In-sentence examples of “promote”

How to use in-sentence of “promote”:

– In time most of the Beach Boys lost interest, but Love continued to promote the Maharishi and his works.

– Frederick also commissioned the eminent Prussian merchant Johann Ernst Gotzkowsky to help promote trade.

– After a worldwide tour to promote “Superunknown”, the band members began working on what would become their last studio album for more than 15 years.

– Calisthenics is recommended for general good health, light exercises designed to promote general physical fitness.

– On December 10, 2007, the General Council of the Pyrénées-Orientales recognized Catalan as one of the languages of the department, alongside French and Occitan, with the goal to further promote it in public life and education.

– Usher went on his OMG Tour in 2011 to promote the album worldwide.

In-sentence examples of promote
In-sentence examples of promote

Example sentences of “promote”:

– The book was re-released December 1, 2008, to promote the movie with the names changed.

– The advisers were also mandated to promote the ideas of performance management, succession planning, recruitment of non officers with specialist expertise, and improved training.

– When editors write to promote things they are linked with, their contributions often do not contain things which the general public would find useful or important.

– Players usually promote their pawns to a queen because it is the next most-powerful piece on the board.

– Epic Records released 4 singles to promote the album.

– Use of the word, and other Latin phrases, has become less frequent in legal communications as a result of, among other factors, efforts by groups such as the Plain Language Movement to promote the use of “plain English” in legal discourse.

- The book was re-released December 1, 2008, to promote the movie with the names changed.

- The advisers were also mandated to promote the ideas of performance management, succession planning, recruitment of non officers with specialist expertise, and improved training.
- When editors write to promote things they are linked with, their contributions often do not contain things which the general public would find useful or important.

– In 2011, Fonsi released the album “Tierra Firme”, and went on tour to promote it throughout Latin America.

– Taking a look through the hist and what not too, it wasn’t in a promote shape when it was due to close.

– The aim is to promote regional peace, understanding and cooperation in many areas.

– Sunstar, ThunderClan’s leader, tells Bluefur that he was planning to make her ThunderClan’s new deputy, but because of her kits, he will promote Thistleclaw to deputy instead.

More in-sentence examples of “promote”:

- However, that openness sometimes means that people who come here to promote themselves, a single point of view or to a view that is not held by most people.

- The Justice Party, formed in 1916, also claimed to promote similar interests.
- The scientific journal "Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations" is published to promote the studies of this area.

– However, that openness sometimes means that people who come here to promote themselves, a single point of view or to a view that is not held by most people.

– The Justice Party, formed in 1916, also claimed to promote similar interests.

– The scientific journal “Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations” is published to promote the studies of this area.

– She also supports regulation of food prices to promote the choice of healthy over unhealthy foods.

– After the weakening of these industries at the end of the 20th century, the department has tried to promote new economic activities based on industry and technology.

– Editors should not create articles which serve solely to promote their subject.

– In an interview with HuffPost, Jones revealed that during the initial years of his company he used MySpace to promote manage profiles whereas now his operations are held on Facebook,Instagram and Twitter.

– In 2012, the band embarked on a worldwide tour, the North Tour, to promote the album.

– The United Nations is an organization between countries established on 24 October 1945 to promote international cooperation.

– I’d appreciate it if someone could especially attend to the PVGA and possibly promote it.

– All four songs had videos to promote them.

– Even though WWE tried hard to promote the Brock Lesnar versus Goldberg contest, some critics were not happy with the match.

– The band toured two times to promote “The Open Door”.

– We promote bcrats because they can judge consensus in RFAs.

– After the Second World War twinning was a way to bring European people into a closer understanding of each other and to promote cross-border projects and peace.

– The objectives stated by the preamble are to secure justice, liberty, equality to all citizens and promote fraternity to maintain unity and integrity of the nation”.

– The International Justice Network leads human rights initiatives around the world by giving legal help and skill to victims of human rights abuses and by making a global network of legal professionals, non-governmental organizations and community-based human rights people to protect and promote human rights and the rule of law.

– To promote human rights for women, they started a peace building program in the Parwan province.

– They promote research and continuing education in areas that are important to TESOL members.

– The role of the Senate is to promote national cohesion and harmony and to alleviate fears of the smaller provinces regarding domination by any one province because of its majority, in the National Assembly.

– From a technical point of view, it is better to say that bureaucrat’s cannot delete/protect/block, and they only can promote other users to sysop or bureaucrat level, and can rename user accounts, and grant falgs to bot accounts.

– A traditional marketing campaign, for example, may use Billboardbillboards, radio ads, and news stories, while a digital marketing campaign may use social media, blog posts, and email to promote a business and its offerings.

– This was because at that time, Tiger was allowed to promote Duracell batteries on their games.

– Here’s a suggestion: Work on one particular article you seem to know much about, and maybe even try to promote it to WP:GA, or even WP:VGA.

– They had not released it, but Bellamy told BBC he thought the best way to promote it was to play live music.

– We are not a travel guide, and nor do we promote regular, minor edits that are simply adding or removing content pretty much depending what day of the week it is! I recall that this issue has also been raised before.

– The idea of the cup is to promote stub expanding, by rewarding users for expanding stubs to regular, good and very good articles.

– She was also hired to promote the new Motorola Dext phone.

– The purpose of the Jimmy Wales Foundation is to stop government censorship and promote freedom of expression on the internet.

– Congress may promote the progress of science and useful arts by granting copyrights and patents of limited duration.

– Oxygen released mobile games, comic strip and merchandise to help promote the show.

– Vignettes became appearing on Raw to promote the upcoming debut of the Wyatt Family and they debuted on the July 8 episode of Raw when they attacked Kane.

– The Free Speech Flag is a symbol to promote freedom of speech.

– Procedural comment: I was of a split mind to SNOW this as an early close and move it back or to promote it, per my BOLD removal of the Voting sections.

– They especially want to promote the study of evolution, taxonomy, biodiversity and sustainability.

– Adding a warning label of any type will promote one group over another.

– I would not promote under these circumstances.

– The clinical potential of NKT cells lies in the rapid release of cytokines that promote or suppress different immune responses.

– The stories did not promote good behaviour and the mores of the times.

– This is to promote the tourism and products of Kinmen.

– Public health refers to trying to stop a disease that is unhealthy to the community, and does not help in long life or promote your health.

– It is an addition to the rear wing of the car introduced in 2011 Formula 1 season aimed at reducing aerodynamic drag in order to promote overtaking.

– Specifying this color in a single place helps promote consistent coloring for all California navigational boxes.

– Tchaikovsky knew this when he put together the “Nutcracker Suite” to promote the complete ballet.

– The second teams of clubs from the first division are not allowed to promote to the Second Division.

– Although it is certain that in theory hypergamy can cause a shortage of marriageable women in the lowest ranks of a caste and promote upwards social movement from the lower Nair subdivisions, the numbers involved would have been very small.

– All in all, it look like a big setup to promote an unknown boy to fame and reap a long-term rating from his popularity.

– Given Bassel’s urgent situation and the resulting tight schedule, we ask everyone to get involved with the poll and the discussion to the widest possible extent, and to promote it among your communities as soon as possible.

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