In-sentence examples of “resources”

How to use in-sentence of “resources”:

+ Virginia Cooperative Extension provides resources and educational outreach to more than seven million Virginia residents in the areas of agriculture and natural resources, family and consumer sciences, community viability, and 4-H youth development.

+ It consists of technical and human resources managers from aerospace companies such as Air France, Airbus, Aéroport de Paris, Rockwell Collins, Thalès, “Aéroconseil”,….

+ Otherwise they live in a territory where males control territories with resources that attract females.

+ Some of the people arrived from South China and North Indochina looking for trade because East Timor had resources which could be exported, like sandalwood, honey, slaves and wax.

+ These resources include wood, coal and gold, involving the lumber and mining industries.

+ Italian Naval Headquarters was conscious that the British could replace ships lost in the Mediterranean, whereas Italian Navy resources were limited and there was a terrible lack of fuel.

In-sentence examples of resources
In-sentence examples of resources

Example sentences of “resources”:

+ The ruler of an empire gains natural resources such as agricultural and mining products.

+ Frederick established Prussia as the fifth and smallest European great power by using the resources his frugal father had cultivated.
+ With its emphasis on early detection and prevention of problems, SPC has a distinct advantage over other quality methods, such as inspection, which apply resources to detecting and correcting problems after they have occurred.

+ The ruler of an empire gains natural resources such as agricultural and mining products.

+ Frederick established Prussia as the fifth and smallest European great power by using the resources his frugal father had cultivated.

+ With its emphasis on early detection and prevention of problems, SPC has a distinct advantage over other quality methods, such as inspection, which apply resources to detecting and correcting problems after they have occurred.

+ These resources are the inputs of production i.e., land, labor and capital.

+ The Effect of Natural Resources on Fifth Century Athenian Foreign Policy and the Development of the Athenian Empire.

+ It needs to find new options for economic, social, and cultural development and a better use of natural resources for the benefit of the planet and its inhabitants.

+ Under his administration telegraphs, railways, an institute of sciences, several Colleges, and many new schools were added to the resources of Ecuador.

+ This appears to be related to the patchier, more dispersed distribution of food resources in Central America and the fact that there is less dietary overlap between the Central American squirrel monkey and the white-headed capuchin than between their South American counterparts.

+ Renewable resources are basically the opposite of non-renewable resources.

+ In this game you can trade the various resources with the rule of thumb being 6:3:4:1 in the order Pig Iron, Metal, Kryptonite, Spice.

+ Technology has a long way to go before getting interest in those countries, because of problems like the price of technology and the fact that sometimes there are not any resources to help.

+ The Caliph Abu Bakr’s way was to give his generals their mission, the geographical area in which that mission would be carried out, and the resources that, could be made available for that purpose.

+ Threads are lightweight, in terms of the system resources they consume, as compared with processes.

+ People started exploring the resources in the 1980s.

+ Some examples of perpetual resources include solar energy, tidal energy, and wind energy.

+ Wizet started as a small company with ideas to create yet another massively multiplayer online role-playing game which they achieved by creating MapleStory and with the financial resources from their parent company Nexon, Wizet was capable of developing and even selling merchandise of their popular game MapleStory.

+ Funded organizations included Heal the Bay, the Nature Conservancy, the Natural Resources Defense Council, Para Los Niños, Proyecto Pastoral, and Literacy Partners.

+ British Columbia’s large mineral resources also led to a large mining industry.

+ Many IT and technical people who work in Bengaluru travel daily from Mulbagal to Bengaluru Adequate natural resources include granite and other types of rocks.

More in-sentence examples of “resources”:

+ Student Resources in Context.

+ Malthus was probably the first to think about the struggle for resources between members of one species – humans.
+ For example, a shop might give away its stock in its promotion, but for the production of these goods, resources were needed, so this would not be a free good in an economic sense.

+ Student Resources in Context.

+ Malthus was probably the first to think about the struggle for resources between members of one species – humans.

+ For example, a shop might give away its stock in its promotion, but for the production of these goods, resources were needed, so this would not be a free good in an economic sense.

+ Developed societies use energy resources for agriculture, transportation, garbage collection, information technology and human communication.

+ This is more common in “Fortune 500” companies who have the resources to fund this type of training.

+ It is only active when reproducing within a host, using a hosts’ resources and food.

+ Non perpetual resources include Fossil fuels such as Petroleum,coal,etc.

+ At the one end, there are facts that can be verified fairly quickly by most editors, requiring only resources available over the internet, or at the local library.

+ The State-run health care is free, but the care system is neglected and has deteriorated in recent years due to lack of resources and underpaid staff.

+ Remittances from emigration are another important source of resources for the State of Cape Verde.

