In-sentence examples of “plague”

How to use in-sentence of “plague”:

+ However, about 80% of the people in Eyam died from the plague within a little over a year.

+ In 1348, de Venette described the Black Plague and how brave the nuns were that cared for the people.

+ This was the worst week of the Great Plague: 7,166 people died from the plague in that week.

+ In 1897, in 1988, French-Jewish microbiologist Waldemar Haffkine invented the first human plague vaccine.

+ His best known work is without doubt the short novel “Die Schwarze Spinne a semi-allegorical tale of the plague in form of the titular monster that devastates a Swiss valley community; first as a result of a pact with the devil born out of need and a second time due to the moral decay that releases the monster from its prison again.

In-sentence examples of plague
In-sentence examples of plague

Example sentences of “plague”:

+ Some modern writers have said that fourteenth-century plague doctors wore masks which looked like birds.

+ These three forms of the plague have been responsible for a high death toll in many epidemics throughout human history.

+ The first recorded epidemic was in the Byzantine EmpireEastern Roman Empire, It was called the Plague of Justinian after emperor Justinian I, who was infected but survived through extensive treatment.

+ Dutch Tradetrading ships carrying cotton from Amsterdam may have brought the plague to England.

+ He told the natives that he had the power to send the white man’s plague or to make them attack.This was one of many shady deals he conducted with both the Pilgrims and the natives.

+ The start of plague in Nuremberg was one reason for his leaving.

+ But because of the plague in 1636 T.A.

+ Jean-Jacques Manget, in his 1721 book “Treatise on the Plague“, written just after the Great Plague of Marseille, talks about the costumes that plague doctors wore at Nijmegen in 1636-1637.

+ In October 1629, the plague reached Milan, Lombardy’s commercial center.

+ In July 2007, an outbreak was reported in the Spanish autonomous region of Castile and León and traced to the plague of voles infesting the region.

+ Some modern writers have said that fourteenth-century plague doctors wore masks which looked like birds.

+ These three forms of the plague have been responsible for a high death toll in many epidemics throughout human history.

More in-sentence examples of “plague”:

+ For example, rats who have the bubonic plague do not directly infect humans.

+ Other major epidemics include the Hong Kong plague and the Northeast plague.

+ In the book he revealed that nightmares of James still continue to plague him.

+ The plague may have come from Ethiopia or Egypt, and it was eventually carried north to the large city of Constantinople.

+ Cassius’ army, although suffering from a shortage of supplies and the effects of a plague contracted in Seleucia, made it back to Roman territory safely.

+ Amsterdam was badly hit by the plague in 1663–1664; the disease killed about 50,000 people.

+ But a Plague plague, probably smallpox brought by Europeans, killed most of the tribe’s population in 1615-1616.

+ In septicemic plague the bacteria grow quickly in the blood, causing severe sepsis.

+ By July 1665, plague was in the city of London itself.

+ When a plague started, they could not really know what to do for their patients except making them a little less painful.

+ In one parish in London, 1,114 dead plague victims were buried together in a hole that was fifty feet long and twenty feet wide.

+ The city suffered from a number of plague outbreaks in 1544, 1589 and 1598.

+ Often they buried plague victims in mass graves.

+ In the book, ten friends, seven young women and three young men, leave the city of Florence because of the plague and stay in a large house in the countryside.

+ Later outbreaks of bubonic plague in Italy include the city of Florence in 1630-1633 and the areas surrounding Naples, Rome and Genoa in 1656-1657.

+ People in London tried many different things to try to treat the plague and stop it from spreading.

+ But after a long time the plague struck L’Aquila in 1348 and 1363.

+ It is thought that the Mongols brought the Plague with them from Asia, and devastated the world population from 1347-1351.

+ The fire is said to have also helped to get rid of the Great Plague which had hit London in 1665, and killed about 70,000 of the 90,000 population, who may have died in the fire.

+ On the square is Plague column and fountain with statue of Triton too.

+ His novel, “The Plague” is set against an outbreak of the plague in Algeria and how people handle it.

+ However, the Black Plague came back to London in the summer of 1604 and proved to be particularly severe.

+ A Plague doctor was a medical doctordoctor in the 1300s who tried to stop plague from spreading.

+ This outbreak of plague also spread north into Tyrol Tyrol, an alpine region of western Austria and northern Italy.

+ Both names can be understood as titles of Nergal, the major Babylonian god of plague and pestilence.

+ For example, rats who have the bubonic plague do not directly infect humans.

+ Other major epidemics include the Hong Kong plague and the Northeast plague.

+ The wounded had no water or food, and flies would plague them as they lay there bleeding.

+ Septicemic plague is the rarest of the three plagues that struck Europe in 1348, the other forms are Bubonic plaguebubonic and pneumonic plague.

+ At its worst, in September of 1665, the plague killed 7,165 people in one week.

+ In connection with the plague epidemic in 1638, Sparman wrote an educational book about the plague.

+ He broke up his command into smaller units in order to plague Cornwallis.

+ Like “Watership Down”, “The Plague Dogs” was made into a movie by Nepenthe Productions in 1982.

+ As the plague got worse, more and more people left.

+ Like the others, the septicemic plague spread from the East through trade routes on the Black Sea and down to the Mediterranean Sea.

+ It describes the plague doctor’s costume.G.

+ Sufferers of the bubonic plague develop fevers, severe flu symptoms and buboes that could swell to the size of an average apple.

+ This costume was also worn by plague doctors during the Plague of 1656.

+ The septicemic plague was the least common of the three plagues that occurred from 1348 to 1350.

+ Local outbreaks of the plague are grouped into three plague pandemics, whereby the respective start and end dates and the assignment of some outbreaks to either pandemic are still subject to discussion.

+ The Great Plague of 1665 was the last major plague in England.

+ This was because people believed the plague spread on bad air.

+ Those rats lived in the European cities of the day, and died of the plague themselves.

+ Around that time, the plague outbreak ended.

+ Moses then prepares the Hebrews for the final plague by instructing them to paint their doorposts with lamb’s blood.

+ Nobody knows for sure how the plague got to Eyam.

+ However, at some mass graves for plague victims, people still tried to honor the dead with Christian burial traditions.

+ Clement reigned during the Black Death, during which he said all who died of the plague would not go to hell.

+ The empire relied on tax money, and the plague killed many taxpayers.

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