In sentence examples of “towards”

How to use in-sentence of “towards”:

+ On the N-Type side, there is a positive charge, which results in the donors, or electrons, flowing towards the “junction.” When they get there, they will be repelled by the negative charge on the other side of the junction, since alike charges repel.

+ Gollum runs past Bilbo, towards the way out of the caves.

+ The goal of the Gacaca courts is to get justice while also moving towards reconciliation.

+ He more or less retired as an actor as Ed Wood’s movies shifted more and more towards pornography.

+ He also tried to help young African-Americans not to express hatred and prejudice towards white Americans.

+ Diwali ads and other adverts targeted towards India are filtered out in this beam.

+ It then expanded east across the North China Plain to Shandong and then south towards the Yangzi river valley.

+ As a general rule, everything in the universe tends towards entropy.

In sentence examples of towards
In sentence examples of towards

Example sentences of “towards”:

+ Gandhi believed in a non-violent opposition towards the British.

+ This reference to people who are sheltering the murderers was towards Ali and his followers.

+ They describe sacrifice as a system which involves both actions that are aimed towards a holy person or object and actions that are aimed away from a holy person or object.

+ A special timed lap run at a velodrome racetrack in Paris, the event was not counted as an official stage or towards the overall classification.

+ That was to call every one towards the one who created the entire creation.

+ The area towards the Khyber Pass across the Safed Koh are in eastern Afghanistan; at the top the height is 1070m.

+ Because Uranium is radioactive it is often seen with the hazard sign for radioactive elements, a group of three triangles with curved outer edges pointing in towards the middle.

+ Finding a suitable antelope, they move towards it, and the animal runs away.

+ He marched towards Moscow.

+ Those who wish to discover beautiful beaches can head onto National Highway 1A towards Cam Thinh Dong Commune in Cam Ranh Town.

+ In China there were shows with acrobatic performances, but they did not influence the Western circus, which started to be popular towards the end of the 18th century.

+ If the new force, the momentum of x will increase; therefore if N is going towards body x in the opposite direction, x will slow down and its momentum will decrease.

+ The throat is blue and the outer tail-feathers are violet, becoming blue towards the tips.

+ Filial Piety means loyalty towards ones family.

+ Gandhi believed in a non-violent opposition towards the British.

+ This reference to people who are sheltering the murderers was towards Ali and his followers.
+ They describe sacrifice as a system which involves both actions that are aimed towards a holy person or object and actions that are aimed away from a holy person or object.

More in-sentence examples of “towards”:

+ On 29 April, Nimitz sent his four carriers and their supporting warships towards the Coral Sea.

+ With all of these said, I’m learning towards Keep.

+ With the Canzonetta that replaced the original Andante turns towards pure song…

+ The reason for this is because, unlike the rest of the area, Piauí state was first colonised away from the coast and slowly expanded towards the ocean.

+ In the late 19th and early 20th centuries interest shifted towards trace constituents with very small concentrations.

+ Regional train services are being increasingly developed, towards Coppet and Bellegarde.

+ I had the pleasure of meeting him in the Middle East on various occasions and recognizing in him both a gallant soldier and a true statesman with a broad and valiant outlook: loyal to his province, loyal to India and to the common cause of Freedom”.Indian Press Information Department Release, 27 December 1942 towards eventual Indian freedom, and his attempts to weld the Punjab together and save it from communal friction.

+ This carried Nora over a favorable environment and towards Baja California.

+ A leapfrog body guillotine is move where a wrestler running from behind towards an opponent resting on the second rope, jumps and lands on their opponent’s back, neck and head, sliding through the ropes out of the ring and forcing the opponent against the second rope.

+ He also militarized Russia by focusing the country’s time and energy towards weapons, vehicles, and the armed forces.

+ The Allies were slowly pushing towards Germany, but they did not get there.

+ It showed African-American men as stupid and sexually aggressive towards white women.

+ At the time of the flyby the southern hemisphere of the moon was pointed towards the Sun so only it was studied.

+ The establishment of Nuclear Weapons-Free Zones is a positive step and important measure towards strengthening global nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation.

