In sentence examples of “theory”

How to use in-sentence of “theory”:

+ CGT arose in relation to the theory of impartial games, the two-player game of Nim in particular, with an emphasis on “solving” certain types of combinatorial games.

+ Dalton’s Atomic theory is a sciencescientific theory about atoms.

+ After publishing ninety Tracts, Newman decided, in Tract 90, that the Branch Theory was not enough, and converted to Catholicism, and later became a Cardinal.

+ Whether this theory is correct depends on whether such feelings qualify as a ‘reward’ or ‘benefit’.

+ He proposed a theory of natural selection at about the same time as Darwin.

In sentence examples of theory
In sentence examples of theory

Example sentences of “theory”:

+ The problem with that theory is that alchemy books of the time all use a common set of motifs for their pictures; these motifs cannot be found the manuscript.

+ Fisher first published in 1930 by Oxford University Press which combines Mendelian genetics with Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection.
+ Both theory and observations are part of science, and they are tied together in a kind of cycle.

+ The problem with that theory is that alchemy books of the time all use a common set of motifs for their pictures; these motifs cannot be found the manuscript.

+ Fisher first published in 1930 by Oxford University Press which combines Mendelian genetics with Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection.

+ Both theory and observations are part of science, and they are tied together in a kind of cycle.

+ So, Charles DarwinDarwin’s theory of natural selection acting on random mutations applies to bacteria as well as to more complex organisms.

+ Aristotle’s theory enumerates the possible causes which fall into several wide groups, amounting to the ways the question “why” may be answered; namely, by reference to the material worked upon or what might be called the “substratum”; to the “essence”, i.e., the pattern, the form, or the structure by reference to which the “matter” or “substratum” is to be worked; to the primary moving agent of “change” or the agent and its action; and to the goal, the plan, the end, or the good that the figurative artisan intended to obtain.

+ Richter came from a musical family and studied violin, horn horn and music theory at the Vienna Conservatory.

+ Based on their theory they make some predictions.

+ This constitutive theory was developed in the 19th century to describe what is and is not a state.

+ He is perhaps best known for his book “Illustrations of the Huttonian Theory of the Earth which summarised the work of James Hutton.

+ Early in the development of his theory Freud saw sexual energy as the only source of energy for the id.

+ The facts in a scientific theory always have evidence that shows that the fact is not false.

+ His theory to gain an edge over the Titans is to make Percy invincible by having him bathe in the River Styx, similar to the myth of Achilles.

+ The Marcus theory is named after him.

+ Although these six elements make up nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids and thus the bulk of living matter, it is possible in theory that some other elements in the periodic table might serve the same functions.

+ After the modern discoveries of fossil dinobirds in China, the HuxleyOstrom theory was accepted by almost all palaeontologists.

+ Experiments can tell us if a theory is false, or if something does not work.

+ Putnam developed the two-level game theory that says international agreements will only be successfully if they also have domestic benefits.

+ From 1920 to 1926, she developed the theory of ideal ideals in commutative rings.

+ Post-structualists might also say that the structuralist theory is above and not a part of from these structures they are writing things about.

More in-sentence examples of “theory”:

+ Inflation theory also suggests that there might be other universes.

+ Evolution is the commonly accepted scientific theory that explains how all of the different kinds of life developed from a simple beginning.

+ The paradox of Hilbert’s Grand Hotel can be understood by using Cantor’s theory of transfinite numbers.

+ NYU is one of the places where 5G was created, as well as where many of the foundations of modern electromagnetic theory were discovered.

+ He attempted to place his discoveries inside a theory of prehistoric development on a wider European and world scale.

+ For example, the atomic theory of matter, that all matter is made up of atoms, was discovered using physics, but the chemicals used in chemistry, the living tissue used in biology, the rocks studied in geology, and the planets studied in astronomy are all made up of atoms.

+ The generic name honours Charles Darwin for his theory of evolution.

+ This page mentioned, but misquoted, in the last scene of The Big Bang Theory episode #506.

