In-sentence examples of “separate”

How to use in-sentence of “separate”:

– Because it is formed by a separate fertilization, the endosperm is an organism distinct from the embryo.

– He builds a wall to separate everyone from his life.

– A mitten is a glove which has a separate place for the thumb, but the other four fingers are together.

– They wanted to make a separate overseas collectivity of France.

– So this is a request for comment on two separate things: First off Kennedy has brought up an explicit concern that is a violation of his probation as decided upon by the community here.

– This was to show it was separate from the federal government, first based in Bonn, and other federal bodies such as the BundesnachrichtendienstGerman intelligence based in Munich.

– Harverfield writing in the Victoria County History of Warwickshire doubted if the road had any real and original right to either name, preferring Ryknild as no less correct, and being able to separate it from Icknield Street in Oxfordshire and Berkshire.

In-sentence examples of separate
In-sentence examples of separate

Example sentences of “separate”:

- When it neared the Cleveland area, it diverged into two separate paths.

- Two nuns and a special teacher, Miss Newton, worked with her all day in a separate classroom.
- Advanced Encryption StandardAES uses a key schedule to expand a short key into a number of separate round keys.

– When it neared the Cleveland area, it diverged into two separate paths.

– Two nuns and a special teacher, Miss Newton, worked with her all day in a separate classroom.

– Advanced Encryption StandardAES uses a key schedule to expand a short key into a number of separate round keys.

– They have separate immigration policies and controls and a unique residency status.

– He held this three separate times, but never for more than one tournament.

– The group is a paraphyletic because it gave rise to the two separate modern suborders.

– There, three separate horizons of glacial deposits are separated by non-glacial sediment.

– Leading and trailing wiki markup is extracted from args.text into separate table elements.

– Before it became a separate city, Calamba was a part of Tabuco.

– The original Six Flags park was split into separate regions, such as the “Spain and Mexico” section which has Spanish-themed rides, attractions, and buildings.

– ITG operates five businesses, all of which operate under separate brand names: Cone Denim, Burlington Apparel Fabrics, Home Furnishings, Carlisle Finishing and Nano-Tex.

– Sonni defined himself as Muslim, but was careful to not separate himself from the traditional animist beliefs.

– Leónidas Plaza Gutiérrez was president of Ecuador for two separate occasions: From September 1, 1901 to August 31, 1905 and from September 1, 1912 to August 31, 1916.

– She later discovered three separate species.

More in-sentence examples of “separate”:

- As of 2009, 11 separate cases are known.

- The killings occurred in two separate attacks on the campus.
- It is heated with air to separate the iron as iron oxide.

– As of 2009, 11 separate cases are known.

– The killings occurred in two separate attacks on the campus.

– It is heated with air to separate the iron as iron oxide.

– Luminol testing found no wide areas wiped with bleach, only bare footprints or smaller splotches in separate areas, such as might occur by stepping in spilled fruit juice, or walking through shower cleanser.

– During the Ukrainian independence referendum, 1991Ukrainian independence referendum held in 1991, Zakarpattia Oblast voters were given a separate option on whether or not they favored autonomy for the region.

– Because of the dangers of storing live ammunition and Explosive materialexplosives they are kept separate in an ammunition dump.

– It has been numerous separate and collective exhibitions throughout much of the world.

– It is now a separate class in the Mollusca.

– Over a period of time, western parts of Tamil lands were developing in a separate manner.

– When multiple pronunciations for the same word are possible, use a comma and an underscore to separate the variants.

– Instead of one large mirror, the GMT will have seven separate mirrors working together.

– Even though Wyatt was forced to separate from Darell in 1541, she and their son were still in Wyatt’s will when he died.

– These towns have their own governments separate from that of Augusta.

– From 1921 to 1944, Tuva was a separate country called Tannu-Tuva.

– Some might be Monoplacophorans, which is a separate mollusc class with a similar life-style.

– The fungi are a separate Kingdom kingdom of living things, different from animals and plants.

– Australasia had started to separate from other continents as Gondwana started to break up in the Mesozoic era.

– Narrow white lines separate the blue and yellow elements from each other and from the green background.

– Solvent extraction, also known as Liquid–liquid extraction or partitioning, is a method to separate a compound based on the solubility of its parts.

– The discovery that a gene in could be present in the genetic material as several distinct and separate segments was revolutionary.

– The east-west chain of the Tian Shan Mountains separate Dzungaria in the north from the Tarim Basin in the south.

– The organs would then be buried with the mummy in separate containers called canopic jars.

– Sheik appears as a separate character from Zelda in “Super Smash Bros.

– You can separate them with commas, pipes or as lists.

– This creates simple links to three separate footnotes, with “reference_name_A”, etc.

– An FPGA therefore needs a separate configuration memory chip that holds the FPGA design.

– The axiom of choice says that if you have a set of objects and you separate the set into smaller sets, each containing at least one object, it is possible to take one object out of each of these smaller sets and make a new set.

– In “Drake Josh”, they play step-brothers of separate parents.

– Scottish English should not be confused with Scots, a language which is very much like, but separate from English.

– He was Prime Minister for two separate terms.

– The positive and negative charges in molecules separate under the applied field, causing an increase in the state of polarization, expressed as the polarization density “P”.

– There were four separate groups of emus in 1788 when the European settlers arrived.

– Some people consider these later US-spec cars to be a separate fourth series of the Espada.

– However early in the last morning two separate groups of children complete it.

– The SER and LCDR remained separate companies until they became constituents of the Southern Railway Southern Railway on 1 January 1923 under the Railways Act 1921.

– But it “does” raise a question of precedence and it’s probably worth a quick discussion and maybe a glance at’s featured list process for some guidance on whether we should crowbar lists into GA or develop a separate concept.

– It is supposed to separate the two different sides.

– Although now part of the town, World’s End, to the north of the town, was originally a separate community.

– Shafique Ali Khan, “Iqbal’s Concept of Separate North-west Muslim State: A Critique of His Allahabad Address of 1930″, Markaz-e-Shaoor-o-Adab, Karachi, OCLC 18970794 It was a prevailing idea that has its origins in United Provinces of Indian.

– Actually, some remains had been found earlier, but not recognised as a separate species from us.

– However, the military was segregated; black officers even had to enter some military bases through separate entrances from white officers.

– They remained separate bishoprics from the newly created Breton archbishopric of Dol.

– It was constituted a separate civil parish.

– Today, the White House Complex includes the Executive Residence, West Wing, East Wing, Blair House, and the Old Executive Office Building, a separate building west of the West Wing, which houses the executive offices of the President and Vice President.

– In fact, the primary motivation was to separate the stations from the tunnels, hence allowing substantial energy savings on station air-conditioning and tunnel ventilation.

– It is a separate bit of experience, different from Thoughtthinking about propositions or stream of consciousness thought.

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