In-sentence examples of “notation”

How to use in-sentence of “notation”:

– It is music that has been composed by musicians who are trained in the art of writing music and written down in music notation so that other musicians can play it.

– This is algebraic notation with little figurines instead of initial letters for the pieces.

– This template produces a link to a list of map sources, based on the geographical coordinates and other parameters, and provides a standardized notation for the coordinates.

– Subtemplate for turning an easily typeable name for a unit into a proper scientific notation for the unit, including a link to a page about the unit.

– Peano’s influence on math spread this notation across Europe.

– Edmund Landau made the notation popular.

– The earliest kind of notation was written on tablets using a way of writing called cuneiform.

– He invented calculus independently of Isaac NewtonNewton, and his notation for derivatives is the one in general use since then.

In-sentence examples of notation
In-sentence examples of notation

Example sentences of “notation”:

– On a Reverse Polish Notation calculator, the “Enter” function would do the same.

– A notation which uses labels for the ranks and files is called “algebraic”.

– They were written down in a special musical notation called “neumes”.

– A musical transcription is musical notation for an existing piece of music that had been previously unnotated.

– This template, old, is a shorthand notation to make the passed parameter text both and bold.

– The sheet or sheets of paper that contain the written notation of what the musician are to play is called printed music.

– Also, the international standard notation of time is based on this format.

– Note: The notation for the inverse function of “f” is confusing.

– Spectroscopic notation is based on facts taken from molecular symmetry.

- On a Reverse Polish Notation calculator, the "Enter" function would do the same.

- A notation which uses labels for the ranks and files is called "algebraic".
- They were written down in a special musical notation called "neumes".

– Usage of Common Era notation began about 1615 among Christians in Europe, and has been growing among non-Christians and among Christians who desire to be sensitive to non-Christians.

– Usually algebraic chess notation is used.

– These exams will test a student’s understanding of rhythm, melody, key and notation together with the ability to sing and play from memory, and improvise and to recognise changes to and answer questions about a score.

– In the cycloaddition notation i and j refer to the number of atoms involved in the cycloaddition.

– If they are input as numbers, the Lua interpreter will change them to E notation and this function will return the precision of the E notation rather than that of the original number.

– This notation uses parenthesis.

More in-sentence examples of “notation”:

– One example is the Penrose graphical notation which is used to show tensors.

– This template is mostly meant for links to other projects, since local links that use the normal wikilink notation “” are already automatically changed to secure links when using the secure server.

– An IPv4 Address in CIDR notation looks likeThe slash and number represent the amount of bits that the network id uses, in this case 24 or 3 octets.

– In this notation a Diels-Alder reaction is a cycloaddition.

– Another common notation is.

– Prefix notation is a mathematical notation.

– The mathematical notation is the Hebrew letter aleph with a subscript zero;.

– In 1885, Charles Sanders Peirce and his student Oscar Howard Mitchell also created a notation for universal and existential quantifiers.

– The template is intended to facilitate and make uniform scientific notation numbers.

– Note: the scientific notation of result numbers are no longer a problem when these results are further inserted in other expressions.

– Leibniz is perhaps most famous for his involvement in development of calculus independent of Isaac Newton and creation of Leibniz Notation which is the standard form of calculus today.

– The great instrumental contribution of the Spanish was their guitar, but even more important was the tradition of European musical notation and techniques of musical composition.

– An alternative notation for.

– We as historians have no excuse for creating ambiguity and must keep to the notation described above in one of its forms.

– The rounding routine Template:Rndpad can round up to 85 billion as 11-digit format, with decimals padded by trailing zeroes, when the round setting -11, but can display scientific notation above 85 billion for any number of digits.

– Entered this way, the elements are ordered in the Hill notation order: When C is present, C in front and the others alphabetically Ar…

– When writing Middle C in music notation it is just below the stave when using the treble clef and just above the stave when using the bass clef.

– Current members of the group, listed in order of joining with no other notation than names.

– A ledger line is a short line used in musical notation to write notes which would otherwise be too high or too low to put on any of the five lines on the staff.

– In a small number of cases, there are multiple rivers with the same name; in these cases the notation “” shows the number of rivers sharing the same name.

– The modern notation and exact definition of modular arithmetic were first described by Carl Friedrich Gauss.

– A move which places the opponent’s king in check normally has the notation “+” added.

– This notation form was called “jianzi pu” 〔減字譜〕 and it was a great step forward for recording qin scores.

– The basic idea of scientific notation is to express zeros as a power of ten.

– An earlier form of music notation from the Tang era survives in just one manuscript, dated to the 7th century CE, called “Jieshi Diao: You Lan” 《碣石調幽蘭》.

– Sigma notation is a mathematical notation to write long sums in a short way.

– In 1897, William Ernest Johnson and Giuseppe Peano created another notation for universal and existential quantification.

– This template is for English-speaking people who do not use the American date notation, but instead use the more common notation of “DD-MM-YYYY”.

– A special notation is used to describe sigmatropic shifts.

– This notation is called solfege in the United States.

– The Note note “A flat” is shown in musical notation in Figure 1, together with “A double flat”.

– The format uses qin notation with staff notation and/or “jianpu” notation.

– Similarly to how scientific notation makes the significand as basic as possible, the aim in floating point numbers is to make it an integer so it can be represented in bytes and used in calculations.

– When indicating which values should be entered for each parameter, the notation will be used.

– When large numbers have many different decimals in them, such as 642 500 000 000, naming them with scientific notation is about the same, but with one difference.

– Dance which has been reliably recorded on notation and perhaps backed up by video recording, can be and has been used to copyright choreography.

– The first use of medial capitals was the notation for chemical formulae invented by the Swedish chemist Berzelius in 1813.

– This notation is used when the negative sign is considered important, no matter how small is the magnitude; for example, when rounding temperatures in the Celsius scale, where below zero indicates freezing.

– In musical notation this is shown by placing a small circle above the note.

– In the book, he used the chess notation#Algebraic notationalgebraic notation and the castling symbols 0–0 and 0–0–0.

– The primary algebra is mainly a simpler notation for Boolean algebra, except for one thing.

– The IUPAC preferred notation however, with counts electrons and not atoms.

– In order to represent fractional numbers, computers use three sets of binary numbers to make a scientific notation representation.

– To override the scientific notation default for very large and very small numbers, use.

– In chess notation the starting squares are c1 and f1 for White’s bishops, and c8 and f8 for Black’s bishops.

– Linear algebra uses a system of notation for describing system behavior, called a matrix.

– Some people consider musical notation to be a way of writing the musical language.

– The simplified molecular input line entry specification or SMILES is a line notation for the chemistrychemical structure of molecules.

– Line notation can also be a word and symbol description of an electrochemical cell used in chemistry.

- One example is the Penrose graphical notation which is used to show tensors.

- This template is mostly meant for links to other projects, since local links that use the normal wikilink notation "" are already automatically changed to secure links when using the secure server.

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