+ However, when he developed his theory Soddy could not be certain neutrons actually existed.

+ There was already another equation that could describe slow-moving particles, the Schrödinger equation, but Einstein’s theory of special relativity said that fast particles could be very different from slow particles.

+ Others argued that Wegener’s theory did not explain the forces that would have been needed to move continents to such great distances.

+ In 1926 he published a correction to the theory. He traveled to Zürich, where Peter Debye was teaching, and told him his theory was wrong.

+ However, neither concept lines up perfectly with the United StatesAmerican theory of due process.

+ The General Theory of Relativity was published in 1915, ten years after the special theory of relativity was created.

+ His major professional work was his contribution of mathematical papers on the theory of evolution, which assisted the modern evolutionary synthesis.

+ According to the theory of plate tectonics lithospheric plates move towards each other along convergent plate boundaries.

+ Openings have names, and extensive theory has been worked out by masters.

+ Social cognitive theory of mass communication.

+ Panpsychism is the theory that everything in the universe is somewhat sentient or conscious.

+ Confusion and diffusion were identified by Claude ShannonClaude Elwood Shannon in his paper, “Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems” published in 1949.

+ In 1915, Einstein’s general theory of relativity newly explained gravitation with 4D spacetime modeled as a Lorentzian manifold.

+ Building a practically useful theory of goal setting and task motivation: a 35-year odyssey.

+ He was for utilitarianism, and he loved the ethical theory first proposed by his third godfather Jeremy Bentham.

+ Since then the concept has also been applied to systems theory and sociology.

+ Inflation theory also suggests that there might be other universes.

+ Evolution is the commonly accepted scientific theory that explains how all of the different kinds of life developed from a simple beginning.
+ The paradox of Hilbert's Grand Hotel can be understood by using Cantor's theory of transfinite numbers.

+ Three key areas of sociocultural theory are the zone of proximal development, private speech and make-believe play.

+ When teaching about sets in schools, naive set theory and the definition of Georg Cantor are sometimes used.

+ For testing whether someone lacks the theory of mind, the “Sally-Anne” test is performed.

+ Endosymbiont theory is the idea that eukaryote cells arose in evolution by the fusion of previously free-living protists.

+ Control theory is an interdisciplinary branch of engineering and mathematics.

+ Proving a theory is incorrect makes it possible to find a better theory and thus to make progress.

+ She used these ideas to form the theory of vibrism, which is a combination of Synthetic Cubism of the pre-war period and Mikhail LarionovLarionov and Goncharova’s Rayonism.

+ Reeve and Holldobler put forward a theory of a superorganism.

+ Heliocentric ideas were soon improved by Johannes Kepler and Isaac Newton who invented the theory of gravity.

+ These ideas are similar to, but not the same as, the four temperaments, which was an widely-believed theory in European medicine before scientific medicine was created.

+ This is because many people interpreted Keynesian theory to say that it was impossible for there to be both high inflation and high unemployment.

+ The theory is that the eukaryote cell evolved by the fusion of several bacteria or archaea organisms.

+ Platonic realism is the metaphysicstheory of reality developed by Plato, and explained in his theory of Forms.

+ M-theory is a new idea in small-particle physics that is part of superstring theory that was initially proposed by Edward Witten.

+ Today he is sometimes called “Darwin’s Bulldog” for his support of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution.

+ One theory is that these bands suggest plate tectonicsplate tectonic activity on Mars four billion years ago, before the planetary dynamo stopped working and the planet’s magnetic field faded.

+ Gently massagemassaging the area of the bruise may also help recovery, and stop the pain, according to the gate theory of pain.

+ They created the BCS theory of superconductivity, named after them.

+ Frame dragging is a theory which says that Space space is energy with it.

+ He was known for his works to human cognitive psychology and cognitive learning theory learning theory in educational psychology.

+ Maslow’s theory states that lower level needs must be met in order to meet needs in the higher levels.

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