In-sentence examples of “unconscious”

How to use in-sentence of “unconscious”:

+ In some theories of the mind, the unconscious is limited to “low-level” activity, such as carrying out goals which have been decided consciously.

+ The evidence for there being such a thing as the adaptive unconscious is a series of case studies which are hard to explain any other way.

+ Granning became unconscious and suffered a severe concussion.

+ Freud developed his first topology of the psyche in “The Interpretation of Dreams” in which he proposed that the unconscious exists and described a method for gaining access to it.

+ The preconscious was described as a layer between conscious and unconscious thought; its contents could be accessed with a little effort.

In-sentence examples of unconscious
In-sentence examples of unconscious

Example sentences of “unconscious”:

+ They are often used as anesthetic, to make people unconscious during operations or for other medical uses.

+ After abjecting the mother, subjects retain an unconscious fascination with the semiotic, desiring to reunite with the mother, while at the same time fearing the loss of identity that accompanies it.
+ Learning also takes place in ways which are entirely unconscious to us at the time.

+ They are often used as anesthetic, to make people unconscious during operations or for other medical uses.

+ After abjecting the mother, subjects retain an unconscious fascination with the semiotic, desiring to reunite with the mother, while at the same time fearing the loss of identity that accompanies it.

+ Learning also takes place in ways which are entirely unconscious to us at the time.

+ This is a term coined by Freud to explain a spoken mistake derived from the unconscious mind.

+ The adaptive unconscious is a set of unconscious mental processes influencing judgment and decision making.

+ On October 1, 2009, police officers found him unconscious outdoors.

+ However, continual unconscious bobbing of the head usually indicates that the listener is tuning out.

+ Wanda double-crosses Otto and leaves him unconscious in a broom cupboard.

+ It seems likely that unconscious learning by results evolved first in early metazoa, and conscious thought very much later.

+ There is always a friend, a friend in the crowd, a friend in the solitude; or while he is asleep, unconscious of this outer world, and when he is awake and conscious of it.

+ Freud’s advance was not to uncover the unconscious but to devise a method for systematically studying it.

+ The band found several spray cans of gold DuPont paint in a room of the house; finding Ward naked and unconscious after a night of heavy drinking, they thought it would be funny to cover the drummer from head to toe in gold paint.

+ This theory states that human behavior is controlled by unconscious forces such as instinct and that there is no such thing as free will.

+ The unconscious mind plays a large role in Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis.

+ In March 2015, Mitchell was found unconscious in her Los Angeles home.

More in-sentence examples of “unconscious”:

+ Strelok was caught in the blowout and rendered unconscious with a severe case of amnesia.

+ Neurotic anxiety comes from an unconscious fear that the basic impulses of the id will take control of the person, leading to eventual punishment from expressing the id’s desires.

+ In general, people become unconscious within one hour form the onset of symptoms.

+ All mammals sleep, including whales, but they cannot stay in an unconscious state for too long, because they need to be conscious to breathe.

+ Teachings that are different include the doctrine of an investigative judgment, the unconscious state of the dead.

+ These activities, and much else, are governed by unconscious functions of the brain and nervous system.

+ It was used in the past as a anestheticsgeneral anesthetic to make people unconscious during surgery.

+ On July 23, 2019, he was found unconscious in his jail cell with injuries to his neck.

+ Freud is important in psychology because he studied the unconscious mind.

+ The unconscious mind is thought to be a deeper part of a person’s mind that works without that person knowing it.

+ Then – like in any situation where a person suddenly becomes unconscious and has no pulse – cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be started right away.

+ Also, it is open to unconscious bias if humans are “randomly” deciding in which direction to round.

+ Animals that sleep are in an unconscious state, or mostly so.

+ Freud called dreams the “royal road to the knowledge of the unconscious in mental life”.

+ The patient is also made unconscious before the treatment for safety reasons.

+ Freud believed that the answers to what controlled daily actions resided in the unconscious mind, despite alternative views that all our behaviors were conscious.

