In-sentence examples of “quantitative”

How to use in-sentence of “quantitative”:

+ These tests are called HCV antibody, ELISA, Western blot, and quantitative HCV RNA tests.

+ Hipparchus was the first Greek whose quantitative and accurate models for the motion of the Sun and Moon survive.

+ In addition to all these, one of the major contributions of medical anthropology has come from it’s ability to help explain health phenomenon and create and test hypothesis relating to such explanations, in a way that epidemiologists have been unable to due to their strict focus on quantitative data.

+ Entropy is simply a quantitative measure of what the second law of thermodynamics describes: the spreading of energy until it is evenly spread.

+ A quantitative dietary study of the critically endangered Gilbert’s potoroo, Potorous gilbertii.

+ Similarly, a person who is “below basic” in quantitative literacy might be able to add two numbers.

+ In the US, 14% of adults are at the “below basic” level for prose literacy; 12% are at the “below basic” level for document literacy; and 22% are at that level for quantitative literacy.

+ The method can be used for quantitative analyses of unknown substances, or of the structural properties of known substances.

In-sentence examples of quantitative
In-sentence examples of quantitative

Example sentences of “quantitative”:

+ Qualitative chemistry is in contrast with Quantitative chemistry.

+ In addition to founding modern quantitative genetics with his 1918 paper, he was the first to use diffusion equations to attempt to calculate the distribution of gene frequencies among populations.

+ Qualitative chemistry is in contrast with Quantitative chemistry.

+ In addition to founding modern quantitative genetics with his 1918 paper, he was the first to use diffusion equations to attempt to calculate the distribution of gene frequencies among populations.

+ For example, they investigate how culture affects research studies, are able to pick up on seemingly “irrelevant” yet important small details that a epidemiologist might miss, and they are able to provide qualitative data whereas epidemiology only focuses on quantitative data.

+ This is because of the areas which physics has addressed work better with quantitative approaches than other areas.

+ SPC relies on quantitative and graphic analysis of measurements to evaluate observed variation.

+ Wet chemistry techniques can be used for Qualitative chemical analysisqualitative chemical measurements, such as changes in color, but often involves more quantitative chemical measurements, using methods such as gravimetry and titrimetry.

+ Physics is more quantitative than most other sciences.

+ Galton used the term regression to describe an observable fact in the inheritance of multi-factorial quantitative genetic traits: namely that the offspring of parents who lie at the tails of the distribution will tend to lie closer to the centre, the mean, of the distribution.

+ Theoretical physics often uses quantitative approaches to develop the theories that attempt to explain the data.

+ Richards gave just such a quantitative definition: “a response is sentimental if it is too great for the occasion.” He added, “We cannot, obviously judge that any response is sentimental in this sense unless we take careful account of the situation”.

+ An experimental study of various graphic, tabular and textual methods of presenting quantitative information.

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