In sentence examples of “struggle”

How to use in-sentence of “struggle”:

+ The Brioni meeting between heads of governments of India, Egypt and Yugoslavia in 1956 recognized that there exists a vital link between struggle for peace and endeavours for disarmament.

+ In 1928 at the age of 16, Devi Lal participated in independence struggle event by Lala Lajpat Rai.

+ Workers, on the other hand, have to struggle to keep their wages up and to keep the “rate of exploitation” low, so that they can live more peaceful lives.

+ The two got into a struggle and Vikernes stabbed Euronymous to death.

+ His uncle Swaran Singh had participated in the freedom struggle against the British.

In sentence examples of struggle
In sentence examples of struggle

Example sentences of “struggle”:

+ IH Qureshi, ‘Pakistan’s Struggle for Freedom” 1961 It had lost the 1936 general elections in India quite badly.

+ He won the Nobel Peace Prize on 8 October 2010, for “his long and Nonviolencenon-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China.” This was during the fourth time Liu was in prison.

+ The protest against these ‘Pass Laws’ was one of the key issues in the struggle against apartheid and has a long history.

+ This was only temporary, as the Hungarians and the Venetians continued their struggle over Dalmatia as soon as Tvrtko died in 1391.

+ Around 1100 CE it was the centre of struggle between the free communes of Milan and Como: in the 14th century it was definitively acquired by the Visconti, Dukes of Milan.

+ The Clone Wars has begin as the Jedi Knights struggle to maintain peace in the galaxy and are forced to lead the Clone army of the republic against the evil droids army of the Sith lead by Count Dooku, General Grievous and other villains.

+ After the death of Munjong, Nae-gyeong tries to keep his loyalty to the late King and help Kim Jongseo protect the young King which forces him into the biggest power struggle in the history of the Joseon dynasty.

+ His allies in this struggle were Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig von Mises and Milton Friedman.

+ As a member of the South African Communist Party he was active in the struggle against apartheid and was imprisoned along with other key members of the anti-apartheid movement such as Nelson Mandela at Robben Island.

+ In the struggle Choate was wounded several times by Gardstein, before being shot five more times by other members of the gang, who also managed to hit Gardstein in the back.

+ Although Soviet sources describe this struggle as a minor chapter in the republic’s history, it is clear that opposition was important and resulted in the death of large numbers of Turkmens.Curtis.

+ The tragic sense of life: Ernst Haeckel and the struggle over evolutionary thought.

+ Her legacy is her support for civil rights, her struggle in Pakistan Movement and her devotion to her brother.

+ It was one of those events where the struggle took place off as well as on the board.

+ IH Qureshi, 'Pakistan's Struggle for Freedom" 1961 It had lost the 1936 general elections in India quite badly.

+ He won the Nobel Peace Prize on 8 October 2010, for "his long and Nonviolencenon-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China." This was during the fourth time Liu was in prison.

More in-sentence examples of “struggle”:

+ According to Egyptian myth, Horus lost his left eye in a struggle with Set.

+ Shooting this movie was sometimes a struggle for Garland.

+ The doubtful allegiance of the Dalmatians tended to protract the struggle between Venice and Hungary, which was further complicated by internal discord due largely to the spread of the “Bogomil heresy”, and by many outside influences.

+ Darwin has called ‘natural selection’, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.

+ That means they usually think about themselves and are not aware of the class struggle going on in society or how the proletariat is being hurt by the bourgeoisie.

+ Founded in 1905 with the struggle against Japanese colonialism as a historical background, Korea University holds its legacy with highly national values as priorities.

+ In WWII, he commanded the German Army in North Africa in a long struggle against the British 8th Army.

+ Chavan was an active participant in the struggle for independence of India.

+ Harvard University Press All organisms are bound together in the struggle for existence by complex relationships between each other.

+ His last years were spent in bitter struggle against Matthäus Lang of Wellenburg, Bishop of Gurk, who succeeded him in 1519.

+ They believed in armed struggle was necessary to oust the British from India.

+ Darwin has called ‘natural selection’, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life”.

+ Members of the Struggle include Drozd and Ryan Smith of A Million Billion.

+ The first four chapters lay out his case that selection in nature, caused by the struggle for existence, is Analogyanalogous to the selection of variations under domestication.Quammen, David 2006.

