In-sentence examples of “retreat”

How to use in-sentence of “retreat”:

+ In the early months of 1862, the Union Army made the Confederates retreat from Kentucky and from western Tennessee.

+ This discouraged the Union command from following the Confederate retreat any further.

+ Taking place soon after the German retreat to the Hindenburg Line and Operation Alberich, the movie is about two young British soldiers who were given a mission to deliver a message calling off a doomed offensive attack.

+ Sherman’s army cut Hoods line of retreat back to Atlanta.

+ Allied ships had to retreat from the battle after one carrier was sunk heavily damaged.

+ Later, the US Navy gave that name to an aircraft carrier, and Roosevelt named his Maryland presidential retreat “Shangri-La”.

In-sentence examples of retreat
In-sentence examples of retreat

Example sentences of “retreat”:

+ During the war, the White émigrés came into contact with former Soviet citizens from German-occupied territories who used the German retreat as an opportunity to flee from the Soviet Union or were in Germany and Austria as POWs and Eastern Workers.

+ A retreat is like a camp or park.

+ The Poplar Forest is the Retreat retreat home of Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States of America near Lynchburg, Virginia.

+ This action damaged the ship and she had to retreat downriver, forcing André to return to New York overland.

+ In a speech, Wulff expressed his opposition to euthanasia and warned of a retreat of moral values.

+ Batman finds her but Catwoman takes her to a rooftop where Penguin releases a swarm of flying bats which make the Princess retreat backwards, falling off, making the people believe Batman killed her.

+ The plan succeeds in forcing the rhinoceros troops to retreat in fear, and Babar then has Arthur apologize to the abandoned Rataxes for offending the rhinoceroses, thus restoring peace to the jungle.

+ In 1991, Sogyal Rinpoche opened the retreat centre of Lerab Ling near Montpellier in southern France.

+ Each year, Al-Fatiha hosts an international membership retreat and conference.

+ After the withdrawal of German forces, Lithuanian forces were forced to retreat by advancing Russian occupation forces.

+ Arnold then traveled to Montreal, where he served as military commander of the city until forced to retreat by an advancing British army that had arrived at Quebec in May.

+ Sometimes a camp or retreat owned by a church has nude swimming or other sports.

+ Soon after, the Germans were forced to retreat and defend Ukraine and Poland.

+ In 1987, Rinpoche became spiritual director of the centre in County Cork in the west of Ireland which was to become Dzogchen Beara, Rigpa’s first long-term retreat centre.

+ With no retreat and no possibility of reinforcements, the Japanese had dug in and prepared to fight until they died.

+ However, Germany attacked the Soviet Union in 1941 and after the Battle of Kursk, the German Eastern Front began a slow retreat until war’s end.

+ The second raid happened on October 24-5, 1864, when Confederate Major generalMajor General Sterling Price with 10,000 men went through on their retreat South.

+ During the war, the White émigrés came into contact with former Soviet citizens from German-occupied territories who used the German retreat as an opportunity to flee from the Soviet Union or were in Germany and Austria as POWs and Eastern Workers.

+ A retreat is like a camp or park.
+ The Poplar Forest is the Retreat retreat home of Thomas Jefferson, third president of the United States of America near Lynchburg, Virginia.

More in-sentence examples of “retreat”:

+ Milosevic did not retreat his army because of NATO’s 77 days of bombing.

+ Breckinridge then ordered his men to retreat from the battlefield.

+ During their retreat the Greeks burned towns and villages of Turks.

+ The UN requested Israel to retreat to the pre-1967 borders and to help form an Arab-Palestinian state.

+ In October, the Chinese army was able to retreat out of Wuhan.

+ There were four feeder roads one kilometre away from each other on which Afgan horsemen could come down to battle field and if needed could retreat behind the shadow of five feet high covering road.

+ When Carson ran low on ammunition and howitzer shells, he ordered his men to retreat to a nearby Kiowa village.

+ Brutus rallied Cassius’ remaining troops and both sides ordered their army to retreat to their camps with their spoils.

+ The first winter event at Kirchheim in Germany took place in December 1986, retreats in Tiona Park in Australia began in 1989, and the first Thanksgiving retreat in the US was in Oakland in 1988.

+ But he lost the Battle of Chickamauga in September, which forced him to retreat to Chattanooga.

+ A retreat may be used to lead an enemy into an ambush.

