In-sentence examples of “underwater”

How to use in-sentence of “underwater”:

+ The fly is underwater and looks like drowned or newly hatched insects.

+ SpongeBob and Squidward work as employees at a restaurant called the Krusty Krab in the underwater town of Bikini Bottom.

+ These ridges make up the longest mountain range in the world, all underwater except for short stretches like Iceland.

+ This allows the ghosts from the Hellunderworld and underwater are able to be in the same space peacefully.

+ O’Toole, Decland Molloy, Janice “Preliminary performance assessment of an underwater line setting device for pelagic longline fishing” “New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research” 34: 455–461.

+ The giant kelp “Macrocystis” is a brown alga that forms underwater forests, and it may grow to 60 meters.

In-sentence examples of underwater
In-sentence examples of underwater

Example sentences of “underwater”:

+ A guyot is an underwater mountain or seamount with a flat top.

+ Usually free divers stay underwater for about 45seconds.

+ They are also said to carry humans down to their underwater kingdoms or drown them.

+ In Toulon, where he was serving on the “Condorcet”, Cousteau carried out his first underwater experiments, thanks to his friend Philippe Tailliez who in 1936 lent him some Fernez underwater goggles.

+ Just by looking at the part you can see, it is hard to tell how the part underwater looks, and how close you can get before crashing into it.

+ In games or contests, swimmers will sometimes do underwater handstands on pool bottoms with legs and feet extended above the water.

+ Besides, he is the deity of underwater world and disaster.

+ He can breathe underwater and swim at very high speeds.

+ The new season unveils the underwater world of Shinkai, which is ruled by King Kaikos.

+ A guyot is an underwater mountain or seamount with a flat top.

+ Usually free divers stay underwater for about 45seconds.
+ They are also said to carry humans down to their underwater kingdoms or drown them.

+ Vulcan carefully shut this precious coal in a clam shell and took it back to his underwater grotto and made a fire with it.

+ They are excellent swimmers and can stay underwater for around half an hour.

+ One was killed by a downed power line in Mexicali, and the other was a scuba diving in underwater currents.

+ There are many observation areas available for the guests, including underwater viewing, across from a moat, and even of the bears on land only with 3 inches of glass separating them from the visitors.

+ Because of special dangers, there are advanced classes for things like diving in or around underwater shipwrecks, cave diving, and deep diving.

+ While underwater they like to hide near aquatic plants and rocks.

+ When they are not active, they can hold their breath for a maximum of about two hours underwater before drowning.

More in-sentence examples of “underwater”:

+ Although he was criticized for his treasure hunting, he was known as the "true father of underwater archaeology".

+ To the west on the same underwater platform is the Rowley Shoals.
+ He shows them his home, an underwater city built by Gungans to stay away from humans.

+ Although he was criticized for his treasure hunting, he was known as the “true father of underwater archaeology”.

+ To the west on the same underwater platform is the Rowley Shoals.

+ He shows them his home, an underwater city built by Gungans to stay away from humans.

+ They can dive up to 2250 m and stay underwater for 2 hours.

+ For underwater scenes, scuba gear can be used to let Duke breathe.

+ This makes it possible to stay underwater longer.

+ The word scuba is an acronym from Underwater Breathing Apparatus.

+ Electricity was very new at the time, and had never been used to power an underwater ship.

+ The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, also called the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, was a great underwater earthquake.

+ American alligators, American crocodiles, and Florida cooter turtles can be observed in a series of water/land exhibits all with an underwater viewing.

+ They were hard to see while underwater but it was easy to attack them when they surfaced to recharge.

+ Even though they live in water, Yellow-lipped sea krait do not have gills so they have to go to the surface to breath air, but a yellow-lipped sea krait can go as deep as 100 meters underwater and stay there for up to an hour.

+ The gate leads into the shrine, which is partly underwater at high tide.

+ Large sharks, stingrays and 1500 fish of forty different species may be viewed through a 114 metre-long underwater plexiglass tunnel in a figure-of-eight shape.

+ Singer, the underwater contact mine.

+ At the end of the book, he gets to go to work for his father, Poseidon, in the Underwater Armory.

+ The ship carrying the painting back to Australia sank and the painting was underwater for some time.

+ She worked as an underwater model and actress in several of his underwater natural history movies.

+ The Hawaiian islands plus former islands which are now beneath the sea make up the Hawaiian–Emperor seamount chain; and many of the underwater mountains are guyots.

+ It allows people to see underwater life in a natural setting, without the complicated equipment and training required for scuba diving.

+ Scuba diving lets people explore and photograph underwater caverns, wrecks, coral, sponges, and other marine life.

+ Females of the water spider “Argyroneta aquatica” build underwater “diving bell” webs which they fill with air and use eating their prey, molting, mating, and raising offspring.

+ They lay their eggs on underwater plants.

+ It probably could hold its breath underwater for about forty-five minutes, which is helpful for an aquatic ambush hunter.

+ Bathymetry is the study of the underwater terrain of lakes or ocean floors.

+ Sonar is a machine that uses underwater sound waves to find other objects in the sea.

+ He was the designer of a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus and also was the tester of scuba diving gear for the Nemrod trade mark.

+ The Channel Tunnel is a long underwater tunnel between England and France that runs under the English Channel at the Strait of Dover.

+ Or, after underwater earthquakes, gaps caused by the earthquake can be filled in with breccia, that is, broken rocks.

+ Sea snakes have special nostrils that can close when they go underwater and open when they come up to breathe, like the blowhole of a whale.

+ Les Casquets or northwest of Alderney and are part of an underwater sandstone ridge.

+ They lay eggs in cracks in underwater rocks.

+ All islands were formed from underwater eruptions and are made up of palagonite tuff and lava.

+ The torpedo, is an explosive projectile weapon that moves by itself, launched above or below the water surface, that goes underwater toward a target, and made to explode when it hits a target or is near to it.

+ In one of Lovecraft’s stories, “The Call of Cthulhu”, he said that Cthulhu currently lies in a dreamlike state in the underwater sunken city of R’lyeh, waiting for the time when the Old Ones shall rise again.

+ At the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, McArthur conducted graduate research in nearshore underwater acoustic propagation and digital signal processing.

+ Most of these underwater topographic maps use contour lines to show the terrain of the sea floor, and how deep it is.

+ It was underwater about 23 million years ago, and most of it is sunken under the Pacific Ocean.

+ New subs were more streamlined and had no deck guns because water dragging against the guns made noise underwater and slowed the subs.

+ Pillow lavas are used generally to show volcanism occurred underwater in metamorphic belts.

+ The underwater village is a popular technical dive for scuba divers.

+ Seeing opportunities for zoo visitors as such include two walk-though aviaries, open-fronted habitats, and species behind glass with underwater viewings.

+ They lay eggs in on underwater sticks.

+ A modern torpedo is a cigar-shaped, self-propelled, underwater explosive device designed to destroy another ship or submarine.Confederate president Davis was opposed to their use.

+ A guyot, also known as a tablemount, is an isolated underwater volcanic mountain below the surface of the sea.

+ An underwater photograph taken by an American tourist while snorkeling in October 2009 was publicized in March 2010 after the photographer stated that the image depicted something on the sea bed which resembled human remains.

+ They live underwater on rocky, sandy, or muddy ground.

+ Kelly Tarlton, an avid diver, treasure hunter and undersea explorer, was responsible for the Underwater World concept and construction.

+ The country has some natural gas beneath the ground and underwater in the ocean.

+ These two things allow them to stay underwater for long periods of time.

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