In sentence examples of “stays”

How to use in-sentence of “stays”:

+ The babies cannot be left alone so one of the other meerkats besides the mother stays behind to watch them.

+ Dale stays with her.

+ Each part of a word stays the same when it combines with other parts.

+ Jane stays in the jungle with Tarzan.

+ A “staight line” is the shortest path between two points which stays on the surface of the sphere.

+ The evolution of wings in birds environment stays the same.

In sentence examples of stays
In sentence examples of stays

Example sentences of “stays”:

+ While Kairi stays at Destiny Islands, Riku and Mickey Mouse are trapped in the Realm of Darkness, and Sora seals the door to prevent Ansem from using it.

+ Pascal even invented the famous line for Pygmalion, later appearing in the theatrical and movie versions of “My Fair Lady” “The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain” and Shaw, by now publicly referring to Pascal as a “genius” wrote the line into the script.

+ Imagine a situation where you are one of the prisoners, if the other prisoner stays silent and does not betray, then betraying means you do not go to jail at all instead of going to jail for 6 months.

+ As the second prophecy they say he can’t be killed by anyone who was born of a woman and as the third prophecy the witches say if Birnam Wood stays at its current position Macbeth is okay but if the wood moves he will have problems.

+ Mary Magdalene Church at Sandringham House, Crathie Kirk at Balmoral Castle, and Canongate Kirk in Edinburgh, when she stays there in Holyroodhouse, her official home in Scotland.

+ After he is sent to his room by his parents, Bart runs away from home and stays at a soup kitchen for homeless people.

+ She stays only until midnight when the spell wears off.

+ Stone takes a while to heat up, and stays hot for a while.

+ The food hence preserved stays healthy and fresh for days avoiding bacterial decay.

+ While Kairi stays at Destiny Islands, Riku and Mickey Mouse are trapped in the Realm of Darkness, and Sora seals the door to prevent Ansem from using it.

+ Pascal even invented the famous line for Pygmalion, later appearing in the theatrical and movie versions of "My Fair Lady" "The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain" and Shaw, by now publicly referring to Pascal as a "genius" wrote the line into the script.
+ Imagine a situation where you are one of the prisoners, if the other prisoner stays silent and does not betray, then betraying means you do not go to jail at all instead of going to jail for 6 months.

+ They eventually kill Ra with a nuclear blast and figure out how to get back to earth, but Jackson gets married and stays on the planet.

+ A blacksmith hammers the steel so that the edge stays thick.

+ He stays with them and has a sexual relationship with Isabelle.

+ It is usually clear and stays sticky.

+ Natalie your helper who stays in the Lab.

+ If one betrays and the other stays silent, the one that stays silent goes to jail for 10 years and the other one does not go to jail at all.

+ In the first episode, called “Tony”, she stays with Sid and offers to have sex so he can lose his virginity, but she passes out before anything happens.

More in-sentence examples of “stays”:

+ With rough-barked trees the dead bark stays on the tree and dries out.

+ The drum spins so that the clothing stays apart making the hot air work better.

+ A tower is a self-supporting or cantilevered structure, while a mast is held up by stays or guys.

+ In the TV show “Better Call Saul”, Jimmy McGill’s brother Chuck stays at home and believes he suffers from electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

+ A ninth reserve plane always stays on the ground, ready to take off.

+ Because of this, when it is seen from Earth, it looks like it always stays in the same place in the sky.

+ He goes to a new school and stays with his mother instead of staying at camp.

+ Charlton, and stays with her instead.

+ Sodium carbonate decahydrate stays the same at room temperature, but it changes into the crystal material NaO, then above.

+ The light curve near the star stays in the infared.

+ But because ice floats on the surface the water beneath can continue to circulate and the ice on the surface stays exposed and readily melts when the temperature rises.

+ In many lasers all the light travels in one direction, so it stays as a narrow beam of Collimated light that does not get wider or weaker as most sources of light do.

+ Since the Earth is being pulled towards the sun and moving away at the same time, it stays at about the same distance.

+ Shorvori makes a stern request, following which Parth stays away from Teni and even refuses to talk to her.

+ Once EBV’s initial infection is brought under control, non-active EBV stays in the person’s B cells for the rest of their life.

+ However, one stays near the protection of the cave.

+ A person has hypertension if their blood pressure is high and stays high over time.

+ Afterwards, she stays up late to finish some work for the church.

+ When a person has hepatitis A, the virus stays in their feces.

+ While this curve had already been named by other mathematicians, the name “miraculous” or “marvelous” spiral was given to this curve by Jakob Bernoulli, because he was fascinated by one of its unique mathematical properties: the size of the spiral increases, but the shape stays the same with each added curve.

+ During feeding periods, the young either stays in the roost or remains attached to the mother at one of her two vestigial pubic nipples.

+ The rest of the crew return to the surface, vowing to keep Atlantis’s location a secret, while Milo stays behind, falls in love with Kida and helps her rebuild the lost empire.

+ It usually stays in areas where it is able to breed.

+ Kairi goes home to Destiny Islands, but Riku stays in Kingdom Hearts with King Mickey to defend it.

+ The inside of the rock stays cooler.

+ The figure’s arms and legs are drawn in two different positions, while the rest of the body stays in one position.

+ With rough-barked trees the dead bark stays on the tree and dries out.

+ The drum spins so that the clothing stays apart making the hot air work better.

+ When a condom is used, after ejaculation the man’s semen stays inside the condom and does not touch the body of the person he is having sex with.

+ He sometimes stays in Paris, sometimes in his house in Calès.

+ However, the bomb splits the submarine walls, and while sinking, “Sun-Hwa” is trapped in the wreckage, but “Jin” stays with her, vowing to never leave her side again, as they both die underwater.

+ Sealed lead acid batterySealed lead acid batteries are batteries where the sulfuric acid is in a gel which stays in, even when the battery is turned up side down.

+ A roll is when fat bunches up and stays in a part of a donkey’s body, and they usually happen on its neck or its hip.

+ So, the undulator stays dark.

+ An empty instance of this template stays dormant in an article, until values are added to Wikidata, when it will then display them, so this template should be added to all biographies, whether or not there are authority control identifiers in Wikidata already.

+ Behind the scenes, Laura stays firmly in charge.

+ However, while newer features are added during each release, the timing of the Spring release stays the same as the first release, so as to ensure the stability each year.

+ The stent will make sure the blood vessel stays open and does not get blocked again in the future..

+ Another female elephant often stays with the new mother until its baby is born.

+ It may be repeated later if the score is low and stays low.

+ When the SWAT team enters the building, they shoot Dyson quite a few times which really hurts him, he stays behind to press the button to blow the place up.

+ In a cutter rig, the jib or jibs are flown from stays in front of the forestay, perhaps going from the masthead to a bowsprit.

+ The average tornado stays on ground for only 5 minutes.

+ The components are carefully matched up with the travelling particle beam so that the circle stays the same size while the particles go faster.

+ The World Bank says a country is in the ‘middle-income range’ if its gross national product per person stays between $1,000 to $12,000.

+ In a few cases the invading female stays in the host nest and lays many eggs.

+ Since less blood can flow out of the penis through the veins, more of it stays in the penis, which remains hard.

+ As a result, sugar stays in the blood and is not taken up, leading to a high blood sugar.

+ In an ordinary oven the energy stays mostly near the surface, so it takes more time.

+ One side sleeps, while the other side stays awake.

+ It stays south of Lawrence, and it continues east to the Kansas River near Eudora.

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