+ Future population growth and the demand for resources is necessary for human colonization of objects other than Earth, such as Mars and the Moon, and nearby planets.

+ Classical liberalism conceptions of liberty conceive mainly of the freedom of the individual from outside compulsion in terms of freedom from restraint and social liberalist perspective, on the other hand, highlights the need for social and economic equality, as in the power and resources to fulfill one’s potential.

+ The brainchild of Prof Mario Baptista Coelho, the founding partner of Renatura and a Professor of Geostrategy of Natural Resources at the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon, Moura was the first step in proving the feasibility of Very-Large Scale Photovoltaic Plants.

+ This generates a link to resources at the user’s preferred library about the holder of VIAF ID “31432428”.

+ This subcommittee’s includes oversight and legislative responsibilities for: United States Bureau of Reclamation irrigation and reclamation projects, including related flood control purposes and energy development impacts on water resources; groundwater resources and management.

+ Different resources require different tools to collect them.

+ The use of renewable resources and energy sources is increasing worldwide, with certain nations, such as Bhutan, and US states, such as California, beginning to rely entirely on renewable energy.

+ It accepts charitable donations, and rather than directly funding organizations, it produces face-to-face events and offers online resources to help grassroots organizations get off the ground and contribute real value to the community.

+ They rebuilt by buying weapons and spaceships from greedy merchants in the Outer Rim and taking over planets with many resources they could use to buy more weapons.

+ On September 13, 2006, the Natural Resources Defense Council signed an agreement with Friant Dam users and the United States Department of the Interior.

+ Traditional own resources are taxes raised on behalf of the EU as a whole, principally import duties on goods brought into the EU.

+ Mona is unpopulated, but employees of the Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources sometimes visit the island to inspect it and its wildlife.

+ Since WP:PR was no longer active and was nominated for removal/deletion, a lot of resources because of the results of the consensus was taken away for non-native English speakers, ESOL, children and adults learning English.

+ The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources is an international organization set up to protect plants, animals and habitats.

+ Some Nazi ideological goals were included, as were Soviet deposits of natural resources which would be helpful to keep fighting the war against the Allies.

+ Players can use resources to make new tools, such as pickaxes, which let the player gather stone.

+ Getty carefully invested his resources during the Great Depression.

+ Because the country’s resources were going to the armed forces, as they had under Joseph Stalin in wartime, consumer wants were ignored.

+ Ways have been developed to make biodegradable plastic and biodieselbio diesel and other fuels from renewable resources such as corn, sugar cane, soybeans and canola.

+ These squirrels also tend to line their nests with mosses and lichens.Tree cavities are very important nest resources for them.

+ The School of Continuing Education uses modern information technologies, as well as the advanced educational resources at Tsing Hua.

+ The primary natural resources are spiny lobster, conch and other shellfish.

+ Published by the Wikimania 2007 Taipei Team, ‘ provides the latest news of the Team’s organizing work to everyone who is interested in Wikimania; it also gives the Team chances to announce calls for help/participation, so assistance in human and other resources can be sought in a wider range.

+ Come read about the findings and next steps as WMF’s Community Resources team begins to implement changes based on your feedback.

+ The project uses the Idle idle processing resources of thousands of personal computers owned by volunteers who have installed the software on their systems.

+ Nature, for example trees, mineral resources and other things, was not allowed to be harmed.

+ He served as Director General of the International Rice Research Institute and became president of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in 1988.

+ Trees are renewable resources because, if cut down, other trees can grow in their place.

+ The contemporary conservation movement has broadened from the early movement’s emphasis on use of sustainable yield of natural resources and preservation of wilderness areas to include preservation of biodiversity.

+ By the end of the 9th century the Norsemen shifted from Vikingplundering to invasion, mainly due to the overpopulation of Scandinavia in comparison to resources and arable land available there.

+ A doctor or psychiatrist may say that a delusion is false, because it “seems” to be unlikely or bizarre.Psychiatrists rarely have the time or resources to check the validity of a person’s claims; this means that some true beliefs are erroneously classified as delusional.

+ These resources were an important foundation for the economy.

+ He or she typically creates a business plan, hires labor, acquires resources and financing, and provides leadership and management for the business.

+ Exclusive Economic Zone is an area in the ocean where only one country gets to look into and do economic activity, such as mining underwater resources and fishing.

+ Tindouf has many resources including iron ore.

+ Many of these countries have a lot of natural resources but not the Industrialization that would use them, so the resources are sold to the countries which can use them.

+ So basing a settlement close to resources is no longer as important as it once was.

+ Nuclear weapons take many resources to make, because the materials they are made of are very rare and it takes many scientists to make them.

+ The female must get enough energy for her needs, for the needs of her developing offspring, and to store the resources which her offspring will require until it emerges as an adult.

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