In sentence examples of “quran”

How to use in-sentence of “quran”:

+ The Bible, the Torah, and the Quran have references to a person called “Moses” in them.

+ The Quran does not say that women need to cover their faces with a veil, or cover their bodies with the full-body burqa.

+ The birth is mentioned later at sura 66 ayah 12, where the Quran says that the Virgin Mary remained pure while Allah created Isa inside her womb.

+ The Quran established means to avoid hasty divorces.

+ The Quran tells us that the Angel Gabriel came to the Virgin Mary and told her that she would soon be pregnant with a holy child.

+ He lectures on Arabic literature, Quran and the Hadith as well on the phenomenology of prophecy.

+ Along with the translation by Muhiuddin Khan, his Bengali translation of the Quran is one of the most used, but it is not famous in terms of built-up structure of the translation of the certain verses in the Quran, unlike Muhiuddin Khan who did.

+ Many historians and Islamic scholars argue that the Quran was interpreted to require the veil as part of adapting it to tribal traditions.

In sentence examples of quran
In sentence examples of quran

Example sentences of “quran”:

+ Zohurul Hoque, was an Indian Muslim figure from Assam who is the only figure noted for the translation of the Quran in three languages, which is: Bengali, Assamese and English.

+ It can be seen that "at the time when the Quran was written", "an Arabic language structure used only in the Petra region" was used in the Qur'an.

+ Zohurul Hoque, was an Indian Muslim figure from Assam who is the only figure noted for the translation of the Quran in three languages, which is: Bengali, Assamese and English.

+ It can be seen that “at the time when the Quran was written”, “an Arabic language structure used only in the Petra region” was used in the Qur’an.

+ The birth of Mary is mentioned in the Quran in various chapters.

+ His Persian translation of the Quran is one of the most used, the most authentic and proper Persian translation of the Quran until the current 21st century.

+ The Quran has no requirement that women cover their faces with a veil, or cover their bodies with the full-body burqa or chador.

+ Xl.The teaching of holy Quran and Islamiat should be compulsory.

+ She is mentioned in the Quran more than in the New Testament.

+ He was mentioned in the Quran as the “second of the two who lay in the cave” in reference to the event of Hijra hijra, where with Muhammad he hid in the cave in Jabal Thawr from the Meccan search party that was sent after them, thus being one of few who were given direct mention in the Quran.

+ In Islamic belief, the Quran is the holy book of Islam and contained to words of Allah and is conveyed to the Prophet Muhammad by the archangel Jibraeel, who had been tasked since Adam as the conveyor of the words of God as guidance to mankind.

+ The Quran also contains the Syaria’ law or hudud, and emphasizes the equal rights man and women alike with mothers given special status where it is sinful to even glare at them.

+ They believe that the Quran was spoken to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel, and that it is the word of God.

+ Jauhari was known for his interpretations of the Quran His best known book was “Hadees e Karabala”.

+ It is estimated that approximately one-third of the Quran is eschatological, dealing with the afterlife in the next world and with the day of judgment at the end of time.

+ The Quran mentions the names of many prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and others.

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