In-sentence examples of “underside”

How to use in-sentence of “underside”:

– If courtship is successful, the male injects his sperm from the pedipalps into the female’s genital opening on the underside of her abdomen.

– The underside of the cape is heavily pigmented, masking most of the body’s photophores.

– Krill scrape off the algae from the underside of the ice, which is colored brown by the algae.

– They have a white patch of feathers underneath the base of their tail, but the rest of their underside is black.

– She will lay them on the underside of the leaves.

– The row of pink spots on the underside are more noticeable than the pink spots on the upper side.

In-sentence examples of underside
In-sentence examples of underside

Example sentences of “underside”:

- The underside may be cryptic, while the upper side has some warning pattern.

- The underside of the wings is also black.
- The underside of the wings is similar to the upper side.

– The underside may be cryptic, while the upper side has some warning pattern.

– The underside of the wings is also black.

– The underside of the wings is similar to the upper side.

– It simply conceals the underside of the floor or roof above it.

– Tube feet are small tube-like projections on the underside of echinoderms.

– The underside of the temporal lobes do high-level visual processing of faces and scenes.

– Tinbergen found that territorial male stickleback fish would attack a wooden fish model more vigorously than a real male if its underside was redder.

– The body is dark grey to brown in colour, and the underside is white.

– The underside of the body may be pinkish or yellowish.

– The underside is usually white or a lighter yellowish colour.

– She is best known for “The Lottery which suggests a deeply unsettling dark underside in human nature who lives in suburban small-town in America.

– On the underside of a sand dollar, there is a star pattern spreading out from the center where the mouth is.

More in-sentence examples of “underside”:

– On the underside of the caps are gills that are white to creamy or pale orange.

– Flexible cilia are arranged in a horseshoe-shaped area on the forehead, and in spots on the sides of the head and in two rows on the underside of the body.

– The underside of the wings varies.

– The underside of the bottom wing has only one row of orange spots.

– On the underside of the hind wing, there is a row of pale, square-shaped spots.

– The underside of the tadpole is dark.

– The underside of the wings is reddish-brown.

– His career, which began in 1959, has been about examining the underside of society.

– The underside is almost completely white, making the animal indistinguishable from brighter waters near the ocean surface.

– But Odysseus and his men hold themselves on the underside of the sheep, and so they get out.

– The female has her sex organs on the underside of her body.

– Most jellyfish have a bell-shaped body and long tentacles at the underside of the body.

– The underside of the wings is pale greenish to white.

– The color of the coyote’s fur is a grayish brown to yellowish gray on the upper parts, while the throat and underside are a more white color.

– For example, they still have a tail, and the mouth is not to the back on the underside of the head.

– The underside is usually the same colour, but is often paler and more whiter.

– The underside of the hind wing has a pale band in the center.

– The underside of the wings is black.

– They are absent from the underside of the caped arms.

– The underside of the body is covered with water-repellent hair.

– They later attach themselves to the underside of the leaves of water weed before becoming free swimming.

– An educated guess would be: they were ambush predators, which clung on round the neck of their prey, and slashed at the underside of the throat.

– The underside of the male’s wings is mainly yellow-orange.

– One additional way to tell if a DVD contains one or two layers is to look at the center ring on the underside of the disc.

- On the underside of the caps are gills that are white to creamy or pale orange.

- Flexible cilia are arranged in a horseshoe-shaped area on the forehead, and in spots on the sides of the head and in two rows on the underside of the body.
- The underside of the wings varies.

– The underside of the body is white, with a yellow tinge on some individuals.

– The female’s underside is the same as the upper side.

– They hung on round the prey’s neck, gripping and slashing the underside of the throat with their canine teeth.

– The top of the body is dark grey or grey-brown with a bronzy sheen, and the underside is white.

– Its mouth is on the underside of the body.

– Most cottontail rabbits of the genus have a short tail with a white underside that shows when they are running away.

– The tadpoles have strong tails for swimming and mouths on the underside of their bodies so they can hold onto rocks.

– The underside of the wings is a tan-orange color with black veins.

– The underside of these newts is vividly coloured a yellow-orange.

– Queen Alexandra’s Sulphur has more yellow on the underside of the fore wing.

– The underside of its wings is plainer, with no submarginal spots or median black lines.

– The underside is off-white and the neck has a thin stripe with black which extends to the sides of the head.

– The lower part of the body, the inside of the legs, and the underside of the head are white.

– The yound caterpillars feed together on the underside of leaves.

– The underside of the throat turns black if they are stressed or see a potential rival.

– Storing the Turbot upside down also helps in keeping the underside of the fish white.

– The underside of the animal consists of a single muscular “foot”.

– The underside of the bottom wing has a dark center.

– These colors would be highly visible to predators, so are often hidden on the underside or between scales and only revealed when necessary.

– The underside of the female’s wings is a brownish-purplish color.

– The mouthparts are on the underside of the head and include simple chewing mandibles in the adult.

– The underside of the wings is bright orange.

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