-genital syndrome.

+ This is why the spin angular momentum depends both on how spread out the object is.

+ The process of accretion can in turn give enough angular momentum energy to the neutron star to change it into a rotation-powered :millisecond pulsar.

+ Revolutions per minute, sometimes called RPM, is a measure of angular frequency.

+ The main problem was the angular momentum distribution between the Sun and planets.

+ Evidence for this can be found in the north Atlantic sediment cores which show poorly sorted, angular and contain rocks.

+ As the coordinate system is two-dimensional, each point is determined by two polar coordinates: the radial coordinate and the angular coordinate.

+ H-bar is a unit of angular momentum.

+ Black holes can be described by just three visible properties: mass, electric charge, and angular momentum, or spin.

+ The 10.3 seconds of arc it travels annually amount to a quarter of a degree in a human lifetime, roughly half the angular diameter of the full Moon.
+ A "spinning" electron can only have certain values of angular momentum.

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