In sentence examples of “survive”

How to use in-sentence of “survive”:

– No Class 21 or Class 29 locomotives survive today.

– Camels have adapted and found ways to help them survive in deserts.

– Activated oncogenes can cause those cells designated for apoptosis to survive and proliferate instead.

– The work did not survive completely, but a later version did survive.

– Camembert can be used in many dishes, but it is popularly eaten uncooked on bread or with wine or meat, to enjoy the subtle flavour and texture which do not survive heating.

In sentence examples of survive
In sentence examples of survive

Example sentences of “survive”:

- This is far below the Armstrong Limit, so people cannot survive without pressure suits.

- These were both originally made in colour but now survive only as black and white telerecordings.

– This is far below the Armstrong Limit, so people cannot survive without pressure suits.

– These were both originally made in colour but now survive only as black and white telerecordings.

– About 1–2% of all conceptions are affected, of which only 1% survive to birth.

– Many can survive at very high or very low temperatures, or highly salty, acidic or alkaline water.

– Most of the rocks which survive are volcanovolcanic metamorphic in origin.

– This made Reagan the only President of the United States to have been shot and survive afterwards.

– A first bill to amend the statutory limitations period and supersede the “Ledbetter” decision was introduced in the 110th United States Congress but was never enacted, as after having been passed by the United States House of RepresentativesHouse it failed to survive a Senate due to the opposition of most of the Republican Senators.

– If the galaxy is filled with intelligences that could be very dangerous, young civilizations could only survive by staying quiet so nobody would notice them and attack.

– It has teeth which grow all its life, hoofhooves on single toes, great long legs for running, and the animal is big and strong enough to survive in the open plain.Simpson G.G.

– People can get ready to survive a flood by filling many Containercontainers with fresh and clean drinking water and storing other emergency supplies; like: medicine and food.

– They did not learn the skills needed to survive off the land.

– Scorpions have many ways to survive in the desert.

– Trees are mostly evergreen conifers, because few “broadleaved” trees can survive the very low temperatures in winter.

– He was the second of 12 children and the first one of the six who were to survive childhood and grow up to adults.

– Burnham co-created and starred in the MTV television series “Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous” and released his first book of poetry, “Egghead: Or, You Can’t Survive on Ideas Alone”, in 2013.

– High defensive structures built by local noble families, few of which survive today, were frequently razed by fires, sometimes by royal decree.

– Circa Survive is a rock band from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

– Akin to how a snowball would not survive in a heated oven for long.

– In this case, Ultramen are almost always merged with a human host or create a human form for themselves in order to survive on Earth, more often than not reviving a recently dead person with their own lifeforce.

More in-sentence examples of “survive”:

– The brain cannot survive for long at these temperatures.

– While Schiavone had to survive another final set decider this time winning it 9–7.

– They are the only plants in the marshes that cannot survive without salt.

– The origins of the first pharaohs survive only as legends.

– Few of them survive in the wild and grow to be adult crocodiles.

– Like most of the larger species on Earth, the huge pterosaurs did not survive the K/T extinction event.

– This new government would lead the Romans to conquer most of the Mediterranean SeaMediterranean world and would survive for the next 500 years until the rise of Julius Caesar and Octavian.

– The only male descendant of Saul to survive was Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s lame son.

– Spores of tetanus and Anthrax anthrax, for example, can survive in the soil for many years.

– Only Pyros, Demomen, Soldiers, and Heavies can survive this without an overheal.

– Some are shorter, some longer, but most that survive the first few days have a reason to be here.

– The communists’ believed they won by making a lot of soldiers survive and successfully meet the Communists party in Shaanxi.

– Their eggs could survive out of the water.

– According to one researcher, “You can find microbes everywhere — extremely adaptable to conditions, and survive wherever they are”.

– Some of these kingdoms continue to survive for hundreds of years during different periods of the history of India.

– Survival horror is a video game genresvideo game genre based on horror movies where the main character has to survive while in danger and escape, for example during a zombie attack.

– IuseRosary also found out about this site, and if you and him plan on editing during school time whilst surrounded by classmates I don’t think that our “splendid isolation” would survive much longer.

– They live in sand and mud beneath shallow coastal waters and can survive in relatively anoxic environments.

– The area called ‘the Stone Country’ has ‘resurrection grasses’ that are able to survive extreme heat, and dry conditions followed by periods of heavy rain.

– About 15% of patients survive for two or more years.

– If they survive they become MB commandos.

– The friends survive an earthquake, a flood, a fire, an attack by a giant condor, and a volcanic eruption before rescuing Captain Grant from fierce Maoris.

– In this way groups of similar plants or animals slowly change in shape and form so that they can live more successfully and have more offspring who will survive them.

– The javelin throw is a sports event, one of the field events which survive from the original Olympic Games.

– New Zealand has some animals and plants which survive from that time, and birds which flew there much later.

– She gave her husband four children, two of which would survive infancy the future Cosimo III de’ Medici, Grand Duke of TuscanyCosimo III and Francesco Maria de’ Medici, Duke of Rovere and Montefeltro.

– This may seem a strange idea to many of us today, but it was an important way to survive in many societies, especially in lands where people travelled long distances, often far away from large towns.

– Crash loads are loosely bounded by the ability of structures to survive the deceleration of a major ground impact.

– He is trying to survive the grey days by analyzing his environment, especially people’s behaviour.

– The most famous of the Passion plays to survive into the 20th century is that performed at Oberammergau, in the Bavarian Alps.

– This child did not survive and Frances had two others.

– If people in status get the right treatment quickly, they can survive with little or no brain damage.

– Most parts are uninhabited, but some people manage to survive in places where there is water.

– The most common fatal injury in victims who survive the initial blast is blast lung.

– Of the species that lived in the Eocene epoch, approximately one in ten genera survive to the present.

– Most of them do not survive past infancy due to respiratory failure.

– Her father was to be President in 1942 but did not survive the war.

– The only way to survive a feathfoot attack is to never look behind you until you get back to a light source.

– The first printed work on chess to survive to the present day is Luis de Lucena’s “Arte de axedres”, printed in Salamanca, Spain.

– Surplus production from good crop yields helped societies survive bad years.

– They can also survive work situations in English.

– Joshua and Caleb said that if they came to the Promised Land, God would make sure they would survive against their enemies just like He had saved them from Egypt.

– Many Roman buildings still survive in the city, like the east and south gates.

– It is a reproductive structure which disperses, spreads away from the parent plant and can survive for some time.

– Seeds can survive much longer than spores, sometimes for hundreds of years.

– Mimicry evolves because the species that are better at mimicking survive to produce more offspring than the species that are worse at mimicking.

– The tower is believed to be the only tower to survive the Great Chicago Fire in 1871.

– Squanto was a Native American who helped the Pilgrims survive in the New World.

– The goal was to survive as long as you can before you die.

– The bacterium cannot survive outside a human for more than a few days.

- The brain cannot survive for long at these temperatures.

- While Schiavone had to survive another final set decider this time winning it 9–7.

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