In-sentence examples of “uranus”

How to use in-sentence of “uranus”:

+ It is thought that Hesiod’s myth, explaining the birth of Aphrodite, born when Cronus cut off the genitals of Uranus and threw it into the sea, originated from the cult of Aphroditus.

+ The names of Titania and the other four moons of Uranus then known were suggested by Herschel’s son John Herschel in 1852 at the request of William Lassell, who had found Ariel and Umbriel the year before.

+ With this terminology in mind, some astronomers have started referring to Uranus and Neptune as ice giants to indicate the predominance of the “ices” in their interior composition.

+ When the Voyager spacecraft flew by Uranus in 1986, that winds on that planet were observed to be mild.

+ After Galileo, people made better telescopes and used them to see farther objects such as the planets Uranus and Neptune.

+ The newly discovered outer rings of Uranus are similar to the outer G and E rings of Saturn.

In-sentence examples of uranus
In-sentence examples of uranus

Example sentences of “uranus”:

+ It has a mass higher than Earth’s, but much less than the Solar System’s ice giants, Uranus and Neptune, which are 15 and 17 times Earth’s mass, respectively.

+ The first of these was in December 1690, which remains the earliest known sighting of Uranus by an astronomer.

+ The planet Uranus has a system made of 13 rings which is far fewer than the rings of Saturn but more than those around Jupiter and Neptune.

+ In addition, dust bands observed between the main rings of Uranus may be similar to the rings of Jupiter.

+ From closest to farthest from the Sun, they are: Mercury Mercury, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

+ Sycorax follows a far orbit, more than 20 times farther from Uranus than the farthest regular moon Oberon.

+ Titania is the biggest moon of Uranus Uranus and the eighth biggest moon in the Solar System.

+ Gaia and Uranus had 12 children, the Titans.

+ The ring system of Uranus has thirteen distinct rings.

+ The atmosphere of Uranus is mainly made up of hydrogen and helium.

+ In the 1990s, it was realized that Uranus and Neptune are a distinct class of giant planet, separate from the other giant planets, Jupiter and Saturn.

+ It has a mass higher than Earth's, but much less than the Solar System's ice giants, Uranus and Neptune, which are 15 and 17 times Earth's mass, respectively.

+ The first of these was in December 1690, which remains the earliest known sighting of Uranus by an astronomer.

+ As a whole, the ring system of Uranus is unlike either the faint dusty rings of Jupiter or the broad and complex rings of Saturn, some of which are composed of very bright material—water ice.

+ The other gas giants are Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

+ However, Uranus and Neptune are better called as ice giants.

+ The planet Uranus got its name from the Greek god Uranos.

+ Confirmed as Uranus XXIII, it was named after the servant of Hero in William Shakespeare’s play “Much Ado About Nothing”Planetary names.

+ One scientist described it as being like a “…skating rink of snowy dirt.” They were able to work out the comet was formed in the area between Uranus and Neptune.

+ The closest ring is 38,000km away from the center of Uranus and the furthest ring is 98,000km away.

+ Neptune and Uranus are similar because they are mainly made up of water and rock.

+ The rings of Uranus consist mainly of macroscopic particles and little dust, although dust is known to be present in 1986U2R/ζ, η, δ, λ, ν and μ rings.

More in-sentence examples of “uranus”:

+ She helped him to discover Uranus with a six-foot telescope.

+ Because the moon is small and dark, it was not seen in the images taken by “Voyager 2” during its Uranus flyby in 1986.

+ The rings of Uranus were discovered in 1977.

+ These symmetric dips bear some similarity to the way by which the Rings of Uranus were found in 1977.

+ Confirmed as Uranus XX, it is named after the drunken butler in William Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest”.

+ The planet Uranus is named after him, as well as the radioactive chemical element uranium.

+ This and the dark surface made it too dim to be detected by the “Voyager 2” cameras during its Uranus flyby in 1986.

+ Umbriel is a moon of Uranus Uranus found on October 24, 1851 by William Lassell.

+ Prospero is a small Prograde and retrograde motionretrograde non-spherical moon of Uranus found on 1999-07-18 by the astrophysicist Matthew Holman and his team, and given designation S/1999U3.

+ He is best known for discovering Uranus in 1781.

+ It is the only spacecraft that has come near to Uranus and Neptune.

+ The Nice model, in fact, suggests that Neptune formed closer to the Sun than Uranus did, and should therefore have more heavy elements.

+ Like Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, it is a “gas giant”.

+ He discovered many small moons of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, the second known Neptune Trojan, 2004 UP10 as well as several Kuiper Belt Objects, Centaurs, and near Earth asteroids.

+ Geologically, it is the most active body in the Uranus system.

+ Unlike the other giant planets, Uranus has an extreme tilt that causes its seasons to be severely pronounced.

+ All rings of Uranus show azimuthal brightness variations.

+ The names of the moons of Uranus are from the theatreplays written by Shakespeare.

+ The rotational period of the interior of Uranus is 17hours, 14minutes, clockwise.

+ Today, little of the water in Uranus and Neptune is in the form of ice.

+ The moon is also called Uranus XXV.

+ The intensity of sunlight on Uranus is about 1/400 that on Earth.

+ The many ways in which Uranus and Neptune differ from Jupiter and Saturn have led some to use the term only for the planets similar to the latter two.

+ The theory that Vulcan exists come from the earlier prediction that an outer planet was causing similar changes in the orbit of Uranus from the orbit predicted by classical theory.

+ It orbits Uranus about every 13.4 days.

+ He died in his 84th year, which is the same number of years Uranus takes to orbit the Sun.

+ Judging by the color of its atmosphere, the sky of Uranus is probably a light blue.

+ The rings of Uranus are thought to be relatively young, not more than 600 million years old.

+ Confirmed as Uranus XXII, it was named after a lord in William Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest”.

+ They classify Uranus and Neptune, which have different compositions, as ice giants.

+ Lowell said that such a planet-like object could explain some irregularities in the orbits of the gas giants, in particular Uranus and Neptune.

+ All of the moons of Uranus are named for characters from William ShakespeareShakespeare or Alexander Pope.

+ The dwarf orbits as close to A as Uranus is to our sun.

+ The gravity of a large unseen ninth planet could have perturbed Uranus enough to explain the irregularities.

+ He is particularly noted for his careful observations of the irregulrities in the motion of Uranus Uranus and his hypothesis of the existence of an eighth planet in the solar system.

+ Designated Uranus XXIV it was named after the son of the King of Naples in William Shakespeare’s play “The Tempest”.

+ One difference between Neptune and Uranus is the level of meteorological activity that has been observed.

+ The diagram illustrates the orbital parameters of the retrograde non-spherical moons of Uranus with the eccentricity of the orbits represented by the segments extending from the pericentre to the apocentre.

+ The distance between Uranus and the Sun is about 2.8 billion km.

+ The four planets; Jupiter Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are gas giants.

+ The discovery of Uranus put his career on the way: he got a salary of £200 a year as “King’s Astronomer”.

+ So far the only close-up images of Titania are from the “Voyager 2” probe, which photographed the moon during its Uranus flyby in January, 1986.

+ There are two known ice giants in the Solar System, Uranus and Neptune.

+ Portia is the second biggest closer moon of Uranus after Puck.

+ Ariel is a moon of Uranus Uranus found on October 24, 1851 by William Lassell.

+ She helped him to discover Uranus with a six-foot telescope.

+ Because the moon is small and dark, it was not seen in the images taken by "Voyager 2" during its Uranus flyby in 1986.

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