In-sentence examples of “tools”

How to use in-sentence of “tools”:

+ The tools are Oldowan and Acheulean.

+ The advantage is that it saves some electrical engineering time and can use the same software development tools used for PC-type software development.

+ OpenBSD is often the first to add new security tools to make it harder to break, developers have also carefully read through the programming code to check for mistakes more than once.

+ I don’t have admin rights here or in Big wiki but I think I could benefit from the Rollback tools so I can revert spam and vandalism faster.

+ The tools may also include atmospheric models, atmospheric boundary layer, wind tunnels and computational fluid dynamics models.

+ Ancient Egyptians had tools like winnowing scoops, mattocks, flint bladed sickles and plows.

+ Mesolithic tools are small tools produced by chipping, and are hunter-gatherer tools, often arrowheads and points.

+ Economic development generally is measured by the human development index, life expectancy etc.These are the tools which institutions like IMF and world Bank use to classify a country as a developed, underdeveloped or newly industrialized emerging economies.

In-sentence examples of tools
In-sentence examples of tools

Example sentences of “tools”:

+ Locksmiths also need the necessary tools to complete lock replacements when needed.

+ Dear Boy was in context with Oldowan tools and animal bones.

+ Locksmiths also need the necessary tools to complete lock replacements when needed.

+ Dear Boy was in context with Oldowan tools and animal bones.

+ Any inactive administrator who has not made 100 changes or administrator actions combined for the past calendar year will have their tools removed on January 1st of the following year.

+ So Nelson used Pro Tools “to get the feel of just right”.

+ The only real thing to think about in my mind when your deciding who is going to be an admin is whether giving them the tools will be a new benefit for the community.

+ I’d like to nominate Creol to become an admin, as he/she has done excellent work improving our articles, and could certainly use admin tools to speed up and improve their work.

+ Over time, combs have become into tools for taking care of hair.

+ Acheulean tools are typically found with “Homo erectus” remains.

+ Inside of local caves, evidence of the presence of first settlers, such as weapons, stone tools and cave painting, have been documented.

+ There are also a lot of stone tools found in the cave.

+ They are also equipped with backpacks called “pup packs” that contain tools that relate to the pups’ jobs.

+ Software such as text editors and IDEs have tools that can detect specific mistakes in the codes before the program is executed.

+ Lathes work by using accessories such as cutting tools and rests.

+ The chefs can use these items on other chefs to change their ingredients, what cooking tools they can use, and other things.

+ Gardeners use tools to dig in the soil and water the crops.

+ There are the tools of a woodcutter and a ship.

+ Fire engines also carry ladders, cutting tools and lots of different types of rescue equipment.

More in-sentence examples of “tools”:

+ I don’t think he would ever abuse his sysop tools and could further help contributing in this wiki with extra tools.

+ She developed a system for classifying the stone tools found at Olduvai.

+ I let this go for a while, however eventually I asked for my tools to be removed.

+ He was usually depicted as a bearded man with hammer, tongs and anvil—the tools of a smith—and sometimes riding a donkey.

+ Psychologists use many tools as part of their daily work.

+ Then, bronze was being used for making tools and weapons.

+ To dilate the cervix, a doctor may put special tools into the cervix.

+ Metal smiths were very important before Industrial Revolutionindustrialisation because they made metal tools for farming and weapons for fighting in wars.

+ Now is when we need to hear from you to be able to give you better tools to handle vandalism, spam and harassment.

+ Their current priorities are improving support for languages such as Japanese and Arabic, and providing rich-media tools for formulæ, charts, galleries and uploading.

+ The full list of tools is at.

+ The Community Tech team at the Wikimedia Foundation is focused on building improved curation and moderation tools for experienced Wikimedia contributors.

+ I think my record with my admin tools shows I won’t abuse any tools.

+ When excavations began in 1983, flint tools 500,000 years old were discovered.

+ Similar tools were found in Sitakunda of the eastern region Chittagong, and near Comilla district.

+ The Koobi Fora community has devised the following teminology The tools and classifications are well described in a number of pages at, which is being maintained at the Maricopa Community Colleges site.

+ Early Homo sapiens put tools and other things into graves with the bodies, as if they could use them in the afterlife.

+ Neolithic tools are often polished and far more varied.

+ Players can use these to make new items such as tools and armor, as well as different kinds of blocks.

+ She combined many styles together, including ancient desert imagery that had been passed down to her through sand drawings, rock art and body painting, but by using modern tools and techniques.

+ Key tools in SPC are control charts, a focus on continuous improvement and designed experiments.

+ Players need the right tools to mine any block.

+ Therefore, I do submit this Request for Adminship and nominate BRPever to equip him to serve the community to a higher degree, to provide our “Nightwatchman” with the tools to protect the project when it is needed most, and recognize his unique ability to edit and help his fellow editor.

+ Flint tools over 800,000 years old were unearthed.

+ Much of the power of SPC lies in the ability to examine a process, for the sources of variation in that process, by using tools which give weight to objective analysis over subjective opinions and which allow the strength of each source to be determined numerically.

+ Engraving was commonly done with pointed tools of iron or even with diamond points.

+ I don't think he would ever abuse his sysop tools and could further help contributing in this wiki with extra tools.

+ She developed a system for classifying the stone tools found at Olduvai.
+ I let this go for a while, however eventually I asked for my tools to be removed.

+ Different tools are tempered to different colors, but it also depends on how much carbon there is in the steel.

+ What one culture values may differ from another, thus the tools provided reflect specific cultural values and needs.

+ I recently became a sysop over on the Simple English Wiktionary, and since I have become a sysop there, I have not had any problems with misusing the tools or with following the guidelines too closely.

+ After the protest, the workers got better tools and more money.

+ Programmers often use software tools such as text editors and IDEs to help them work.

+ Biophysical chemists use various tools used in physical chemistry to probe the structure of biological systems.

+ Movius then drew a line on a map of India to show where the difference occurred, dividing the tools of Africa, Europe and Western and Southern Asia from those of Eastern and South-eastern Asia.

+ For the rest of the world’s disputed territories, violence and diplomacy will remain the main tools to claim ownership.

+ An MCA degree endows students’ an opportunity  to work with tools meant to develop better and faster applications.

+ We want to make the tools that are used to handle bad edits better.

+ The whole DVD also includes other bonus tools including maps, videos, sound clips, animations and web links.

+ Hospitals always have the tools and machines needed for treating the patients.

+ As for technology, reconstruction suggests a culture of the early Bronze Age, with bronze tools and weapons.

+ Its obviously not a ‘big deal’ to get these tools and I believe Gobby will simply get on working with the extra buttons as he is already comfortable with them.

+ Generally, “do not delete something just because the URL to the source does not work any longer.” Use tools to help recover and repair those links instead.

+ They can use these tools because they are trusted by the community, but this does not make them better or more important than anybody else.

+ His power comes from his suit and tools of high tech tool.

+ The encyclopedia contains tools and facts as well as articles.

+ Whilst I am a good editor here, he’s right in saying that I probably wouldn’t use the tools to their full potential.

+ For example, in the village Aşağı Güzdək there are agricultural tools from the 19th century.

+ In 2005 flint tools 700,000 years old were discovered at Pakefield, and in 2010 flint tools at least 800,000 years old were discovered at Happisburgh.

+ Acheulean was a basic method for making stone tools which was shared across much of the Old World.

+ Without the right tools and technique, matcha can become “burnt” and is not such good quality.

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