In-sentence examples of “put an end to”

How to use in-sentence of “put an end to”:

– Eventually a broken arm put an end to his vigorous horseback riding, and gout ended his long walks around Versailles.

– The next year, a broken leg suffered in a March game against Aston Villa prematurely put an end to Lampard’s 1996-97 season after thirteen appearances.

– It is the most likely basis for accounting reform which could put an end to accounting scandals.

– This should put an end to this discussion as we should, in all likelihood, have our 3rd crat.

– The defeat at Waterloo put an end to Napoleon’s rule as the French emperor.

– Palm was so notorious for helping slaves escape that on several occasions slave-owners from Maryland attempted to kidnap her and sell her into slavery to put an end to her practices.

– Christians believe that at the Second Coming of Christ, God will put an end to evil and the works of the Devil- see the end of the Book of Revelation.

In-sentence examples of put an end to
In-sentence examples of put an end to

Example sentences of “put an end to”:

- Rather than flee and attempt a counter-attack, Otho decided to put an end to the anarchy and committed suicide.

- The wars between Athens and Sparta allowed Persia to take back all she had lost in the Greco–Persian wars, until finally Alexander the Great put an end to the Achaemenid Empire.
- The great souled Sramana, who has put an end to his delusive vision, who is expert in scriptures and who has established himself in conduct free from attachment, is qualified as Dharma.

– Rather than flee and attempt a counter-attack, Otho decided to put an end to the anarchy and committed suicide.

– The wars between Athens and Sparta allowed Persia to take back all she had lost in the Greco–Persian wars, until finally Alexander the Great put an end to the Achaemenid Empire.

– The great souled Sramana, who has put an end to his delusive vision, who is expert in scriptures and who has established himself in conduct free from attachment, is qualified as Dharma.

– He said that he was trying to put an end to Putin’s power.

– This is what put an end to it last time.

– This is because Kanha, the god Radhika is devoted to, has disguised himself as Radhika to put an end to Barkha’s crimes, as Dev is made only for Radhika.

– It was in 549 BC that Cyrus put an end to the empire of the Medes.

– The conspiracy theory is that, wanting to recapture Yukos for the state, a way was sought to put an end to Khodorovsky’s control.

– Christy’s two friends, Dawn and John, later join the Care Bear Family so that they can put an end to his evil doings.

– The Proclamation made freeing the slaves a Union goal for the war, and put an end to movements in European nations that would have recognized the Confederacy as an independent nation.

– Anti-war activists work through protest and other peaceful means to attempt to pressure a government to put an end to a particular war or conflict.

– Cyrus was the first king who put an end to slavery in all his territory.

– He put an end to attempts by the Ravenna archbishops to get away from the control of the Bishop of Rome.

– This put an end to the bullying rumors about other members of T-ara.

– This momentarily put an end to the Seleucid Empire’s ambitions in Greece.

– The Imperial Reform proclaimed an “eternal public peace” to put an end to the abounding feuds and the anarchy of the robber barons and it defined a new standing imperial army to enforce that peace.

– He wanted to put an end to the sins of the popes who cared more about their riches and power than they did about God.

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