+ For 150 years, there has been a struggle for civil rights in the United States.

+ It is about the operations of a drug empire after Watkins’ brother Bip’s death, his acceptance to Georgetown University and the struggle to leave the trade behind.

+ As one Summit after another was held in the 1960s and 1970s, “non alignment”, turned already into the “Movement of Non-Aligned Countries” that included nearly all Asian and African countries, was becoming a forum of coordination to struggle for the respect of the economic and political rights of the developing world.

+ She also cared deeply about the struggle of people of African heritage in the U.S.

+ But William converted to Protestantism, the religion of the Dutch people, and joined their struggle for independence.

+ There are others, like Fifty-Six, Arkansas, that struggle to even get results in a mainstream search.

+ The Marines restored order throughout most of the republic ; the country’s budget was balanced, its debt was diminished, and economic growth resumed; infrastructure projects produced new roads that linked all the country’s regions for the first time in its history; a professional military organization, the Dominican Constabulary Guard, replaced the partisan forces that had waged a seemingly endless struggle for power.

+ A struggle between two forces against each other.

+ The red means the blood of their struggle to be free, and the green means nature.

+ I don’t believe that the text would be suitable as a GA if people learning the language would struggle to read it.

+ Hoping to get help from Catholic Europe in his the struggle for independence, he also made a secret alliance with Poland, Hungary, Masovia and the Teutonic Knights.

+ The first Stadtholder, or ruler, of the Dutch Republic was William of Orange, who joined with Dutch nationalists and led the struggle for independence from Spain.

+ Darwin says: “I first thought of selection owing to struggle July 15th 1838″.

+ Her brief life was a saga of relentless struggle against evil and darkness.

+ Creed wrote the lyrics in the midst of her struggle with breast cancer.

+ The struggle against colonialism was usually by irregular forces supported by weapons and men from powers interested in removing the colonies.

+ One such setpiece is the struggle between the virtuous young hero and a snobbish youth.

+ In a relatively small number of cases, decolonization happens only after armed struggle and revolt.

+ Nikita Khrushchev eventually won the following power struggle by the mid-1950s.

+ He is an unknown benefactor to the castaways as they struggle to survive on the island.

+ Commentators in the media widely predicted that Corbyn would struggle to get this many.

+ Marx thought that this class struggle would result in workers taking power.

+ Most have pictured widespread death and destruction, and a grim post-armageddon world where a few survivors struggle to live without power, medicine, or food.

+ Her book “African American Women in the Struggle for the Vote, 1850-1920″ was an importan work that recovered the histories of black women in the women’s suffrage movement in the United States.

+ When the leader of the Bolsheviks Vladimir Lenin died, Trotsky became involved in a power struggle with Joseph Stalin for the leadership of the party.

+ Also it marked the joining of entire west Tamil Nadu, Malabar and south Mysore regions.Dheeran Chinnamalai commanded a vast army,He settled down at Odanilai and constructed a fort there to continue his struggle against the British, whom he defeated in battles at Cauvery in 1801, Odanilai in 1802 and Arachalur in 1804.

+ Keres won a hard-fought struggle by 7.5–6.5.

+ Under his brother’s rule, Kim Yong-ju held key posts in the Workers’ Party of Korea during the 1960s and early 1970s, but he fell out of favor in 1974 following a power struggle with Kim Jong-il.

+ He complained about internal struggle among the exiled Iranian monachists.

+ C minor has had the meaning of heroic struggle from Beethoven’s time and the composer wrote many of his most emotional, dramatic works in this key.

+ She had a long struggle with alcoholismalcohol and drug use during most of her career.

+ Herbert Maxwell, “Robert the Bruce and the Struggle for Scottish Independence” New York; London: G.P.

+ He wanted constitutional struggle to gain the self-government for India.

+ It tells the story of an important female revolutionary, and also shows the struggle of the Algerian people against the French occupation.

+ The struggle for independence was long and difficult.

+ According to Egyptian myth, Horus lost his left eye in a struggle with Set.

+ Shooting this movie was sometimes a struggle for Garland.
+ The doubtful allegiance of the Dalmatians tended to protract the struggle between Venice and Hungary, which was further complicated by internal discord due largely to the spread of the "Bogomil heresy", and by many outside influences.

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