In sentence examples of “sealed”

How to use in-sentence of “sealed”:

– There they sealed the Great Charter, called in Latin “Magna Carta”.

– To increase the R-value R-value of insulated windows are sealed with argon gas.

– In small, modern batteries, the fluid is immobilized in a kind of paste and everything is put in a sealed case.

– The useless wings of flightless beetles are sealed under fused wing covers.

– The King of the Franks, Clovis I, sealed the alliance of Frankish Kingdoms with the Catholic Church at his baptism.

– Lloyd has to fight Kratos to get its help because Origin was sealed by Kratos himself.

– There they sealed the Magna CartaGreat Charter, called in Latin “Magna Carta”.

In sentence examples of sealed
In sentence examples of sealed

Example sentences of “sealed”:

– A completely sealed inland road links Cairns and the Atherton Tableland to Lakeland Downs and Cooktown.

– Blazer’s admissions came during testimony given at a sealed sentencing proceeding in a New York federal court.

– Then it will be my duty to so co-operate with the President elect, as to save the Union between the election and the inauguration; as he will have secured his election on such ground that he cannot possibly save it afterward.Lincoln did not show the pledge to his cabinet, but asked them to sign the sealed envelope.

– It was difficult to study the rays inside the sealed glass tubes.

– Their lips are sealed just behind the teeth to prevent soil from filling their mouths while digging.

– As a simple explanation, it is because the head of this national flower has seeds inside, which can stay tightly sealed in a hard shell for almost 20 years.

– Current machines feed from a sealed Ink cartridgecartridge which is normally a proprietary design.

– After Miller’s death in 2007, scientists examined sealed vials preserved from the original experiments.

– If a game is adjourned, a sealed move is necessary so the player to move does not have any advantage.

– CRUI sealed a 5-year-long deal for 2018–2022.

– However, use Alchemy as a wrong way would destroy the world, so Alchemy was sealed in Mount Aleph.

- A completely sealed inland road links Cairns and the Atherton Tableland to Lakeland Downs and Cooktown.

- Blazer's admissions came during testimony given at a sealed sentencing proceeding in a New York federal court.

– Nobody told Naruto that the fox was sealed inside him.

– The fate of the Orléans family was sealed when Marie-Adélaïde’s eldest son, the duc de Chartres, “Général Égalité” in the Army of the North commanded by Charles François Dumouriez, sought political asylum from the Austrians in March 1793.

– The black plastic bags, are also introduced in 1950 as star sealed bags.

– No maggots were found on the sealed meat.

– Sometimes their petals are dried and sealed in pouches for good scent, and sometimes put inside clothes to prevent moths, who can damage the clothes.

– These run through a sealed container of water.

– The mastermind of this terrorist group, Zvonko Bušić delivered a sealed letter to the pilot, Captain Carey.

– Then they sealed Kaguya again.

More in-sentence examples of “sealed”:

– These are often carried out by adding a small amount of a transport agent to a sealed ampoule.

– They also have a sealed lid with a closable drinking hole.

– The dough is folded over, sealed along the edge and then fried.

– The seed will then germinate in sealed plastic bags in part shade.

– This counter was only capable of detecting alpha particles but in 1928 Geiger and Walther Müller developed the sealed Geiger-Müller tube which could detect more types of ionizing radiation and it became a practical radiation sensor.

– Heat engines can be open to the air or sealed and closed off to the outside.

– The meetings of the Federal Council and the result of the votes taken are not open to the public, and the records remain sealed for 50 years.

– That sealed his fate.

– The “grimoire” called “Ars Goetia”, writes about 72 demons that a king has called and put in a bronze container sealed by magical symbols.

– The band released their later album “Signed and Sealed in Blood” on January 8, 2013.

– All sealed units had the stickers on the back of the packaging.

– Cork demand has increased due to a larger proportion of wine being sealed with cork rather than being sold in bulk.

– They were thrown into various pits and caves, which were then sealed with explosives.

– They are made of chopped pork and pork jelly sealed in a hot water crust pastry, and are most of the time eaten cold.

– A sealed lead acid battery or gel cell is a lead acid battery that has the sulfuric acid electrolyte coagulated so it cannot spill out.

– The original ballot box, sealed in wax with a liquorice stamp, is kept at Pontefract museum.

– These were sealed off by during the building of the pyramid during the Third Dynasty.

– For this experiment, Miller designed a sealed glass apparatus and used it to simulate the conditions on Earth before life appeared.

– She sealed the room she was in with wet towels, turned the gas oven on and put her head inside the oven.

– Inmates Robert Wright, Jimmy Loughnan, Arthur Gallagher, David McGauley and Ricky Morris – from one side of the unit – and Craig ‘Slim’ Minogue and three other inmates on the other side sealed off their section doors with a tennis net.

– This marked the origin of the cereal box, though in modern times the sealed bag is plastic and is kept inside the box rather than outside.

– During the war the airport was made much bigger, with three sealed runways.

– Ammonium sulfide, also known as the “stink bomb” is made up of a solution of ammonium sulfide in water, sealed inside a glass ampoule.

– This was altered, however, to forestall any chance of a Red Army advance into Denmark, and the 21st Army Group occupied Hamburg and Rostock and sealed off the Danish peninsula.

– Buu is an ancient being sealed by Babidi.

– Iolaos sealed the neck stumps with torches so other heads could not grow in their place.

– As the shell grew, the back compartments were sealed with a semi-permeable membrane.

– A desiccant is a hygroscopic substance that causes desiccation in a moderately sealed container.

– To keep world safety, they have to travel to let alchemy be sealed again.

– This coincides with the night of Good Friday: the Master’s novel also deals with this same spring full moon when Christ’s fate is sealed by Pontius Pilate and he is crucified in Jerusalem.

– The town does have an sealed airfield.

– They are inside specially designed, temperature-controlled, sealed containers with argon gas.

– A cloud chamber is a sealed box with a supersaturationsupersaturated vapour of water or alcohol.

– The edges are then sealed by crimping, and baked.

– When Hagoromo captured her, she was sealed in the moon.

– There is a sealed road to the area from the south from the Daintree River Ferry.

– The defeated Cahdok and Gahdok are sealed in a prison created by the Toa’s elemental powers.

– As for its idiomatic meaning, it is the religion that was brought by “Muhammad bin Abdullah,” sent by Almighty God, and which Muslims believe is the law with which God sealed the heavenly messages.

– Two species of lichen were sealed in a capsule and launched on a Russian Soyuz rocket.

– One of many methods used to exclude water from the reaction atmosphere is to flame-dry the reaction vessel to evaporate all moisture, which is then sealed to prevent moisture from returning.

– Metaknight suddenly swoops in and nabs the chest, and goes through a sealed door.

– Land borders with India as well as China were later completely sealed off.

– The adoption records are sealed and only the adopted children themselves can ask for a court order.

– They sealed their truce by allowing the marriage of Fulk’s daughter Matilda with Henry’s son William William Adelin.

– They are done by cutting pieces of actual fiberglass or silk fabric to fit on the surface of the nail or tip and then it is sealed down with a resin or glue.

– This tube is sealed closed.

- These are often carried out by adding a small amount of a transport agent to a sealed ampoule.

- They also have a sealed lid with a closable drinking hole.

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