In sentence use of “adverse”

How to use in-sentence of “adverse”:

– Use of androgens in sports, racing and bodybuilding as performance enhancing drugs is under controversy because of their adverse effects.

– It was observed that if this assessment became publicly known it ‘could have a serious adverse effects on sales’ prospects for Rapier, which is the staple revenue-earner for BAe’s Dynamic Group.”” Freedman, Sir Lawrence, “The Official History of the Falklands Campaign”.

– Meth has many adverse effects.

– These are translucent, double-walled, spherical structures which can survive adverse conditions.

– Consequential dormancy occurs when organisms enter a dormant phase “after” adverse conditions arise.

– An adverse event will not rise to the level of a disaster if it occurs in an area without vulnerable population.

– On the other hand, the popularity of the sport waned in 1930s Soviet Union, partly because of the promotion of team and military sports, and partly because of a theory that the game had adverse health effects.

In sentence use of adverse
In sentence use of adverse

Example sentences of “adverse”:

- Loads on the ground can be from adverse braking or maneuvering during taxiing.

- These are called adverse effects.
- He was known for the development of systematic monitoring of drugs for detection of adverse reactions.

– Loads on the ground can be from adverse braking or maneuvering during taxiing.

– These are called adverse effects.

– He was known for the development of systematic monitoring of drugs for detection of adverse reactions.

– Each SSRI has its own possible adverse effects.

– The discovery of vitamins and their role in nutrition, in the first two decades of the 20th century, led to vitamin supplements, which in the 1920s allowed some livestock to be raised indoors, reducing their exposure to adverse natural elements.

– Epinephrine can cause minor Adverse effect side effects, including tremors, anxiety, headaches, and palpitations.

– Common Adverse effect harmful effects of short-term use include headache, diarrhea, and nausea.

– Sometimes, the treatment for syphilis can cause a Adverse effect side effect called the Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.

– It assesses probability of beneficial and adverse effects, and risks for humans while using a particular drug.

– The Movement of Non-Aligned Countries could not spare itself difficulties to act effectively in an adverse international political situation marked by hegemonic positions and unipolarity as well as by internal difficulties and conflicts given the heterogeneity of its membership and, thus, its diverse interests.

– The great Chinese famine was caused by a combination of adverse weather conditions, social pressure, economic mismanagement, and radical changes in agriculture imposed by government regulations.

– This is an adverse effect of acetaminophen.

– In many countries, adverse effects have to be reported and researched in clinical trials and included into the patient information accompanying medical devices and drugs for sale to the public.

– Mycobacteria can colonize their hosts without the hosts showing any adverse signs.

– In the mid-1990s period, 7-Eleven in Sweden received adverse publicity due to the unfavourable labour contracts offered by its then-licensee, “Small Shops” an American-based company, resulting in many stores being sold and closed down.

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