In sentence examples of “significance”

How to use in-sentence of “significance”:

– Many rituals have a religious significance and are part of the religion or traditions of a community.

– The social significance of differences in skin color has varied across cultures and over time, as demonstrated with regard to social status and discrimination.

– Kakadu’s dramatic landscape, Aboriginal cultural significance and diverse and abundant wildlife are what visitors come to see.

– This effect is affected by the non-recognition of programs searching for email address of the significance of the image.

– Donegan’s paintings depict Ancestorancestral stories from the Dreamtime, which have spiritual significance for his family.

– The significance and economic impact of coronaviruses is hard to assess.

– Lindbergh’s legacy is, in part, his unique solo flight which changed public opinion about the value and significance of aircraft and air travel.

In sentence examples of significance
In sentence examples of significance

Example sentences of “significance”:

– The real significance of stromatolites is that they are the earliest fossil evidence of life on Earth.

– Rus raised the prestige of Eastern Slavs in Europe, improved the international significance of Kyiv.

– The significance and future of functional analysis methodologies.

– Most of these have a historic significance to them and are rooted in rich cultural and traditional norms.

– Hydrocolloids have attained commercial significance as food additives.

– Only a brief note is needed to let watchers know the rough significance of the edit.

– Until this question is decided, the significance of “Epidexipteryx” is not clear.

- The real significance of stromatolites is that they are the earliest fossil evidence of life on Earth.

- Rus raised the prestige of Eastern Slavs in Europe, improved the international significance of Kyiv.
- The significance and future of functional analysis methodologies.

– This Treaty possesses a spiritual significance far deeper than the text of the instrument itself.” Barenboim P., Sidiqi N., Op.cit.

– Although this remains somewhat Controversycontroversial, they might be useful in bronchiolitis and Bronchiectasis.They are often prescribed but of unproven significance in restrictive lung diseases.

– The significance of the composition of excavated iron fragments taken from Stratum III at the site of Kaman-Kalehöyük, Turkey.

– It has political significance as the former administrative headquarters of northern Nigeria during the British colonial era.

More in-sentence examples of “significance”:

- The significance of agriculture to Orange County’s history was great enough that the Commonwealth of Virginia set aside approximately in the western portion of the county as the Madison-Barbour Rural Historic District.

- The significance of this is that acritarchs are eukaryotes.
- According to Xenophon, the Spartans abhorred the thought of using the relationships as the basis of unit formation for placing too much significance on sexuality rather than talent.

– The significance of agriculture to Orange County’s history was great enough that the Commonwealth of Virginia set aside approximately in the western portion of the county as the Madison-Barbour Rural Historic District.

– The significance of this is that acritarchs are eukaryotes.

– According to Xenophon, the Spartans abhorred the thought of using the relationships as the basis of unit formation for placing too much significance on sexuality rather than talent.

– If and only if the Lady properly categorized all eight cups was Fisher willing to reject the null hypothesis – effectively acknowledging the Lady’s ability at a 1.4% significance level.

– The “t”-distribution plays a role in many widely used statistical analyses, including the Student’s t-testStudent’s “t”-test for assessing the statistical significance of the difference between two sample means, the construction of confidence intervals for the difference between two population means, and in linear regression analysis.

– WatsonJames Watson were awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, “for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material”.

– The significance of polyploidy in plant evolution.

– The location of the castles in Caernarfon and Conwy were chosen for their political significance and their military uses.

– Likewise, few attached geological significance to the Biblical flood, unlike subsequent creationists.

– This beautiful and mysterious place hold special significance to the Gundungurra people, who knew it as ‘Binomil’ or ‘Bin-oo-mur’.

– Several basic shapes, like cordate, oval, or triangular have been distinguished, but their significance is not agreed upon.

– Apples have religious and mythological significance in many cultures.

– The nature and significance of protein folding.

– Its significance lies in the fact that this was the first of the fossils which had been found in the twenties and thirties to provide evidence that humans indeed have a ‘natural history’ all of their own – just as Darwin had predicted.

– It was used as an intoxicant and entheogen by the peoples of Siberia and has a religious significance in these cultures.

– The formation and significance of Carboniferous coal balls.

– Sharing and trying to understand the significance of women’s stories gives these stories importance when they might not have been heard, lets people understand what makes different women happy and what problems different women face, uncovers and helps explain similarities and differences in people, and might make it easier for people who don’t know each other to help each other out.

– The bustling markets demonstrated the significance of the festival.

– In her first lecture, titled, recorded at BBC Broadcasting House in London, she reflected on the lasting significance of 11 September 2001, asking was it a terrorist crime, an act of war, or something different.

– Eta Carinae’s chief significance for astrophysics is its giant eruption, which was observed around 1843.

– The Planck law agrees well with the experimental data, but its full significance was only appreciated several years later.

– The Hindu sects Saivism and Vaishnavism became more dominant, with temples being built and Dravidian architecture being supported by empires replacing the significance of Nastik Jainism and Buddhism of the previous era.

– However, its significance may reach much further.

– The unwillingness of Nambudiris to adapt to changes in wider society persisted until the early years of the 20th century but Susan Bayly believes that their decline in significance can be traced to the period 1729-1748 when Marthanda Varma established the Kingdom of Travancore and chose to use Deshastha Brahmins from Tamil Nadu in his civil service.

– No reference indicates significance of the subject.

– From there and through its religious significance in Christendom it came to be incorporated into medieval symbolism.

– Watson, Crick, and Maurice Wilkins were awarded the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material”..

– Heron, in a comic twist, went into New York unaware of the significance of the letter, and offered his own services to the British as a spy.

– The behavioral significance of frill and horn morphology in ceratopsian dinosaurs.

– Initially, the subject’s national recognition and the regional broadcasts of the subject’s notability and significance in his community and beyond had not been effectively communicated in efforts to keep the submission concise.

– Its significance depends on a range of factors which include the market penetration of the renewables concerned, the balance of plant, and the wider connectivity of the system, as well as demand side flexibility.

– He wrote a general textbook on game theory in 1991, and has also written on the history of game theory, including his review of the origins and significance of noncooperative game theory.

– Stebbins’s review, “The significance of polyploidy in plant evolution”, showed how polyploidy was important in developing large, complex, and widespread genera.

– The evolutionary significance of the upperwing eyespots is probably attack “deflection”.

– Part of his significance is that he danced both classical ballet and modern dance.

– War, gender and national mourning: the significance of the death and commemoration of Edith Cavell in Britain.

– The timeliness and significance of these questions are not diminished by anyone’s spin.

– YH Jeon, et al, quot;Identification of major rice allergen and their clinical significance in children,quot; Korean J Pediatric 54, no.

– Sap Langka Wildlife Sanctuary The significance of the area is that it is the source of the Lam Sonthi River, as well as, a source of food for wildlife.

– It may gain greater historical significance while the ‘facts’ become less important.

– Red beds have economic significance since many of them contain reservoirs of petroleum and natural gas.

– It is in an area of great significance in the history of industrialisation.

– In a remarkable paper, Roux realised the significance of the linear structure of chromosomes.

– It is easily recognized and generally represents an object or idea with great cultural significance to a wide cultural group.

– This period is described as a “revolution” to show its importance, and the great significance and degree of change brought about to the communities in which these practices were gradually adopted and refined.

– They had a religious significance to Ismaili Muslims.

– The event will be part of an ongoing program by the Mobile County Bicentennial Commission to mark similar spots of historical significance throughout the county during the year.

– The significance of the structure is unknown, but it is generally thought to be linked with some sort of ritual bathing.

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