In sentence examples of “nocturnal”

How to use in-sentence of “nocturnal”:

+ Galagos, also known as bushbabies or, are small, nocturnal primates native to continental Africa.

+ The Brown tree snake is a nocturnal snake that can be very aggressive when confronted.

+ The park’s largest gift shops and two of its major restaurants are on Discovery Island, each with a different design theme, such as decorations based on nocturnal animals, insects and so forth.

+ They are nocturnal and elusive so they are rarely seen by humans.

+ Observations on “Apoica pallens”, a nocturnal neotropical socialwasp.

+ The thylacine was a nocturnal hunting animal.

+ They are nocturnal animals.

+ On the other hand, nocturnal mammals have much less-developed colour vision.

In sentence examples of nocturnal
In sentence examples of nocturnal

Example sentences of “nocturnal”:

+ In the spring and Autumnfall the Black-tailed rattlesnake are diurnal, in the summer they are nocturnal so they can avoid the heat, and in the winter they hibernate in other animals dens.

+ This is because they are nocturnal and can see blue-green colours but not red colours.

+ It is a nocturnal animal.

+ They are nocturnal and at least partly arboreal.

+ When a man ejaculates while sleeping, it is called nocturnal emission.

+ The Sidewinder is nocturnal in hot months and diurnal in cooler months.

+ Nightjars are medium-sized nocturnal birds that usually nest on the ground.

+ These bats live in huge colonies, known as “camps.” These nocturnal animals rest during the day while hanging upside down from their feet.

+ The cat is nocturnal and likes forests and dense vegetation.

+ In the summer months, they become nocturnal to hunt during the evening.

+ Lovecraft, a ghoul is a member of a nocturnal race that lives underground.

+ They are nocturnal which means they sleep in the day and come out at night.

+ It is thought – see evolution of colour vision – that mammals lost much of their colour vision capability during the long period in the Mesozoic when they lived as mostly nocturnal animals.

+ It was previously believed that Java mouse-deer were nocturnal, but more recent studies have shown that they are neither truly nocturnal nor Diurnalitydiurnal, but instead crepuscular, meaning they prefer to be active during the dim light of dawn and dusk.

+ In the spring and Autumnfall the Black-tailed rattlesnake are diurnal, in the summer they are nocturnal so they can avoid the heat, and in the winter they hibernate in other animals dens.

+ This is because they are nocturnal and can see blue-green colours but not red colours.

More in-sentence examples of “nocturnal”:

+ The big brown bat is a nocturnal animal.

+ The Senegal bushbaby, also known as the Senegal galago, lesser galago, or lesser bushbaby is a small, nocturnal primate which lives in trees.

+ The long-nosed bandicoot is a nocturnal animal, coming out at night to find and eat insects, beetles, snails, worms, mousemice, lizards and tree roots.

+ A nocturnal figure, Hecate often dwelled in underground caves or in the Underworld itself.

+ It is nocturnal and it is good at climbing.

+ The little owl is a small, mainly nocturnal species.

+ The Nurse shark is a nocturnal predator, and hunts alone.

+ The red kangaroo is nocturnal and crepuscular, and spends the day sleeping or resting in the shade.

+ Prairie Rattlesnake are diurnal in cool weathers, and nocturnal in hot weathers.

+ The nocturnal feeding habits of adults also helps them to hide from predators.

+ They are nocturnal animals, and come out their burrows in the evening to look for food.

+ They are generally Nocturnal animalsactive at night or at twilight.

+ It is a small nocturnal species of lemur endemismfound on Madagascar.

+ They may have different performance in low light; nocturnal animals can see better at night than daytime animals.

+ Unlike many nocturnal animals, tarsiers lack a light-reflecting area of the eye.

+ Only unpaired males sing regularly at night, and nocturnal song is likely to serve attracting a mate.

+ Mexican free-tailed bats are nocturnal animals.

+ Most moths are nocturnal or crepuscular.

+ They are nocturnal and are found in arid habitats.

+ Potoroos are nocturnal and they spend their days hiding.

+ It is a shy nocturnal grazer and does not live in big groups.

+ In contrast, mammals lost much of their colour vision capability during the long period in the Mesozoic when they lived as nocturnal animals.

+ In undeveloped areas, honey badgers may hunt at any time of the day, though they become nocturnal in places with high human populations.

+ The bush rat is a small Australian nocturnal animal.

+ The bongo is a nocturnal antelope.

+ The rufous hare-wallaby is a nocturnal herbivore that eats herbs, leaves and seeds.

+ The big brown bat is a nocturnal animal.

+ The Senegal bushbaby, also known as the Senegal galago, lesser galago, or lesser bushbaby is a small, nocturnal primate which lives in trees.

+ It is a nocturnal creature and spends most of its waking hours looking for food in trees.

+ It is nocturnal and its diet consist of insects such as ants.

+ The lorisodea species includes nocturnal species such as the Malagasy Lemur roidea.

+ Scientists sometimes use the word “crepuscular” to describe nocturnal animals that are not active when it is very dark at night; they are mostly active near dawn, dusk, and sometimes when the moon makes a lot of light.

+ They are nocturnal which means that they are active during the night.

+ The Horned Viper is nocturnal and terrestrial, and is usually found buried underneath the sand.

+ There is still some truth in the “small, nocturnal insectivores” stereotype, but recent finds show that proto-mammals gradually developed a variety of lifestyles.

+ Most are nocturnal and appear to feed on detritus.

+ Seeing in the dark: vision and visual behaviour in nocturnal bees and wasps.

+ Shore crabs are a nocturnal predator which means it hunts at night.

+ The cinereus shrew can be diurnal or Nocturnal animalsnocturnal depending on the weather.

+ They are nocturnal carnivorecarnivorous and eat small mammals, birds and reptiles.

+ The nocturnal bottleneck and the evolution of activity patterns in mammals.

+ Also it is not a “small nocturnal insectivore”.

+ This is called a nocturnal emission or a wet dream.

+ Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals and they hibernate between November and March.

+ They tend to be nocturnal and are often confused with grasshoppers because they have a similar body structure including jumping hind legs.

+ The Nurse shark is a nocturnal animal that rests on sandy bottoms or in caves or crevices in shallow waters during the day.

+ Nocturnal transport is divided into two main types: urban nocturnal transport and inter-urban nocturnal transport.

+ It breaks the “small nocturnal insectivore” stereotype.

+ The slender loris is a nocturnal hunter.

+ It is a small nocturnal primate with large eyes.

+ They are about They are nocturnal omnivores that do not need to drink water.

+ Most are nocturnal or twilight feeders.

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