In-sentence examples of “stay in”

How to use in-sentence of “stay in”:

– In conclusion, technology can be useful in some situation like at work or can help people for their homework, but we need to stay in touch with the realty and the society.

– They were now fighting for the Germans so that they did not have to stay in camps for prisoners.

– Eccles Pg.79 This is believed to mostly be due to more time spent indoors, close to each other; Dry air may increase transmission rates by allowing small easily spread droplets to spread farther and stay in the air longer.

– One of the major success stories of the program was that it convinced two students to stay in the area, William Hewlett and David Packard.

– Many people wanted Wowereit to be the candidate, not so many after he decided to stay in coalition with Die Linke after the 2006 elections.

– He returned to Albania in 1993, but was not allowed to stay in the country.

In-sentence examples of stay in
In-sentence examples of stay in

Example sentences of “stay in”:

- But Moody has hidden the termination of his job in a hospital in the USA from Betty and Mahtab and tells his family, that they will stay in Iran for ever.

- Their stay in the Championship lasted just one season: they were relegated back to League One for the 2016/17 season.
- Astronauts could move around and not have to stay in their seats.

– But Moody has hidden the termination of his job in a hospital in the USA from Betty and Mahtab and tells his family, that they will stay in Iran for ever.

– Their stay in the Championship lasted just one season: they were relegated back to League One for the 2016/17 season.

– Astronauts could move around and not have to stay in their seats.

– If the finish of the race is at the top of the climb, or not far past the top, a single rider can stay in front of the peloton and win the race.

– In 1998, Irish voters approved the Belfast Agreement, or Good Friday Agreement, which meant they agreed that Northern Ireland would stay in the United Kingdom.

– Under the Treaty of Pavia, Emperor Louis IV gave the Palatinate to his brother during his stay in Italy.

– Mud and water would stay in the trenches for months.

– Eventually, the chaos during the events of “Resurrection of the Daleks” prove too much and she chooses to leave the Doctor and Turlough and stay in 1984 London.

– Those who could prove their loyalty for the Union were allowed to stay in the affected area.

– These are not true spores, but like survival pods they can stay in a dormant state for long periods.

– These ideas are about the thought that events stay in place over a period of time.

– Other students stay in Syracuse for all four years.

– Each week, one girl is asked to leave because she is not good enough to stay in the competition and become a top model.

– Every year, about 20,000 birds stay in the lagoon area in the winter season.

More in-sentence examples of “stay in”:

- At the time of his departure he was reportedly so poor that he often had to stay in bed for lack of clothes.

- Sometimes bad changes stay in place for a long time.
- People are required to stay in private houses and apartments, permanent or temporary places of residence until 20 April.

– At the time of his departure he was reportedly so poor that he often had to stay in bed for lack of clothes.

– Sometimes bad changes stay in place for a long time.

– People are required to stay in private houses and apartments, permanent or temporary places of residence until 20 April.

– If they do want to play, they have to stay in the taxi until they reach where they want to go or get three strikes.

– He made his way across England to France, south through Germany, across Switzerland to Italy, back north for a second stay in Paris, and around northern Germany before embarking from Bremerhaven in late-November.

– President Paul von Hindenburg asked him to stay in office under Kurt von Schleicher.

– Then he was granted permission to stay in the country for three more years.

– Jake Roberts introduced him to speed during his stay in Canada.

– Mast cells usually do not circulate in the blood stream, but instead stay in connective tissue.

– It is different from a hospital, because people do not stay in a clinic for a long time.

– It was his decision to stay in the desert, and kept his family far away from the towns.

– King of England William III of EnglandWilliam III asked Abauzit if he would like to stay in England, but he declined and returned to Geneva, where he took a role as librarian.

– After the tour, Åkerfeldt and Lindgren fired DeFarfalla for personal reasons, which made Nordin, who was on a vacation in Brazil, leave the band and stay in Brazil.

– If only those two players stay in the hand, the first player takes back any money that is over the amount the player going All In has.

– Many people say copyright law helps big publishers stay in control, and keeps smaller authors out of the market.

– They had to stay in far away areas of China.

– The current president, Halimah Yacob, had wanted to stay in the HDB flat at Yishun, but if she fails to comply with the security requirements, she will have to move out.

– However, most defectors do not stay in China because they are still in danger.

– They can stay in Glasgow and then travel to see Loch Lomond and the Western Isles.

– He did not stay in one place, so police could not catch up with him.

– Eventually, if one person in a home got the plague, the whole family was forced to stay in the home.

– After partition, Rafi decided to stay in India.

– The people of Montenegro still wanted independence though, on 21 May 2006 they held a vote to ask the Montenegrin’s whether they still wanted to stay in the union.

– As long as winter food is available, both the male and female will stay in the territory throughout the year, although occupying different areas.

– They moved homes often, sometimes they even had to stay in shelters.

– Among the Bantu Kavirondo the mother of twins must remain in her hut for seven days; among the Nilotic Kavirondo the parents and the infants must stay in the hut for a whole month.

– Lastly, FC UtrechtElinkwijk defeated GVAV 2–1 to stay in the Eredivisie, while GVAV were sent to the Eerste Divisie.

– Usually, if a person was born in a social class, they would stay in that class for the rest of their life.

– Her husband preferred to stay in Versailles, instead of Monaco.

– Because we are a smaller community we will stay in the single sentence stub phase a lot longer.

– After a stay in England, in 1935 they were invited to live in the USSR by Nikolai Krylenko, the Commissar of Justice responsible for the Moscow show trials and also Sports Minister.

– Many people with toxic shock syndrome have to stay in the hospital.

– The B-52 will stay in military service until around 2040.

– At the end of “The Age of Steel”, Mickey decided to stay in the parallel world to help fight the Cybermen.

– The song’s protagonist rejects a male’s sexual advances, proclaiming that he will never get her “goodies” because “they stay in the jar”.

– On 12 March 1945, ICRC president Jacob Burckhardt was told by SS General Ernst Kaltenbrunner that the ICRC’s delegates could visit the concentration camps, but the delegates would have to stay in the camps until the end of the war.

– They waited two days for a storm to pass, and then two of them set out for the summit, while a third had to stay in camp because of a knee injury.

– One or two of the Numberjacks will go out into the real world to solve the problem, while the remaining Numberjacks stay in their base and watch their progress on a screen.

– They stay in moderately shallow water, normally going no deeper than 80 meters.

– On the orders of section III B-Chief Walter Nicolai, she was instructed about her duties by Major Roepell during a stay in Cologne.

– The prime minister must keep the support of a majority of Knesset members to stay in office.

– Monocytes which migrate from the bloodstream to the tissues will then differentiate into macrophages or dendritic cells, which then stay in the tissue.

– Nico is chronologically over eighty years old as a result of his prolonged stay in the Lotus Casino in Las Vegas, an enchanted hotel where one does not age and time does not pass at its normal pace.

– Fats and solids stay in the tank and the water continues to the next stage.

– After a two-year stay in the Third Division, they were promoted to the Second Division.

– If a judge agrees, the judge will order the person to stay in the hospital for a much longer time.

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