In sentence examples of “to blame”

How to use in-sentence of “to blame”:

+ Automobiles can cause air pollution if too many are used in a small area like a city, and the combined pollution of the world’s automobiles is partly to blame for climate change.

+ Before her death, she wrote a post on Facebook asking the public to blame the Russian Federation for her death.

+ Loomis betrays Mickey and shoots him, as she plans to blame the murders on Mickey.

+ I do not want to blame anyone, because that is not productive.

+ In the tape, V tells them that they are all to blame for the current state of government.

In sentence examples of to blame
In sentence examples of to blame

Example sentences of “to blame”:

+ Scar does not want to die and lies to Simba that the hyenas are to blame for everything.

+ HumanHumans are to blame due to cutting down animals’ natural habitat such as forests.

+ Brad at the beginning had to take drugs and alcohol every time they got together, so that he had something to blame for the next day.

+ Her grandmother Bhabho ignores and looks down upon Kanak because according to her, Kanak is to blame for her parents’ death, but later upon realising her love for Kanak, Bhabho accepts her as family.

+ In 1983, the group claimed they were to blame for a parcel bomb sent to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament’s headquarters.

+ However, the building’s owner continues to blame overcrowding on the balcony for its complete structural failure, although he has taken steps to strengthen the balconies at his properties to prevent a recurrence of the disaster.

+ A client named Smith wants to blame his crime on another client named Jones.

+ After questions about her handling of the war, Meir left her job even though she had been found to be not to blame for problems with the war.

+ I admit that the recent debacle regarding flood flag was blown out of proportion – and that I am partly to blame – and I think now that the guidelines around this tool have been made clearer such an incident won’t happen again.

+ They will try to prove whether the person is to blame or not.

+ This is when people say that someone who has been raped is the person to blame for their rape.

+ Scar does not want to die and lies to Simba that the hyenas are to blame for everything.

+ HumanHumans are to blame due to cutting down animals’ natural habitat such as forests.

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