In sentence examples of “nothing”

How to use in-sentence of “nothing”:

+ All the claims in the article appear to be inline with what you’d expect from somebody working in this field, nothing notable.

+ In Ancient Rome, nudity was nothing special or unusual.

+ For this reason, there is nothing we could base ourselves on.

+ The sources are a lot of website searches/tags and casual mentions, nothing really in depth to support.

+ In the current system, which number a car’s license gets has nothing to do with where the car’s owner lives.

+ Gruber claims he is blowing up $100 billion of gold bullion but there is nothing inside; he is trying to make the value of gold higher by “destroying” the supply.

In sentence examples of nothing
In sentence examples of nothing

Example sentences of “nothing”:

+ It does not include information which has nothing to do with the Church.

+ It might need a bit of collaborative simplification, but nothing too major.

+ It does not include information which has nothing to do with the Church.

+ It might need a bit of collaborative simplification, but nothing too major.

+ This should be used to mean that no formal ISO 639-3 code is maintained at either “Ethnologue” or Linguist List / Multitree; that is, there is nothing to put in the field of the infobox.

+ It is most often used when a person insists on an idea, and tries so hard to convince another person of that idea, that it seems nothing else matters.

+ At a rural event such as a county fair, concert, auction, barn sale, corn maze, or pick-your-own strawberry patch, a parking lot may be nothing more than a large area of bare earth or a meadow that has been mowed for parking.

+ In 1982 the Pakistani President General Zia ul Haq proclaimed that the people of the Northern Areas were Pakistanis and had nothing to do with the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

+ Hume had tried to make clear what our experience had been, and had reached a very strong opinion called “skepticism”, that there was nothing to make our experience sure.

+ This cell was soundproof, nothing could be heard outside the cell.

+ There seems to be an obsession over categorising people by sexuality, sometimes to the extent where biographical stubs are being created with undue weight on sexuality, with almost nothing on their careers or what actually makes them notable.

+ It has nothing to do with the word decade.

+ However, of our seven crats I have spoken to three who know nothing of this chat, and it’s now more than 24 hours on.

+ It does not cause significant wasted space; and with nothing but a ‘delete’ label, the page is effectively deleted anyway.

+ I started this from nothing at all but I was surprised there was no article already.

+ The character of Barabas, the Jew, is a portrait of depth in the first two acts, but he descends to nothing more than a typical stage villain in the last three.

+ After it he wrote nothing more.

+ We know he was influenced by an older philosopher, Archelaus, and that he talked with anyone who had interesting ideas in Athens, but beyond that nothing is known.

+ Burnside sent more troops into the town but did nothing to organize an attack.

More in-sentence examples of “nothing”:

+ If an article is using this template, and nothing happens when you click on the highlighted wikilink from a Harvard style citation to a full citation at the bottom of the page, there are several possible solutions.

+ By the early 1900s, Uncle Sam looked nothing like Samuel Wilson.

+ There is nothing that made this one particularly special, and there’s nothing about it in any reliable sources.

+ Iwasaki later said that the book was full of lies, and that nothing that Golden said ever happened to her.

+ There is nothing her rich mother can do.

+ Because there was nothing else to do with the eggs, they were used for Easter decoration.

+ Once the pumpkin is carved, it is good for nothing else and lasts only a day or two before it starts to rot.

+ People often came to Cayce for health readings when the medical community could find nothing wrong or had given up on them.

+ As usual, I’ll try to track the New Changes to make sure nothing else slips through if they are flooding that page.

+ The House and Senate went back and forth over the issue, but nothing was fixed.

+ Articles about passengers are being created, yet for people such as Humility Cooper, almost nothing is known.

+ They have to work both in the daytime and at night, though they can usually have a rest if they have nothing to do at night.

+ They try to pretend that nothing is wrong but end up having a tense argument about it.

+ Arnold demanded a court martial so he could publicly prove he did nothing wrong.

+ Closed as not promoted It has been four weeks since this nomination, and nothing has been done to the article at all.

+ Brown’s performance of “Ruby Tuesday” by The Rolling Stones, was described by the judges as not having energy, but Simon Cowell added that there was nothing wrong with her vocals.

+ Picking up a “Star” makes it so nothing can hurt Mario for several seconds.

+ We have regular issues between editors here and a trawl through the archives of ST, AN and various talk pages will show that this is nothing new.

+ Some coins which are worth almost nothing in poor condition can be worth thousands of times as much in new condition.

+ If nobody notices, nothing happens.

+ Because nothing is “zeroth” in the numerical order, there is no “year zero” in either the Gregorian calendar or the Julian calendar.

+ Some tablets are inscribed with nothing more than the names of the targets.

+ Rose of Lima Catholic school in Freehold Borough.Old teachers have said he was a “loner, who wanted nothing more than to play his guitar.” He completed high school, but felt so uncomfortable that he skipped his own graduation ceremony.

+ As discussing at that page has brought nothing up, i’m bringing it to the wider administrator community for further discussion and action.

+ Thus, soon after his death, his estate, which had been worth nothing on his deathbed, grew to an estimated value of two million dollars.

+ There are numerous temples and few churches as the majority of the residents follow Hinduism however, that has nothing to do with any form of prejudice, class and other forms of anti-religion entropy as Kanglatongbi villagers are well-known for peace, integrity, and unison.

+ If an article is using this template, and nothing happens when you click on the highlighted wikilink from a Harvard style citation to a full citation at the bottom of the page, there are several possible solutions.

+ By the early 1900s, Uncle Sam looked nothing like Samuel Wilson.

+ The male has nothing more to do with her.

+ There was nothing the composers could do except to say how sorry they were.

+ Charlotte Townsend is a non-notable actor, that has nothing to do with “Toolbox”.

+ For another eighteen years nothing happens in Frodo’s life.

+ Apart from this, nothing was changed in the movie.

+ Although it is a very pleasant and calm town, there is nothing much to do.

+ Avoid photos where the scientist was a child or very elderly, unless there is nothing else available.

+ There’s nothing surprising about this, except that this is NOT a tropical cyclone-related article.

+ A stub-like/two sentence article, containing nothing verifiable through enWP.

+ Balliol could do nothing without Edward’s approval.

+ Answer The beauty of it is the fact that nothing needs changing between the lists of asteroids because it is just part of a table.

+ I have nothing personally against this editor and I wish him well, but I do not see anything that would lead anyone to believe that he will voluntarily adhere to something he did not obey while he was under sanction.

+ Bohr said that we know nothing about something like a photon or electron until we observe it.

+ Viewing acting as nothing more than a creative outlet, he joined the Oxford University Dramatic Society and starred in a successful touring production of “Twelfth Night”.

+ Thorndike, however, did nothing with his idea.

+ The first two variables are “boolean”; they can be set to either true or false, and nothing else.

+ There is nothing encyclopedic about it.

+ They do not meet the public, they examine letters and parcels which have been sent from outside the country, to make sure nothing illegal is being brought into the country.

+ Sinterklaas has nothing to do with Christmas.

+ They have nothing but bad luck.

+ It would really be nice if you could have a glance; Nothing is os frustrating as havig to archive because there were not enough votes.

+ During his presidential campaign in April 1976, Carter responded to an interviewer and said, “I have nothing against a community that is…

+ Fillmore joined the Know-Nothing Party and tried to run for president again, but the Know Nothing Party was not very successful.

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