In-sentence examples of “safe from”

How to use in-sentence of “safe from”:

+ There are areas which people believe to be safe from tornadoes, whether by being in a city, near a major river, hill, or mountain, or even protected by supernatural forces.

+ Rick’s group and four prisoners do what they can to make the prison safe from the zombies.

+ In some places, tort law asks whether a person is an invitee when it decides what duty the owner of land has to keep that person safe from harm.

+ With Gary safe from the vote once again, Bobby Jon was voted out instead and became the first member of the Jury.

+ Farmers were usually safe from the severe effects of previous depressions because they could at least feed themselves.

+ Castro wanted to feel safe from the United States.

+ Like the earlier theatrical cartoon series, it would use many elements that were already well known, mostly the basic storyline of Popeye trying to keep his sweetheart Olive safe from the hands of other male suitors while using spinach to remain fit and healthy.

In-sentence examples of safe from
In-sentence examples of safe from

Example sentences of “safe from”:

+ This keeps the nest safe from snakes until the chicks are grown enough to leave the nest, and learn how to fly.

+ They can perform funerals and help keep the new ghosts safe from harm.
+ If a decision is not reached in two minutes, the tied players are safe from being voted off and the non-tied players choose rocks out of a bag without looking.

+ This keeps the nest safe from snakes until the chicks are grown enough to leave the nest, and learn how to fly.

+ They can perform funerals and help keep the new ghosts safe from harm.

+ If a decision is not reached in two minutes, the tied players are safe from being voted off and the non-tied players choose rocks out of a bag without looking.

+ He is then happy to see Bart and keeps him safe from Burns’ other attack dogs.

+ Or, a mask may keep someones face safe from harm.

+ They can carry prey up a tree and keep it safe from hyaenas and lions.

+ They like trees that have holes and are safe from predators.

+ Rachel then won the first HoH competition of the summer and her partner Brendon were safe from being evicted from the game.

+ The ozone in this air keeps living things safe from damaging rays from the Sun.

+ The underpasses under the major roads mean children can walk around safe from traffic.

+ For example, some browsers focus on data security and keeping computers safe from viruses.

+ Count DraculaDracula is the owner and creator of Hotel Transylvania, a five-star resort where the world’s monsters can be safe from human civilization.

+ Even there it was not safe from the bombing and they moved again to Bedford.

+ They try to take Mort to England so he is safe from Nazis.

+ Maine is mostly safe from hurricanes and tropical storms.

+ Kotick, The White Seal seeking for his people a haven where they would be safe from hunters, has been considered a metaphor for Zionism, then in its beginning.

+ Entrenched soldiers can be somewhat safe from enemy fire.

+ These stockades made the people inside safe from attack.

+ With Gary safe from being voted off, they thought about voting off Bobby Jon, but Stephenie told her allies to keep him in the game, allowing him to at least make the Jury.

+ Tyre was taken by building a land bridge from the shore to the island city which was thought to be safe from capture.

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