+ Reviews were more critical, with negativity towards the album’s length of two discs.

+ Ian tried to make Katie happy, but she still held bad feelings towards him.

+ Historical attitudes towards oats are very different.

+ Platform 2 is for trains towards Sutton.

+ This pulled all the gas towards the center.

+ While the Americans headed for Cherbourg, a unit of troops led by the British moved towards Caen.

+ The charity helps people both in the UK and overseas and are not biased towards any faith or other belief.

+ Later that night, Batista confronted Alberto Del Rio, who had been trash talking him for several weeks, and eventually attacked him with a “Batista Bomb”. Six days later at the Royal Rumble, Batista entered the Rumble match at number 28 and eliminated Roman Reigns to win the match, becoming the fifth wrestler to win multiple Rumble matches. The live crowd reacted negatively towards Batista, cheering Reigns.

+ When the Roman Republic started expanding, the Gauls and the Romans became very hostile towards each other and clashed on many occasions; however, the Romans were eventually able to defeat them and ended up conquering most of the Celtic tribes in Europe and ruled them until the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

+ Most of its hate has been towards African Americans, but it has also attacked Catholics, Jews and immigrants.

+ He resents humans and even feels hateful towards them because of how he has been treated.

+ On 29 April, Nimitz sent his four carriers and their supporting warships towards the Coral Sea.

+ With all of these said, I'm learning towards Keep.
+ With the Canzonetta that replaced the original Andante turns towards pure song...

+ With the Salerno beach secure, Fifth Army began its attack northwest towards Naples on 19 September.

+ Pena’s former boyfriend, also a singer, was involved in an argument with singer Obie Bermudez after a multiple artist concert in Texas during the summer of 2004; the argument was apparently started by jealousy from her ex-boyfriend towards Bermudez.

+ Since the Earth is being pulled towards the sun and moving away at the same time, it stays at about the same distance.

+ It moved towards the northwest along Mexico, and it quickly gained strength.

+ So a proton in an electric field would move away from another proton, or towards an electron.

+ The order was for dogs to be brought up towards the returning party.

+ On either side is an angel, one gazing in adoration and the other looking towards the viewer in welcome.

+ For rail lines that operate in only one direction, the “oneway1” or “oneway2” parameters are used, to indicate that the Previous or Next station, respectively, does not have service going towards it.

+ Over 18,000 shells filled with gas were launched towards the Russians.

+ Also there is an abrupt interruption in the foothills that align with the fault as they descend from the Central Volcanic Sierra mountain range towards the valley.

+ His hatred of Marie Antoinette, his previous disgrace at court, and his liberalism, all seem to point towards his involvement.

+ The axis of the mutual orbit of the two asteroids points towards ecliptic coordinates This is tilted about 63° to the circumsolar orbit of the system.

+ On March 4th, Mora led the forces as they started their march towards Nicaragua.

+ It is also the nearest MRT station towards the Singapore Zoo, Night Safari and River Safari.

+ Types 1 and 2 indicate constipation, with 3 and 4 being the “ideal stools”, especially the latter, as they are the easiest to defecate, and 5–7 tending towards diarrhoea.

+ The problem exists when stomach contents move backwards towards the mouth.

+ These sloped towards outfalls beyond the metropolitan area.

+ According to Russian Movie criticismfilm critic Andrei Plakhov, he managed to go from a catastrophic post-war feeling of being to an optimistic one, and later managed to move away from the main, commercial stream of Japanese cinema towards a philosophical cinema that comprehends as “the problems of human existence, the problems of civilization, the problem of economy and the problem of death.” Suzuki joined the studio in 1955 and worked there until 1967, having directed exactly 40 films.

+ The banyan tree has a root system that is underground, but it also has roots that start in its branches and grow down towards the ground.

+ It is a favorable reaction, which means that the chemical reaction “wants” to move towards its lower state.

+ The different units began to move towards Guadalcanal.

+ Nietzsche also says they are life-denying values, meaning they have a negative and unhealthy attitude towards living.

+ Long-term plans see reopening the line towards Barnstaple.

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