In-sentence examples of “polar”

How to use in-sentence of “polar”:

– An aurora, also called polar light, northern light or southern light, is a natural light display in the sky.

Polar storms lie in the wake of the polar front.

– The Polar vortex has also thought to have had effects in Europe.

– They are found everywhere, except in polar or dry climates.

– The Arctic Ocean is in a polar climate.

– Ringed seal are an important food item in particular for polar bears.

– However, she left her cubs on a rock in the polar bear enclosure and did not take care of them.

– They are found in all marine waters from surface tropical waters and shallow tide pools to the deep sea and polar regions.

In-sentence examples of polar
In-sentence examples of polar

Example sentences of “polar”:

– From the above diagram, the reactant which is prop-1-ene which unsymmetrical alkene, it’s reacting with Hydrobromic acid which is the polar reagent.

– The polar bear represents Greenland and the ram represents the Faroe Islands.

– The air in this temperate zone cell moves according to the differences between moving masses in Hadley and Polar cells.

– If the death count in each month is subdivided by cause of death, it is possible to make multiple comparisons on one diagram, as is seen in the polar area diagram used by Nightingale.

– Similar to tropical cyclonehurricanes, a Coriolis effect causes the rotation of a polar vortex.

– For example, on the Polar bear page, produces a link to Commons:Category:Ursus maritimus displayed as “Polar bears”.

– He was known for his works; “Manila rope: A novel”, “Private Jokinen’s marriage leave” and “Beneath the Polar Star: Glimpses of Finnish History”.

- From the above diagram, the reactant which is prop-1-ene which unsymmetrical alkene, it's reacting with Hydrobromic acid which is the polar reagent.

- The polar bear represents Greenland and the ram represents the Faroe Islands.

– Forests can exist from the equator to near the polar regions, but different climates have different kinds of forests.

– Giovanna, a female polar bear about the same age as Knut, went to Berlin from Munich’s Hellabrunn Animal Garden in September 2009.

Polar cyclones can form in any time of the year, although summer polar cyclones are usually weaker than the ones that form in the winter.Halldór Björnsson.

– Unlike his contemporaries, Goethe did not see darkness as an absence of light, but rather as polar to and interacting with light.

– An estimated 5,000 to 15,000 musk oxen, as well as many polar bears and walrus, can be found near the coastal regions of the park.

More in-sentence examples of “polar”:

- A polar low is a small sized and short-lived atmosphereatmospheric low pressure system that is found over the ocean areas pole ward of the main Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

- Endangered species there include walruses, whales and polar bears.

– A polar low is a small sized and short-lived atmosphereatmospheric low pressure system that is found over the ocean areas pole ward of the main Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

– Endangered species there include walruses, whales and polar bears.

– Murmansk is above the Arctic Circlearctic circle, so the city experiences polar nights.

– The story involves fantasy story parts such as witches and armoured polar bears.

– When the axis points toward the Sun, one polar hemisphere has a greater difference between the seasons while the other has milder seasons.

– It is one aspect of the :en:Second_moment_of_areasecond moment of area linked through the perpendicular axis theorem where the planar second moment of area uses a beam’s cross-sectional shape to describe its resistance to plane parallel to its neutral axis, the polar second moment of area uses a beam’s cross-sectional shape to describe its resistance to deformation when a moment perpendicular to the beam’s neutral axis.

– These are the second and third longest glaciers in the world, outside the polar region.

– The Ziegler polar expedition of 1903–1905 was a failed attempt to reach the North Pole.

– Created by Kevin Kopelow and Heath Seifert, the show follows the partnership between polar opposites — Austin, an extroverted musician/singer, and Ally, an intelligent yet shy songwriter and their two best friends, Trish and Dez.

– The Warm-core cyclones are the tropical cyclones, mesocyclones, and the polar lows that lie within the smaller mesoscale.

– For example, the 2013–14 United Kingdom winter floods were blamed on the Polar vortex bringing severe cold in the United States and Canada.

– Because of its lack of polar covalent bonds, hydrocarbons cannot create hydrogen bonds with water and are hydrophobic.

– The zoo includes polar bears, penguins, gorillas, reptiles, monkeys, and other species totalling nearly 1,250 animals.

– These include: bar graphs, pie graphs, polar graphs, scatter graphs, three-dimensional graphs, logarithmic graphs and many others.

– Extratropical cyclones that migrate into higher latitudes when the polar vortex is weak can disrupt the single vortex creating smaller vortices within the polar air mass.

– They can use it to protect themselves from polar bears and killer whales, and use them when they eat.

– Hipparchus created a table of chord functions giving the length of the chord for each angle, and there are references to his using polar coordinates in establishing stellar positions.

– Magnetic fields’ “lines” are also visually displayed in polar auroras, when particles cause visible streaks of light that line up with the local direction of Earth’s magnetic field.

– The cyclone surrounds the polar highs.

– Steven and Daniel Altiere’s script centers on Norm, a Polar Bear who finds shelter in an abandoned research station when his Arctic home begins cracking and collapsing beneath him.

– All members of the genus are motile and have polar flagella with sheaths.

– So, for example, with bears the largest member is the polar bear, and the smallest members are found in subtropical areas.

– When polar bears hunt, they often wait at holes in the ice, where the pinnipedseals come up to breathe.

– Many species are associated with wetlands, although the family is found in every terrestrial habitat except dry deserts, polar regions and alpine areas above the snow line.

– On February 13, 2008, scientists said that Titans polar lakes contain “hundreds of Multiplicationtimes more natural organics than Earth.

– Mars has two permanent polar ice caps.

– Typical polar protic solvents include water and alcohols, which will also act as nucleophiles.

– When the polar vortex is weak, high-pressure zones of the mid-latitudes may push poleward, moving the polar vortex, jet stream, and polar front equatorward.

– Unfortunately, he also soon learns the polar ice caps are continuing to break apart, and the people that made his dream come true are responsible.

– Inuka was a male polar bear and one of the mascots of the Singapore Zoo.

– The cyclone’s track is then guided over the course of an 2 to 6 day life cycle by its steering flow of the polar or subtropical jetstream.

– The calculated values for the polar second moment of area are most often used describe a solid or hollow cylindrical shaft’s resistance to torsion, as in a vehicle’s axle or drive shaft.

– The polar bear is a large bear which lives in the Arctic.

– The UNEP Large Marine Ecosystem Report reindeer, wolf, ermine, Arctic hare and polar bear.

– They can move by using polar flagella.

– We recognize 3 cells: the Hadley cell, the Ferrel cell and the Polar cell.

– When two polar bears meet, they have a special way of greeting each other.

– Mosses, lichens, and scanty bushes around the coasts serve as food to the deer and musk oxen, which in turn are hunted by the polar bear.

– This template is meant to work for referendums with polar questions as well as non-polar questions.

– On the other hand, polar bears apparently do so, and they store vitamin A in their liver cells.

– The polar caps at both poles consist primarily of water ice.

– The “polar” skew factor is used to scale longitude smaller near polar latitudes, and position longitudes from map center, rather than left-side base longitude.

– It is the northern limit of the polar bear in North America.

– This occurs only inside the polar circles.

– Because of this the water molecule is a polar molecule: its charge is not evenly distributed.

– The People’s Republic of China is the third- China has every kind of climate in the northern hemisphere except the polar climate.

– Carbon dioxide eruptions from the southern polar ice cap of Mars have also been seen.

– In 2017, he was awarded the Polar Music Prize.

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