In sentence examples of “nutritious”

How to use in-sentence of “nutritious”:

– The females need more protection, Given an equal chance, birds will choose more females, because they are generally larger and more nutritious while the males need to mate.

– Others, which breed in common but less nutritious places, may only lay one egg each day.

– Today, it is recognized as highly nutritious and provides a good source of protein, fiber, iron and potassium.

– If they are dispersed by being eaten, it is advantageous for them to be nutritious and good to eat.

– Both sexes have this highly nutritious milk to feed their young.

– They can be used to prepare an inexpensive and nutritious Lentil soupsoup all over North and South America.

– Complex carbohydrates are more nutritious than simple carbohydrates.

– Mary’s has created to provide nutritious meals for children.

In sentence examples of nutritious
In sentence examples of nutritious

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