In-sentence examples of “thinking”

How to use in-sentence of “thinking”:

+ Since 2015, Frontier and Spirit have been thinking about combining to create one large ultra-low fare airline.

+ It often helps to think of an ice cube when thinking of phase changes.

+ Towards the end of the election, Breed was in the lead and she started thinking about all of the great things she could do to help San Francisco.

+ Naturally he was thinking about multiplication, and about how he would multiply things that were given in terms of complicated equations.

+ The inmates who escaped created fake heads to trick the guards into thinking they were asleep in their cells.

+ While he is thinking about this plan, Raskolnikov meets Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov, a sad drunkard who recently spent all of his poor family’s money on drinking.

+ Most thinking in genetics has focused on vertical transfer, but there is a growing awareness that horizontal gene transfer is a significant phenomenon.

+ Christians sometimes meditate by thinking about small parts of the Bible, or by saying the words of a prayer to themselves over and over.

In-sentence examples of thinking
In-sentence examples of thinking

Example sentences of “thinking”:

+ They can cause harm by just thinking about it.

+ People stsrted thinking about a leadership election and convention after the party’s poor showing at the 2006 Belizean municipal election.

+ It also recall an image of hiking through a state park in nearby New Ulm, Minnesota, Denver might have become filled with wonder at the beauty around, and thinking about his wife.

+ Ryōhei runs down a dark hill road thinking “I just don’t want to die”.

+ Sometimes the mother is confused, thinking that nothing has happened to her son.

+ Faith healing is a form of magical thinking where the healer says prayers, puts their hands on the sick person in the belief that the healer’s actions will cure the person.

+ Some existentialists, like Sartre and Heidegger, think that thinking about these emotions help people to choose the way that they want to live their lives.

+ A paranoid person’s thinking is shaped by fear and anxiety.

+ He likes to find out who did the murder by thinking about all the evidence.

+ Many scholars think Plato could have been thinking of a real place when he wrote about Atlantis.

+ They went to the Games with people thinking they could win another medal in 2018.

+ A similar game, “The Game” is played by thinking about said game, then you win.

+ Without thinking about it, they live on me.

+ Visual thinking or problem-solving is very ancient, and largely automatic.

+ You can still study the universe without thinking about its origin, which is what cosmonogy studies specifically.

+ The Enlightenment’s ideas about thinking with reason, having personal freedoms, and not having to follow the Catholic Church were important in creating capitalism and socialism.

+ They can cause harm by just thinking about it.

+ People stsrted thinking about a leadership election and convention after the party’s poor showing at the 2006 Belizean municipal election.

More in-sentence examples of “thinking”:

+ But they can fool their potential enemies into thinking their tail is the head.

+ They study such things as harmony and counterpoint to help them understand the way that the composers were thinking when they put the piece together.

+ But they can fool their potential enemies into thinking their tail is the head.

+ They study such things as harmony and counterpoint to help them understand the way that the composers were thinking when they put the piece together.

+ The next great wave of Keynesian thinking began with the attempt to give Keynesian macroeconomic reasoning a microeconomic basis.

+ He is also known for his strong support of critical thinking and challenging all normative assumptions: “Ask the next question.” He represented this credo by the symbol of a Q with an arrow through it, an example of which he wore around his neck and used as part of his signature in the last 15 years of his life.

+ Leonardo was often thinking of new inventions.

+ NASA is thinking to send another spacecraft known as the “Neptune Orbiter” to study more about Neptune; the spacecraft is planned to be probably launched on 2035.

+ When thinking of computer architecture, the integrated circuit sound cards occupy less space and thus became very popular and practical, especially for laptop computers.

+ This newspaper published the views and political thinking of the Muslim League.

+ When they say “town” people are normally thinking of a big, important place.

+ The different names for non-Euclidean geometries came from thinking of “straight” lines as curved lines, either curved inwards like an ellipse, or outwards like a hyperbola.

+ He was thinking of becoming a writer.

+ Only rational, logical thinking can produce the best outcome.

+ Abstract thinking singles out the rational, logical qualities…

+ However, latest thinking is that the two are definitely different genera.

+ The lyric addresses the idea of thinking about one’s life.

+ Maha’s career started when she noticed that people were thinking badly about Muslims and the religion of Islam.

+ Indian economist Amartya Sen, applying this thinking to human freedom itself, argued in his 1999 book “Development as Freedom” that human free time was the only real service, and that sustainable development was best defined as freeing human time.

+ The other Venezuelan people did not like that, and they started thinking about independence.

+ Guyot rejected DarwinismDarwin’s theory of human evolution and, at the same time, he accepted thinking that the days described there might have taken a longer period of time.

+ I’m thinking of becoming an administrator, but there is one problem: How do I become one? Please answere ASAP and answer on my talkpage.

+ New ways of thinking appeared in Iran, India, China and the Greco-Roman world.

+ After thinking this through for more than a month now, I have decided to officially retire from this project.

+ Hello I was just thinking about this.

+ Dodo wanders into the TARDIS, thinking it was a real police box.

+ The movement began to affect the thinking of many African-American writers and artists of all sorts.

+ Here I was, thinking you had to be an admin to suppress redirects.

+ He was thinking on the line that India should have a constitutional self-government.

+ It does most of the thinking and tells the rest of the computer how to work.

+ Mostly misled for thinking they would get the freedom of India at the end of world, which was not.

+ When people thought about pulling the trolley switch to kill one person instead of five, the parts of the brain that do cool, rational thinking lit up.

+ Gary finds one of the gang snails and tricks the lady into thinking the gang snail is Miss Tuftsy.

+ God gets very angry at Job’s friends for thinking that Job was not a good man and for saying things about God they did not know about, and Job prays for his friends: God answers his prayer.

+ Sometimes the problem requires abstract thinking and coming up with a creative solution.

+ A major shift in thinking came when James Hutton read his “Theory of the Earth; or, an Investigation of the Laws Observable in the Composition, Dissolution, and Restoration of Land Upon the Globe” before the Royal Society of Edinburgh in March and April 1785.

+ The term “common sense” is thinking based on a wide experience of life.

+ Bell desired his assistant, who was at the other end of the line, to pluck the reed, thinking it had stuck to the magnet.

+ This means that the day after taking the drug, a person may keep feeling tired and having trouble with thinking and balance.

+ Danielle voted out Terry, thinking that she would have a better chance of winning against Aras, and because Aras was a fellow member of the old Casaya tribe.

+ By 1967, the “Airbus A300A300” label was given an airliner which Airbus Industrie was thinking about making, with 320 seats and two engines.

+ He sternly opposed Lord Trenchard’s officer-class way of thinking as wholly inappropriate for the British police service.

+ All are good proposals and I think it is good that we are all concerned about this and are thinking about it.

+ Not knowing where he was, and thinking that he had reached Asia, the “Indies” he called them “Indians.” He claimed their land as Spain’s.

+ Many weight trainers train differently and for the result of being strong and doing difficult things for a long time while not thinking about dropping body fat far under normal.

+ This european heritage itself is a combination of, Judeo-Christian ethic, Classical Greco-Roman thinking and the cultural practices of the “barbarian” peoples of Northern Europe.

+ After examining the history, I’m thinking perhaps some editing restrictions may be in order.

+ A nice old lady finds Gary and takes him to her house, thinking that he is her pet Miss Tuftsy.

+ In late 1999, Jimmy Wales began thinking about an online encyclopedia built by volunteers.

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