+ Sexual instincts or drives have deeply invested roots in the unconscious mind.

+ Freud categorized dreams into different levels in order to better understand the unconscious as the primary standard for dream interpretation.

+ A key feature of the unconscious is what he called ‘repression’.

+ He discussed the importance of the unconscious mind in understanding conscious thought and behaviour.

+ In fact it is far more ancient than human language, and interpreting its meaning is mostly done by the unconscious mind.

+ On November 21, 2005, during a game against the Nashville Predators, Fischer collapsed on the bench after entering cardiac arrest and was resuscitated by CPR and by an Automated External Defibrillator after being unconscious for six minutes.

+ Phoebus falls unconscious at the Seine, but Esmeralda rescues him and they head to the cathedral for refuge.

+ Who arrives Mondo Island to hunt Kong to use as a prisoner, those helicopters launched an gassed bomb to unconscious the ape and carried by an larger ship.

+ Historian of psychology Mark Altschule concluded, “It is difficult—or perhaps impossible—to find a nineteenth-century psychologist or psychiatrist who did not recognize unconscious thought as not only real but of the highest importance”.

+ Problems eventually begin to arise in the City of the Elephants, including Madame being bitten by a snake while protecting Zephir and Cornelius being struck unconscious by a fallen beam when his hut catches fire.

+ The role of the mind is something that Freud repeatedly talks about because he believes that the mind is responsible for both conscious and unconscious decisions based on drives and forces.

+ They are attempts by the unconscious to resolve a conflict of some sort.

+ He noticed that the unconscious prejudices can be stronger than conscious thought and that they are more dangerous since they happen outside of conscious.Thomas K.B.

+ But Freud believed no attention should be given to this level, because the unconscious mind produced the dream into a different meaning from its original.

+ Frodo falls unconscious because of the stab wound.

+ Emotional memories are consciously available, but elicit a powerful, unconscious physiological reaction.

+ He uses these things to make his case for the existence of an unconscious that refuses to be explained or contained by consciousness.

+ Freud famously proposed that unconscious memories of infantile sexual abuse were at the root of the psychoneuroses.

+ Classically, the bringing of unconscious thoughts and feelings to consciousness is brought about by encouraging a patient to talk in free association and to talk about dreams.

+ He was unconscious until he died two days later on March 27, 2013, aged 90.

+ Therefore, when one dreams, the unconscious makes an effort to deal with any conflict.

+ Because the information in the unconscious is in an unruly and often disturbing form, a “censor” in the preconscious will not allow it to pass unaltered into the conscious.

+ If they are not aware of what they are doing this is unconscious behaviour.

+ Techniques such as hypnosis are used to tap into the unconscious mind with the hopes that the source of the disturbance is found.

+ One key factor in the operation of the unconscious is ‘repression’.

+ It was first reported that Roberts had become unconscious but it was later confirmed that he was both alert and awake during the flight and had notified the flight attendant of pain and shortness of breath.

+ Infanticide, intelligence, marriage patterns, promiscuity, perception of beauty, bride price, altruism, and the allocation of parental care have all been explored by testing predictions derived from the idea that conscious and unconscious behaviours have evolved to maximize inclusive fitness.

+ They are often unconscious and unable to react.

+ He is physically strong even when compared to average adult males of his size and build; being able to climb pipes, move and dispose of bodies, snap necks, knock opponents unconscious and jump from a balcony to another balcony, spending a minimum effort.

+ When a person’s heart rate is very high, or the ventricular tachycardia lasts for more than a few seconds, the person may syncopefaint or become unconscious because their brain is not getting enough blood and oxygen.

+ Freud made arguments about the importance of the unconscious mind in understanding conscious thought and behavior.

+ In order to remain in a state of sleep, the unconscious mind has to detain negative thoughts and represent them in an edited form.

+ Strelok was caught in the blowout and rendered unconscious with a severe case of amnesia.

+ Neurotic anxiety comes from an unconscious fear that the basic impulses of the id will take control of the person, leading to eventual punishment from expressing the id's desires.

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