In sentence examples of “ratify”

How to use in-sentence of “ratify”:

– Thirteen more had yet to ratify it.

– Therefore some countries can only ratify a treaty if it is confirmed by the legislature of the country, or by a referendum.

– Despite the unwillingness of the Congress High Command, Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel strongly forced the All India Congress Committee to ratify the civil disobedience movement and launch it without delaying further.

– The third clause gave seven years as the time period for the states to ratify the amendment.

– To ratify the Constitution, a special group in each state called a Convention would have to approve the Constitution.

– It took longer for the states to ratify this amendment than any other in history.

In sentence examples of ratify
In sentence examples of ratify

Example sentences of “ratify”:

– Donald Trump and The United States of America has signed it but said that they will not ratify it.

– The last part of the Constitution, Article 7, said that nine states would have to ratify the Constitution for it to go into effect.

– Below the diamond, the date December 7, 1787, declares the day on which Delaware became the first state to ratify the United States Constitution.

– For a state to ratify the Constitution, more than half of the members of its Convention would have to vote for the Constitution.

– According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, states are considered a party to the convention, which entered into force as international law in December 1983, if they ratify at least two of the five protocols.

– The forty-seventh state to ratify the amendment was New Jersey on March 9, 1922.

– If three-fourths of the state legislatures ratify the amendment, it becomes part of the Constitution.

– State legislatures have the power to ratify an amendment of the United States Constitution.

– The amendment was bitterly opposed, particularly by Southern states, which were forced to ratify it in order for their delegations to be able to return to Congress.

– It says that nine states need to ratify the Constitution before it takes effect.

– To realize all human rights, this Declaration demands all countries to ratify fully all international human rights lawtreaties on human rights as much as possible and to make effective legal system to give remedy for human rights violations are indispensable to democracy and sustainable development not only the fair and full realization of human rights.

– For this purpose, ILO has made 189 Conventions called “International Labour Convention” but many countries do not ratify the Conventions despite its importance.

– However, the states did not ratify the other two amendments out of the 12 including the one on limiting pay for Congresspeople.

– The second option is for Congress to ask each state to create a “ratifying convention.” This is a group of people who would decide whether or not to ratify the amendment.

– Southern states were forced to ratify it in order to regain representation in Congress.

– Now actor of genocide written in this Convention will be judged by the International Criminal Court but there are some countries which do not ratify this Convention and international law on Internationl Criminal Court.

- Donald Trump and The United States of America has signed it but said that they will not ratify it.

- The last part of the Constitution, Article 7, said that nine states would have to ratify the Constitution for it to go into effect.
- Below the diamond, the date December 7, 1787, declares the day on which Delaware became the first state to ratify the United States Constitution.

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