In sentence examples of “stocks”

How to use in-sentence of “stocks”:

+ The sea has one of the two major stocks of Sei whales, the other one being the Scotian Shelf.

+ Blue whiting has benefited from the decline of the herring and capelin stocks as it assumed the role of major predator of plankton.

+ The bluebell woodbluebell glades of Stocks Wood were said to be a relic of the Roman remains nearby.

+ They may blacklist investors who flip too many stocks even though it is legal.

+ TD Ameritrade is a company that lets customers buy and sell stocks and other financial securities.

+ Obvious hydro-energy potential Usora is permanently unused, and fish stocks almost negligible, especially if one takes into account the centuries-old discharging untreated waste industrial water Chemical Distillation of wood in Teslić.

+ This means that humanity has already overshot global biocapacity by 70% and now lives unsustainably by depleting stocks of “natural capital”.

In sentence examples of stocks
In sentence examples of stocks

Example sentences of “stocks”:

+ Since stocks are much riskier than government bonds, the underinvestment in stocks relative to bonds supports the idea of loss aversion theory.

+ For example, if you think that Tesla stocks will lose 10% of the value, you could short the stock, and make a 10% profit once it goes down by 10%.

+ A convenience store is a small store that stocks a range of everyday items.

+ The products traded on this exchange vary from German and Swiss debt instruments to European stocks and various stock indexes.

+ The Chesapeake Bay can not sustain the higher life that once proliferated these waters, and 3 of the main harvests need to be re-stocked by man in order to maintain 1/10th of the numbers – Oysters and Rockfish, and more recently as reported in the Capital, Blue Crab stocks are at an all-time and ever-decreasing low, with scientists from University of Maryland researching how to raise crabs for re-introduction.

+ Trading stocks online has become more popular.

+ Since stocks are much riskier than government bonds, the underinvestment in stocks relative to bonds supports the idea of loss aversion theory.

+ For example, if you think that Tesla stocks will lose 10% of the value, you could short the stock, and make a 10% profit once it goes down by 10%.
+ A convenience store is a small store that stocks a range of everyday items.

+ The Chilean army confirmed that after thoroughly searching for such weapons throughout the country they had found no significant stocks as the opposition was claiming.

+ The abuse is all the greater that the consul’s duties, apart from the supplying of information of a military character, take the form of assembling stocks of arms, which constitute a threat to the peace of the country, whether from the internal or the international point of view.

+ In 1636, wife was punished and made to sit in the stocks for saying bad things about John Doane.

+ All of the Indian stocks of the album were recalled and destroyed by EMI India.

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