+ Intended as a retreat from Rome, it represents the first application of humanist urban planning concepts.The rebuilding was done by Florentine architect Bernardo Gambarelli.

+ Then the Greek army decided to retreat in June 1921.

+ During the reign of Iyasu II, the Empire was strong enough to undertake a war on the Sennar Sultanate, where the emperor leading its army to Sennar itself, was afterwards forced to retreat upon defeat along the Setit river.

+ Stonehaven was a holiday retreat of the poet, Robert Burns.

+ Due to the rapid German advance a quick retreat was ordered at 06:45.

+ Russian General Alexander Suvarov and his troops stayed the night in Elm before crossing Panix Pass to Pigniu on their retreat into Austria.

+ Summers spent at the family’s retreat in Mason Country, Michigan were his most productive periods during his early career and provided rudimentary knowledge of growing and marketing fruit.

+ Several times, larger Confederate units had to retreat to save themselves from being cut to pieces by Spencer-equipped Union cavalry units.

+ Whilst the British made their fighting retreat to Berbera, the British Royal Navy had constructed an all-tide jetty and had commenced evacuating civilian and administrative officials.

+ Most modern peat bogs formed in high latitudes after the retreat of the glaciers at the end of the last ice age some 9,000years ago.

+ His wings retreat completely into his back. In his self-destruction form, Semi-Perfect Cell bloats himself, his belly greatly expanding in size.

+ This made the Russians retreat to a valley below.

+ Washington and the Continental Army were driven out of New York entirely after the battle of Fort Washington and other defeats, and forced to retreat through New Jersey and into Pennsylvania.

+ But his army was defeated and he had to retreat back into Virginia.

+ Milosevic did not retreat his army because of NATO's 77 days of bombing.

+ Breckinridge then ordered his men to retreat from the battlefield.
+ During their retreat the Greeks burned towns and villages of Turks.

+ The northeast monsoon is the result of the annual gradual retreat of monsoonal rains from northeastern India.

+ However, the Russians had to retreat and abandon the capital, Moscow, to the advancing French troops.

+ The Japanese retreat moved nearly 30,000 men into its last defense line on the Kiyan Peninsula.

+ In April 1865, Grant forced Lee to retreat from Richmond.

+ This treaty was part of England’s retreat from France, and the collecting of all France under the rule of its king.

+ By 4p.m., Beauregard decided to retreat back to Corinth.

+ He was awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross for service in the German retreat from France in 1944.

+ Napoleon’s weakened “Grande Armee” had to retreat to Paris through the Russian freezing winter, but was finally defeated by the Russians.

+ The battle forced Erwin Rommel and his Afrika Corps to retreat back to the former French fortifications in the Mareth Line in the border between Tunisia and Libya.

+ After a while, the Dutch ships had to retreat with two ships lost, three small vessels captured, and about a hundred casualties.

+ The Camp David Accords were a pair of political agreements signed by President of EgyptEgyptian President Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin on 17 September 1978, following twelve days of secret negotiations at Camp David, the country retreat of the President of the United States in Maryland.

+ The advance of Tito’s partisan forces, joined by the Soviet UnionSoviet Red Army, caused mass retreat of the Ustaše towards Austria.

+ During the late 1700s, William Tuke made a religious retreat for patients.

+ As with squid, the ink is a defensive tool, squirted out to cover its retreat in the case of danger.

+ Pimiento Rodríguez died on September 3, 2019 at a retreat house in Floridablanca near Bucaramanga of heart failure caused from a fall, aged 100.

+ Madison won over Jefferson, who shortly thereafter wrote to Wilson Cary Nicholas that: “From #91;this position#93; I retreat readily, not only in deference to #91;Madison’s#93; judgment but because as we should never think of separation but for repeated and enormous violations, so these, when they occur, will be cause enough of themselves.” Letter from Jefferson to W.C.

+ The legitimacy of the autocratic Romanovs was weakened further by the fact that Nicholas II had personally taken command of the armed forces and thus each further retreat and defeat would damage the reputation of the regime.

+ The police later had to retreat from Christiania.

+ Queen Victoria used the house as a retreat away from public life.

+ They then continued to retreat toward Marion.

+ As these men would attempt to retreat from their positions at the bridge, the rebels of the would pick most of them off.

+ As a result, the German armies in Normandy were pushed by Hitler to counterattack rather than retreat after the American breakthrough.

+ She bought the farm house as a retreat from London in 1896 at a time when she was making a significant amount of money from her stories.

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